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THE YEAR 2012 ? End of the World ?


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The mayan calendar ends at 2012, implying that they could not predict what lay beyond that age and that it is for us to write. It's not the end of the world, that idea is just based on a misunderstanding of mayan calendar combined with probably christian doomsday ideas.

That being said, there is a remarkable confluence of religious traditions making it clear that kaljug will progressively worsen leading to a massive catastrophic war. many saints also predict such a war (WW3) beginning around 2012. It's quite possible that nothing will happen at 2012, as people do ardass for peace the war's start point could get pushed back.

But it will happen. My uncle heard from Baba Kulvant Singh ji of Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib that 'there will come a time when every sikh has a gutka sahib in one hand and a kirpan in the other at all times', basically metaphorically saying that sikhs will need to remain constantly tyar bar tyar and immersed in bani just to survive.

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I wouldn't go as far as putting a date on it, but the situations / scenarios that Guru Gobind Singh Ji mentioned that eventually lead to the end of Kaljug have started happening, but it's nowhere near as bad yet.

I wouldn't give much credence to Mayan prophecies - they welcomed the Spanish thinking that they were divine.....ended up being wiped out.

Xylitol, I too have heard similar stories as your uncle. One that I found particularly chilling was that a time will come when violence will be used to try and rid the world of religion & religious symbols. It will get to the point that even people who discard the symbols but have some sign e.g. marks on the legs from Kacharey, will be executed. These types of events lead to the events described at the end of Chaubis Avtar.

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i have also heard about Bachans of Various Brahmgyanis as well but they never mentioned any date

Baba Mahaharnam Singh Ji Bhucho Kalan : 5 Brahmgyanis will come and try to establish order when kalyug will be at its worst

Baba Nand Singh ji : 13 di ginti hovegi, counting of 13s will prevail (not sure what he meant by that), Gurmukhi will be the main language, Guru Nanak Da jhanda jhoolega

Baba Ishar Singh ji also said he will also come back and fight along with Singhs.

Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji also talked about Shaheed Singhs coming back and maintaining order.

But none of them mentioned any dates, they just gave an indication that such phase will come.

I guess we should just follow the path showed by our Gurus and try to make our Human Birth successful

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I wouldn't go as far as putting a date on it, but the situations / scenarios that Guru Gobind Singh Ji mentioned that eventually lead to the end of Kaljug have started happening, but it's nowhere near as bad yet.

I wouldn't give much credence to Mayan prophecies - they welcomed the Spanish thinking that they were divine.....ended up being wiped out.

The Mayan establishment welcoming the Spanish is slightly different from shamanic prophecy. From what I know of Amazonian shamanism, 2012 is a regular them in their form of contemplation, signalling a turning point in the universe, not the end of the world. Descriptions of visions of vibrations of increasing frequency leading up to that point and the idea that the current state of the universe will be inverted are common, not just in traditional verbal tradition but also from contemporary anthropologists studying and participating in their rites.

When the actual war happens etc is debatable. As far as religious persecution goes, I am of the opinion that it will present itself in the garb of religion. Extremist Islam already holds sway over Asia and North Africa, extremist Christianity holds sway over North America and is making inroads into Africa and parts of Asia and Australasia. They openly speak about how their actions are intended to bring forward the end of the world and are about as united as such a large interest group can probably be - when the evangelicals vote they pretty much decide who the president of the US will be. I digress, but my point is there - it will be the religious extremists and maybe militant atheists doing all the damage.

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Actually the maya prophecised their own destruction, or rather the King acted in order to overcome the prophecy, but in so acting he caused the prophecy to happen.


a good book on maya if you are interested

Nothing is written in stone, '2012' is a metaphorical year, the significance of the year is not in its dimension as time, but its closeness. By this I mean people FEEL as though we are close to the brink. So to put a major catastrophe about 4 years away shows people, are not presently living correctly. If doomsday was said to be in 100 years time, the world would be a realtively good place, if 100000 years time then it would be near satjug, I despise the linear one dimensional thinking somewhat epitomised in vinegars post, horizontal i believe someone called it, real events or political events are pale shadows compared to the truer world of ideas.

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What has that got to do with anything? All I have done is stated my opinion that the religious persecution as mentioned by Xylitol ant Matheen will be manifest in the form of extremist 'religious' people oppressing the moderates or 'true' believers.

As far as the 2012 thing goes, like I stated in the post, it is not my opinion but that of various practitioners of Amazonian shamanism/ayahuasceros ets that have told me this. It may be '4 years from now' at the moment, but it wasn't '4 years from now' when first prophesied by the shamans centuries ago. This is in contrast to your imaginary fabrication of what significance this date has to these people, no matter how appealing it is to your way of thought (which, given that you think you know how I think from a 30 word post on the internet, does not inspire confidence).

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I find this whole subject laughable and can't believe so many people are taking it seriously. I look forward to the new round of theories when we reach 2012 and perhaps another Golden Eagle landing on Darbar Sahib (remember that).

ਜਾ ਕਰਤਾ ਸਿਰਠੀ ਕਉ ਸਾਜੇ ਆਪੇ ਜਾਣੈ ਸੋਈ ॥

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I find these theories alarming. Who knows what will happen if anything, but it is true, an awful lot of people talk of the year 2012 and some people say theres no such thing as coincidence.

Why that year and none other? Even astrologers speak of the year although they just say there will be ramifications.

The foretold future looks grim to say the least, I don't understand why it has to be that way. Guru ji told us quite a bit, but I think it is awful that there might come a time when we will need to look so hard to find a singh, especially since I am married to one and have given birth to one in the making! (well if he wants to be a singh - that's up to him)

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  • 1 year later...

i wanna open this discussion back up again..........I recently went to the smamgem in Loughbrough, UK and had chance to do some vichaar with Giani Thakur Singh Ji, he again mentioned specifically, the Mayan Calander and 2012...........he went on to tell a sakhi of Sant Harnam Singh Ji ( Rampur khereh) wale and how sant ji made a massive lists of things They wanted to happen........The Guru Gobind Singh ji appeared before him and picked up the list and went through it.

Guru ji, ticked the things that could be done and then some things he said "No" Sant Ji questioned as to why they could not happen and Guru Ji said "these things must happen......because Akaal Purakh and willed them to happen.........."

It just got me thinking that maybe 2012 is an inevitable thing that has been, and maybe will be posponed but will surly come to pass.......

any thoughts?

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This is what i have heard!

...about 2012, there is nothing that will happen in that year, but this will start to happen, there will be signs in the sky's. With respect to kalki avtar, he will be born into a brahmin family, within a village in india and when his birth occurs, there will be vibrations that will travel across the land and people will know about it. Sikhi will be reduced just to its name and people will forget the teachings and god will be forgotten, and this is when the shaheeds and kalki come back to re-instate the belief in god. Wars will break out and then a 'Jarnail' will rise. from what I have gathered is that people will confuse this as Jarnail Bhindranwalay. This is wrong as the 'Jarnail' that will rise will be the Khalsa Army and this will rise fron the west and spread to the east. The War that that will take place has already started, and will start in Kabul, where there are 2 energies, one being Naich Lank Avtar, who will come back as Dasam Guru Ji and people that have started other panths i.e Radhasoami, Darsha Dass will be thrown into the pits of hell.

We are only 500-600 years into Kalyug, and we have 5000 years left of it. When Kalki comes, he will bring Satyug into Kalyug, meaning they whom renounce the name of god will be taken into satyug. People will start sleeping with their own, and there will be no difference between brother and sister as they will also partake in intercourse and people will become grrand paretns at the age of 20 years of age. This is when Guruji/Kalki will come back.



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Guru ji, ticked the things that could be done and then some things he said "No" Sant Ji questioned as to why they could not happen and Guru Ji said "these things must happen......because Akaal Purakh and willed them to happen.........."

and then

It just got me thinking that maybe 2012 is an inevitable thing that has been, and maybe will be posponed but will surly come to pass.......

i'm not sure how you managed to connect the two, but rather than it having been delayed maybe we should wait for 2012 first. mind you no matter what, whenever something major happens, people start going on about nostradamus and other mumbo-jumbo.

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