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Everything posted by HSD1

  1. The Birmingham Mail have done a fantastic job of rubbing the pigs' noses in their own incompetence.
  2. This article should be banned for Buddhismophobia and considered a hate article. Also all these are alleged crimes - why are they not called alleged in the aricle - how do we know that the Rohingya didnt just get on the boats to rape little children elsewhere and steal from their hosts in another country? It wouldnt be the first time their lot would try it.......... What do any of you know of true Buddhism? Just because you interpret your religion in the most basic fashion as anything more is too complicated, doesnt mean everyone else has to. According to your interpretation Buddhist doctors wouldnt prescribe antibiotics that kill bacteria even if it means their patient would die as that would be hurting life. Engage your brains before your mouths, Buddhism has a long history of warrior monks in dark times from Kennyo Kosa to monks of Myanmar today. I think that it is laughable that 'SIkhs' choose to judge the brave people of Myanmar protecting their ancestor's heritage and children's future from Abrahamic garbage. Just because you lot have lost West Punjab and cant do anything without someone holding your hands doesnt mean you can do the typically Sikh thing of dragging others down to your level, especially other Asians. You cry over the Rohingya and Palestinians yet you dont remember what the Pakistanis did to you. Shame on you.
  3. I think if you spend your whole life worrying about other people's feeling when you dont know how or why they are the way they are then you are just exposing yourself. In the world today your kind of Sikh self-policing is a hindrance not a help. To really believe your actions are the root of further hate and violence by refusing to accept others bigotry and stupidity just screams appeasement.
  4. Well why not if God is everywhere? What's the difference in teaching and the acts themselves? The acts are examples of the teachings in the real world. If Saud can change who is allowed where why should we respect a religion that has quite clearly changed since our founders time to become more evil?
  5. It doesnt matter whether they learnt their lesson or not as it quite clearly offended them. It caused offence and you cant deny that. Why cant you point your feet at the Kabah? Are you saying you cant follow the meaning of Guru Nanak's teachings? Anyway you're not even allowed in Mecca so dont start talking about Gurmat principles in situations that would no longer arise. The other time is when the water was thrown in the other direction, dont you feel that some of the people their would have been offended at having their ritual mocked?
  6. Pointing your feet at the Kabah was insulting and jumping in a river to mock the traditions of others is pretty rude from other people's point of view. What if religions are built on hypocrisy and falsehood? Centuries after the Khalsa was formed it looks like some Sikhs have found new holy cows. Religion is not an infallible construct above criticism.
  7. Sikhi is anti-dogmatic. Guru Nanak insulted religion and belief the world over that did not fit his world view. If that's too controversial for your left wing views then good for you, but I will always value human life over human belief no matter what.
  8. Insecure people tend to hate things that counter their views or make them feel bad. Muslims have always had a chip on their shoulder due to being a load of nonsense thought up by a desert madmen and practiced by his barbarians as they ravaged the Eastern Roman and Sassanid Empires. Dawah allowed them to attack these people and take their 'stuff' without having to feel bad about it. The Spanish were the first to adopt this method which they called the Requerimiento, which they had learned after the Reconquista, to use against the Native Americans. A notorious example was when they held the Inca King hostage and told him to convert. He didnt so the Spanish used that as a reason to ransom him for gold, kill him, rape his wife and kill her before repeating this on his population just because they wouldnt accept Christ. Obviously they would have done it anyway if the Inca became Catholic, but the Dawah/Requiremento was always about giving the enemy an offer that even if you know they wont accept will absolve you of any sins when you murder, rape and loot from them. Ultimately it all boils down to the inherent jealousy, entitlement and privilege that Abrahamics feel towards others. THe rest of the posts in this thread need to be deleted.
  9. http://metro.co.uk/2015/05/29/muslim-boys-school-refuses-to-play-football-against-team-with-two-girls-on-it-5221384/
  10. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/snooker-club-used-drug-dealing-9218099?ICID=FB-Birm-main
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3072285/Shopkeeper-visited-widow-offer-condolences-days-helped-gang-kill-husband-faces-jail-guilty-manslaughter.html
  12. Politically incorrect, NSFW or for those with a weak disposition.
  13. Probably was Pakis, Birmingham nightlife is full of these lot walking around. Broad Street used to be known for its good nights out because of the apneh there and massive student population like Leicester used to be. Now you have middle aged muslim men from all over the country looking for 'drunk slags' as it aint so easy to rape kiddies on their own doorstep. I've heard of Sikhs being hassled on nights out in Birmingham and the sulleh coming from as far away as Luton! It doesnt matter whether they start on you because of your watch/girl/whatever these twits just want trouble.
  14. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/meet-secret-agent-deep-singh-hero-super-sikh-article-1.2148537#
  15. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/teacher-quits-muslim-school-he-claimed-was-riddled-with-islamism-and-antisemitism-10031055.html
  16. http://news.sky.com/story/1416946/rotherham-victim-says-abusers-untouchable
  17. No one's agreeing with breaking the law here. But when the establishment starts crying tears over muslim girls going to Syria and offering rehabilitation and lenient prison sentences to muslim men (who have killed and raped for ISIS in Syria/Iraq before missing fast food and not liking American/Persian firepower and decided to come home) - I have to ask why things like these Sikhs have done are punished harder. Some of the above have longer sentences than the paedos! I dont know how Gurdwaras in Leicester are run, but why do we always have to find the Panj Pyare? Surely they should lead and not hole themselves away from the Sikh masses? I think a lot of people have forgotten details of this case. A Midland Sikh community told not to rock the boat even though the explosion of Mulism fundamentalists setting up shop in their town was leading to massive tension in the schools and streets. Kaljug SIngh and I both talked about how HUT types down south were leaving due not being able to afford to live here and wherever they ended up North would lead to a massive increase in grief for any Sikhs who live there. Luton and Leicester had some of the biggest house price falls in 2009 and large housing stock at the time of the benefit cuts. Look how horrendous the grooming situation is there now. A girl who's family problems were exploited by devious men who made things worse. A social service and police force who reinforced the abuse and humilated the family and community. A last cry of help from the family desperate to stop their girl being sucked into a pernicious and barbaric alien community. The communities reaction to stop being used as human shield by the establishment to protect their core communities from the extremists. The trial where the fewest who could be prosecuted where held to account. On the verge of a massive case and another example of Islamic Lawfare the girl pre-empted it all by living truthfully and not holding back. Accounts of her being driven into a Gurdwara car park and made to have sex along with exposing just how many outstanding pillars of the local muslim community where happy to pay to have sex with a 16 year old SIkh girl were enough to get the few on trial to admit their guilt before their whole community ended up on trial. After all that it was somehow still our fault. Where as poor muslims and whites never seem to be blamed for their actions, we are blamed when someone else does it to us. If young muslim men cant be to blame for beheading civlians how on earth are these men guilty for what they did? Exactly how many more underage Sikh girls and boys must be sacrificed at the altar of 'community cohesion' before we say enough is enough? To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
  18. Shooting Hari Singh Nalwa in the back when he acheived victory at Jamrud over 60,000 Afghans. Or murdering the odd drunken soldier in Lahore. Or giving the wrong supplies to your own side during the First Anglo Sikh war. With bravery like that it's no wonder you have to appropriate other people's heroes or make up fairy tales to keep your ego up!
  19. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/birmingham-hotel-under-age-girls-underwear-8505152
  20. Are these the same troops who razed the Dogra's estates after the Khalsa's defeat in 1846? Are they the same troops who were begged by the masses of Kashmir to fight the British and Dogras after the sale of Kashmir as they knew what life would be like under the Dogras? Marshal Zorawar Singh died when the ruler of Punjab (of which Kashmir was just the northern part) was Emperor Ranjit I, who is this Mahraja Gulab Singh? There is a campaign of misinformation, by the very people accusing others of misinformation, the usual suspects as usual.
  21. Currently gunshots going on around the synagogue nearby now.
  22. http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Leicester-men-jailed-joining-paranoid-campaign/story-25986571-detail/story.html
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