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LiquidSky last won the day on March 19

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  1. Then so do people of other faiths who believe in God which doesnt accept Gurbani make them Atheists. I believe in Gurbani.
  2. How do you define a good Muslim. Is a Muslim thats good to you a good Muslim or one who is following their Religion?
  3. Its all to do with misinformation. They work like Psychopaths by love bombing you, tell you beautiful things. Even to go as far as lying about other people and make you feel like you're special. Then once you convert, you see the real Islam and you wont be able to leave because they can kill you for apostasy. Does this mean that they worship a Psychopathic deity who has no compassion for non-muslims (even if some people say he created non-muslims as well) or are they mistaken in translation? Or are they mistaking lower god's with a Primal God (Source).
  4. You really dont understand what I am posting so i'll just leave it as that.
  5. Do you think Gurbani supports a psychopathic god if Guru Nanak came for peace?
  6. Where is your mind gone? Im not entertaining you. I dont worship a psychopath. Did you know that Your God Yahweh kills babies? What have the babies done? You claim to be a Gnostic but youre the first Gnostic that believes in mainstream Christainty. Im sorry Yahweh is not my lord. Neither is Lord used in Gurbani. "Attack my own God", give me a break. "exhibit 1, exhibit 2, exhibit 3"? You have issues.
  7. Im not biblically versed but I merely looked at Yahweh's character and Jesus's character and two dont seem the same. I'm just going by history and a lot of Jewish people dont like Jesus because in their eyes he had commited blasphemy. In the video the guys quoted saying, "If God were your father you would love me......" Personally I am a beliver of multiple god's. Even Jews in the past used to believe in multiple god's but they now believe in One God but this doesnt mean other God's dont exist. This is why Yahweh is a jealous. Yahweh in the biblical canon wants to be the only one to be worshipped.
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