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English Translation Of Prof. Sahib Singh's Katha Of Japji Sahib

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Seventeenth pauri:

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਜਪ ਅਸੰਖ ਭਾਉ ॥

Asankh Jap Asankh Bhaao(o)..

In God's creation there are countless beings who perform Jap and there are countless who show love to others

ਅਸੰਖ ਪੂਜਾ ਅਸੰਖ ਤਪ ਤਾਉ ॥

Asankh Pooja Asankh Tap Taao(u)..

In God's creation there are countless beings who perform pooja (worship services) and there are countless beings who hurt their bodies

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ - Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਜਪ -Jap -meditation, chanting

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਭਾਉ -Bhaao(o)-love

ਅਸੰਖ -- Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਪੂਜਾ --worships

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਤਪ ਤਾਉ - Tap Taao(u)(two words)-the act of causing harm or pain to the body in an attempt to find God

In a Nutshell :

In the creation of the timeless being, there are uncountable beings who meditate, infinite beings who behave lovingly with others. Many beings perform acts of pooja (worship). Many perform acts of tap where they hurt their bodies in an attempt to become close with the divine or become purified.

A Little Deeper:

God's creation is limitless. So many people perform Jap. This number is beyond measure. So many people perform taap. They cause pain to their bodies in order to meet God. The number of people who do this is also beyond measure. Guru ji is talking about God's creation. The only word found to describe it is Asankh or limitless! Countless people show love to others. So many people are on the path of Tap. Countless are the many who fast, pull the hair off their heads, receive beatings, and withdraw from the world. Some live miserable in celibacy or silence. Some make painful promises and wander barefoot to please God. Some beat their own bodies! The number of beings on such paths is forever limitless!

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਗਰੰਥ ਮੁਖਿ ਵੇਦ ਪਾਠ ॥

Asankh Granth Mukh(i) Vayd Paatth..

In God's creation there are Countless beings recite with their mouth the prayers from the Vedas and other religious scriptures

ਅਸੰਖ ਜੋਗ ਮਨਿ ਰਹਹਿ ਉਦਾਸ ॥

Asankh Joag Man(eh) Rah(eh) (O)udaas,,

In God's creation there are Countless beings who follow the way of the yogis and within their minds remain detached from the world (maya)

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਗਰੰਥ - religious scriptures/books/texts

ਮੁਖਿ -with the mouth

ਵੇਦ -the Vedas

ਪਾਠ -the prayers from these

ਗਰੰਥ ਵੇਦ ਪਾਠ -Granth Vayd Paatth-the prayers from the Vedas as well as other religious scriptures/books

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਜੋਗ -to do devotional worship in the way that is popular with the yogis/the practices of the yogis

ਮਨਿ -within the mind/within the soul/within the being

ਰਹਹਿ -to stay

ਉਦਾਸ - distinct form the world/detached from the world/to renounce the world

ਉਦਾਸ ਰਹਹਿ- to stay distinct/to stay unattached from the world

In a Nutshell :

Infinite beings recite with their mouths the prayers from the Vedas and other religious texts. So many follow the practices of the Jogis and infinite people within their minds/souls remain distinct/unattached from maya.

A Little Deeper:

In God's creation there are countless beings who recite the Bible or the Koran or Vedas with their mouths. There are limitless people who follow the path of the scriptures. They recite them over and over even today. The number of those who are on this path is infinite. There are also countless people who follow the path of Yoga and they become hermits. They leave their home and become detached within their mind/soul. They leave behind all worldly things. So many many people follow such paths.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਭਗਤ ਗੁਣ ਗਿਆਨ ਵੀਚਾਰ ॥

Asankh Bhagat Gun Geh(a)aan Veechaar..

In God's creation there are countless devotees who ponder upon and describe the virtues and divine .

ਅਸੰਖ ਸਤੀ ਅਸੰਖ ਦਾਤਾਰ ॥

Asankh Satee Asankh Daataar..

In God's creation there are countless benevolent beings, countless are those who give (are full with the spirit of giving) to others

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable,infinate

ਭਗਤ -devotee/one who performs devotion

ਗੁਣ -vitures

ਗਿਆਨ -divine knowledge/knowledge/vast knowledge

ਵੀਚਾਰ - discourse/description/noticing/paying mind to

ਗੁਣ ਵੀਚਾਰ- Paying mind/noticing/describing/discussing the virtues of the timeless being/to ponder upon the virtues of The Timeless Being

ਗਿਆਨ ਵੀਚਾਰ-Geh(a)aan Veechaar- Paying mind/pondering upon/noticing/describing/discussing the divine knowlege of God

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਸਤੀ -those who give. those who follow sat, those who are great benefactors

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਦਾਤਾਰ - those who give to others, givers, benefactors, persons of charity, givers of gifts, givers of blessings

In a Nutshell :

In the creation of The Timeless Beings, there are countless devotees, who ponder upon/ describe the virtues and divine knowledge of the timeless being. There are many benevolent ones who bestow gifts upon others.

A Little Deeper:

In God's creation there are countless devotees who ponder upon God's virtues and God's giaan (divine knowledge). Infinite people wonder day and night what God is like. They wonder about how he looks and feels and sounds and smells. They wonder what color is hair is and if he has hair. They wonder what his (or her) body is like and if God has a body. They wonder about the knowledge of God. What is the source of creation? What are God's secrets? Why did God make things the way God made them? The number of beings who ponder of this are infinite! Those who try to discuss and describe God are limitless! Infinite people say infinite things Infinite times. There is no end to those who try to describe God's virtues and knowledge!

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਸੂਰ ਮੁਹ ਭਖ ਸਾਰ ॥

Asankh Soor Muh Bhak Saar..

In God's creation there are countless warriors who with God's grace can bear the brunt of attacks by all types of weapons

ਅਸੰਖ ਮੋਨਿ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ ਤਾਰ ॥

Asankh Moan(i) Liv Laa(e)eh Taar..

In God's creation there are countless beings who observe silence and partake in single minded concentration

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਸੂਰ -Soor - warriors/heroes

ਮੁਹ -Muh -on the face/on the mouth

ਭਖਸਾਰ -BhakSaar- Ones who eat iron, ones who are strong and can bear the brunt of attacks with different weapons.

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable,infinate

ਮੋਨਿ -Moan(i) -those who keep silent/ those who keep a vow of silence/those who don’t speak

ਲਿਵ -Liv -concentration, absorption

ਲਾਇ -Laa(e)eh -to place/to keep

ਤਾਰ - Taar-stream of consciousness/string

ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ ਤਾਰ-Liv Laa(e)eh Taar- to keep steady on the string of single minded concentration/ to be in one pointed concentration/absorption/ to keep your focus/attention on a single point

In a Nutshell :

In the creation of the Timeless Being, there are infinite warriors who upon their faces (meaning after becoming Sanmukh(u), one who faces the Guru ) are able to face and handle (without hurting) attacks from many weapons. There are infinite beings who remain silent, they remain with one pointed consciousness and inner absorption.

A Little Deeper:

In God's creation there are infinite warriors who fight each day . They are able to withstand any attack by any weapon with the grace of God. The number of such warriors is countless. In God's creation so many keep silence. They run to jungles to find God. They focus single-mindedly within themselves. They renounce the world and don't talk to a soul. They leave behind their families to go wondering. The number of those who do this is infinite. It can not be counted !

Overall Meaning:

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥

Kudrateh Kavan Kahaa Veechaar(u)..

What strength do I have to describe the creation of the creator.

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ ਏਕ ਵਾਰ ॥

Vaareh(a)aa Na Jaavaa (E)ayk Vaar..

I can't even once be a sacrifice to you.

Word By Word:

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ -Kudrateh -power, strength

ਕਵਣ -Kavan -which one/which

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ-Kudrateh Kavan- which power ? which strength? Kudrateh is a feminine word so this is it's adjective.

ਕਹਾ -Kahaa - I tell/I say

ਵੀਚਾਰੁ -Veechaar(u)-describe/give discourse/tell of

ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ -Kahaa Veechaar(u)..- I describe/ I say / I tell of

ਵਾਰਿਆ -Vaareh(a)aa - sacrifice/to be a sacrifice

ਨ -Na -negation word/can't

ਜਾਵਾ -Jaavaa -to go

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ-Vaareh(a)aa Na Jaavaa- I can not be a sacrifice,

ਏਕ -(E)ayk -one

ਵਾਰ - Vaar-time

In a Nutshell :

Oh Lord ! What power do I have to describe the greatness of your creation. I cant even once be a sacrifice to you ! Whatever pleases you is good.

A Little Deeper:

Oh what power do I have to describe your Creation God. What strength do I have to describe the size and greatness and beauty of the universes and spheres ? How do I describe nature? What power do I have to fathom the little and big things you have made? The things which are in your control. Everything is so big and we humans are so tiny how can we describe God? God is grandest of the grand and the creation is a masterpiece beyond limits! I cant not once even sacrifice myself to you Lord, you are so great. What you have created is so great !

Overall Meaning:

ਜੋ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਸਾਈ ਭਲੀ ਕਾਰ ॥

Joa Tudh(u) Bhaavai Saa(e)ee Bhalee Kaar..

Oh Lord, whatever pleases your will, that doing, that action, that work is good

ਤੂ ਸਦਾ ਸਲਾਮਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ॥੧੭॥

Too Sada Salaamat(i) Nehrankaar..17..

O Nehrankaar, O formless being Lord , you are eternal and never-ending , you are the one who will always exist..17..

Word By Word:

ਜੋ -Joa -whatever, that which

ਤੁਧੁ -Tudh(u) -you

ਭਾਵੈ -Bhaavai -pleases

ਸਾਈ -Saa(e)ee -that

ਭਲੀ -Bhalee -good

ਕਾਰ - Kaar-work, doing, action

ਸਾਈ ਕਾਰ -Saa(e)ee Kaar-that action, the work, that doing

ਤੂ -Too -you

ਸਦਾ -Sada -always, forever

ਸਲਾਮਤਿ -Salaamat(i) -eternal/never-ending/always existent/ never dying/one who will always exist and live on

ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ -Nehrankaar- O Lord, O God, Lord/God

In a Nutshell :

So what strength do I have do describe the creation of the creator? Oh timeless being , I am not capable of being a sacrifice to you even once! Meaning my power (strength ) is very limited, Oh Formless Lord! You are never ending ! You will always remain eternal ! Whatever seems good to you, that doing, that work is good(meaning it is good to live in your divine will).17.

A Little Deeper:

Oh God what ever pleases you is good . Whatever you do is always good. You keep creation in harmony and everything happens for a reason! Your will controls all, life, death, birth, the rock cycle, water cycle, phases of the moon, development of beings, all these are in your divine hukam. You keep the universes in equilibrium through your grand hukam. Your hukam is always for the best. Whatever makes you happy is good. You play this world drama yet remain unattached. Oh formless Lord, you will live forever, you are beyond the limits of time! This world drama may end but you will always exist ! God will always exist and create worlds and planets and things beyond our imagination ! God is grander than anything and his creation is limitless ! Whatever makes you happy God, that alone is good, you are never-ending never dying and beyond any shape or form! Meaning: In way of finding the limits of all of God's creation If your were only to count those humans who do Jap, Tap, Pooja, read prayers of Dharamic books, who are Joag, who take samadhi aadehk and follow this way, even the lekha or written count of just these humans will never be finished (it is infinite/countless).17.

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  • 2 months later...

Eighteenth pauri:

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਮੂਰਖ ਅੰਧ ਘੋਰ ॥

Asankh Moorakh Andh ghor..

In the creation of the timeless being there are countless great fools (the most foolish imaginable)

ਅਸੰਖ ਚੋਰ ਹਰਾਮਖੋਰ ॥

Asankh Chor Haraamkhor..

In the creation of the timeless being there are countless thieves who eat (steal) the property of others

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਮੂਰਖ -Moorakh -fool, idiot

ਅੰਧ -ਘੋਰ -(two words) Andh Cghoar-great 'first calibre ,first class fools, fools who are blind to reality

ਮੂਰਖ ਅੰਧ ਘੋਰ-Moorakh Andh Cghoar-the most foolish of fools, fools of the first calibre, fools who are blind to reality

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਚੋਰ --Choar- thief/robber

ਹਰਾਮਖੋਰ - Haraamkhoar-those who eat the property of others/those who eat (steal) other's wealth

In a Nutshell :

In the creation of the Timeless Being there are many fools of a great calibre, there are many thieves who steal and use the wealth of others

A Little Deeper:

God's creation is limitless. If we just counted the amount of great fools they would be limitless. If we just counted the amount of thieves who keep on stealing and eat the property of others then this number would be limitless.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਅਮਰ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਹਿ ਜੋਰ ॥

Asankh Amar Kari Jaahi Joar..

Countless are those who spend their lives as tyrants giving orders to others, and they leave their lives in the midst of oppressing others by force

ਅਸੰਖ ਗਲਵਢ ਹਤਿਆ ਕਮਾਹਿ ॥

Asankh Galwad Hatiaaa Kamaahi..

Countless are the murderers who spend their lives cutting throats of others and they leave the world as murderers

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਅਮਰ -Amar -hukam(u),order,will

ਕਰਿ -Kar(i) -to do

ਜਾਹਿ -Jaaheh -to be done/to have done

ਕਰਿ ਜਾਹਿ-Kar(i) Jaaheh - Keep doing all one's life, in the end of life to have kept doing (to have fully spent all one's life doing), to leave after spending all one's life doing

ਜੋਰ - Joar- by push, by force, pushing around

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਗਲਵਢ -Galwad -a cut throat, murderer, killer

ਹਤਿਆ -Hateh(a)aa -murder, killing

ਕਮਾਹਿ - Kamaah(i)-to do,to have done,to do over and over

ਹਤਿਆ ਕਮਾਹਿ-Hateh(a)aa Kamaah(i)-those who keep on cutting other's throats ,those who keep killing others, those who over and over again murder others

In a Nutshell :

There are many (countless) types of people who give orders to others by force and in the end they leave the world like this (in the midst of this lifestyle).There are many murderers who cut others throats.

A Little Deeper:

God's creation is limitless. If we counted just the number of those who give their orders to others, those tyrants who rule by force and leave the world in the midst of this , that number would be countless. If we just counted the murderers who cut the throats of others and continue murdering and leave the world in this way than that number too would be uncountable.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਪਾਪੀ ਪਾਪੁ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਹਿ ॥

Asankh Paapee Paapu Kari Jaahi..

The number of sinners who sin over and over is countless

ਅਸੰਖ ਕੂੜਿਆਰ ਕੂੜੇ ਫਿਰਾਹਿ ॥

Asankh Koorhiaaar Koorhay Firaahi..

Countless are those liars who are filled with the spirit of falsehood, those who remain busy wrapped up in their lies

Word By Word:-

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh –uncountable, infinite

ਪਾਪੀ -Paapee –sinner, one who sins

ਪਾਪੁ -Paap(u) -to sin

ਕਰਿ -Kar(i) -to do

ਜਾਹਿ - Jaaheh-to be done/to have done

ਪਾਪੁ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਹਿ - Paap(u) Kar(i) Jaaheh-to leave after having sinned, to sin all one’s life and die still sinning, to be a sinner till the end, to leave this world after spending all one's life sinning

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਕੂੜਿਆਰ -Koordheh(a)aar - those humans whose hearts are rooms (homes ) of falsehood, those humans within whose heart is koordh (falsehood), those who are filled with the spirit of lying (falsehood).

ਕੂੜੇ -Koordhay -within falsehood, within falseness, inside lies, inside falsehood (rujay)

ਫਿਰਾਹਿ - Fehraaheh-those who wander in falseness, those who roam around in falseness, those stuck roaming in falseness, those who are busy in falsehood.

In a Nutshell :

There are many sinful people who sin and sin all their lives and in the end they leave this world still sinners, still committing their sins. There are many liars, with the spirit of falsehood, they remain busy in their lies.

A Little Deeper:

God's creation is limitless, If we just counted the number of those sinners who sin over and over and keep sinning and leave the world wrapped in their sin than just this number alone would be countless. If we counted the number of those who lie and keep lying and are busy lying and are wrapped in their falsehood then this number alone too would be countless.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਮਲੇਛ ਮਲੁ ਭਖਿ ਖਾਹਿ ॥

Asankh Malaych Mal(u) Bhakeh Khaaheh..

Countless are those with a filthy mind who eat dirt (fill themselves with filthy thoughts over and over)

ਅਸੰਖ ਨਿੰਦਕ ਸਿਰਿ ਕਰਹਿ ਭਾਰੁ ॥

Asankh Nindak Siri Karhi Bhaaru..

Countless are those who slander others and (due to this slander) they put the weight of other's shortcomings over their own head.

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਮਲੇਛ -Malaych those with a dirty mind, those with dirty thoughts, those with a filthy mindset

ਮਲੁ -Mal(u) -dirt, filth

ਭਖਿ -Bhakeh

ਖਾਹਿ – Khaaheh - eat

ਭਖਿ ਖਾਹਿ-Bhakeh Kaaheh- Like a hungry person who runs to food and keeps eating (as if they have never seen food , eat like there’s no tomarrow, eat with a passion) - Bakh and Kaaheh are both rooted in sanskrit , both words mean eat- In the third pauri as well there is an example like this which is the phrase Khaahe Khaahe, where we see that both verbs are used together.*** So basically Bhakeh means eat and Khaaheh also means eat. Together they mean to eat and eat endlessly.

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਨਿੰਦਕ -Nindak -slanderer

ਸਿਰਿ -Sireh -on the head

ਕਰਹਿ -Karheh -to do/to take/in this sense to carry

ਭਾਰੁ - Bhaar(u)-weight

ਸਿਰਿ ਕਰਹਿ ਭਾਰੁ -Sireh Karheh Bhaar(u)-to carry weight on one's head, to take weight on one's head

In a Nutshell :

(and) there are many with (khoatee) intellect and they go on eating dirt (meaning akhaaj). Many slanderers (after slandering) go on putting the weight of this slander on their own heads.

A Little Deeper:

God's creation is limitless. If we were only to count the number of those who have a filthy mind and eat filth as their ration than this number itself would be uncountable. If we just counted the amount of people who slander others (and put the weight of this slander, the weight of others avgun on their own head) than that number would be limitless.

If we were just to count the amount of people who slander others and take the weight of their shortcomings upon their own head (by slandering them) then that number alone is infinite. Here Guru Naanak Dev Ji does not want to be self righteous or have a holier than thou attitude.

Overall Meaning:

ਨਾਨਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥

Naanaku Neech(u) Kahai Veechaar(u)..

Poor Lowly Naanak (this is Guru Sahib’s humility) gives this bare attempt at understanding

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ ਏਕ ਵਾਰ ॥

Waareh(a)aa Na Jaavaa (E)ayk Waar..

I can't even once be a sacrifice to you..

Word By Word:

ਨਾਨਕੁ -Naanaku -Guru Naanak

ਨੀਚੁ -Neech(u) -low, lowly,poor (wealthwise/virtue wise),poor as in misfortunate

ਨਾਨਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ -Naanaku Neech(u) - Guru Naanak the lowly, Poor Guru Naanak (Guru Naanak Dev Ji just uses the word Naanak not Guru infront)

ਕਹੈ -Kahai -to say

ਵੀਚਾਰੁ - Veechaar(u)-description

ਵਾਰਿਆ -Vaariaaa - sacrifice/to be a sacrifice

ਨ -Na -negation word/can't

ਜਾਵਾ -Jaawaa -to go

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ-Waareh(a)aa Na JaaWaa- I can not be a sacrifice,

ਏਕ -(E)ayk -one

ਵਾਰ - Vaar-time

In a Nutshell :

Oh Formless Lord. So many more are stuck in bad actions (works), what is my strength that I can fully describe your creation? Poor Naanak gives (this bare, close to nothing) understanding.

Guru ji says that he is no better than these people and calls himself lowly. This is the way saints are . They are full of great humility because no human is perfect. If we were perfect why would we need God. All virtues come through God's grace. Humility is the essence of virtue so Guru Ji is placing himself beneath all by calling himself neechu. Guru Ji says what strength do I have to describe your creation. I can not even once be a sacrifice to you.

** A note about Naanak(u) Neech(u)- In this line the word Naanak(u) is in the subject case at it is a masculine word. The word Neech(u) is its adjective and it is also masculine and it is used with the word Naanak(u) for that reason. SatGuru Ji is calling himself lowly, this is his spirit of griebee, spirit of humility and we see this spirit in other places as well. For example

(੧) ਮੈ ਕੀਤਾ ਨ ਜਾਤਾ ਹਰਾਮਖੋਰ। ਹਉ ਕਿਆ ਮੁਹੁ ਦੇਸਾ ਦੁਸਟੁ ਚੋਰ। ਨਾਨਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ। ਧਾਣਕ ਰੂਪਿ ਰਹਾ ਕਰਤਾਰ।੪।੨੯। (ਸਿਰੀ ਰਾਗ ਮਹਲਾ ੧)।

(1) Mai Keeta Na Jaataa Jaraamkhoar. Hao(u) Keh(a)aa Muh(u) Daysaa Dust(u) Choar. Naanak(u) Neech(u) Kahai Beechaar(u). Dhaank Roopeh Rahaa Kartaar.4.29.(Sehree Raag Mahlaa 1).

੨) ਜੁਗੁ ਜੁਗੁ ਸਾਚਾ ਹੈ ਭੀ ਹੋਸੀ। ਕਉਣੁ ਨ ਮੂਆ ਕਉਣੁ ਨ ਮਰਸੀ। ਨਾਨਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਬੇਨੰਤੀ, ਦਰਿ ਦੇਖਹੁ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਈ ਹੇ।੧੬।੨। (ਮਾਰੂ ਮਹਲਾ ੧, ਸੋਹਲੇ)।

Jug(u) Jug(u) Saachaa Hai Bhee Hoasee. Ko(u)n(u) Na Moo(a)aa Ko(u)n(u) Na Marsee. Naanak(u) Neech(u) Kahai Bayn(n)tee Dareh Daysh(u) Lehv Laa(e)ee Hay.16.2.(Maaroo Mahlaa 1, Soajlay).

((੩) ਕਥਨੀ ਕਰਉ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਓਰੁ। ਗੁਰੁ ਪੁਛਿ ਦੇਖਿਆ ਨਾਹੀ ਦਰੁ ਹੋਰੁ। ਦੁਖੁ ਸੁਖੁ ਭਾਣੈ ਤਿਸੈ ਰਜਾਇ। ਨਾਨਾਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ।੮।੪। (ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧)।

Kthnee Krou Na Aaawai oru. Guru Puchh Daykhiaaa Naahee Dru Horu. Dukhu Sukhu Bhaanai tisai Rjaaei. Naanaaku Neechu Khai liw laaei. . . (Gourhee Mhlaa 1)

Line by Line

ਜੋ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਸਾਈ ਭਲੀ ਕਾਰ ॥

Joa Tudh(u) Bhaavai Saa(e)ee Bhalee Kaar..

Oh Lord, whatever pleases your will, that doing, that action, that work is good

ਤੂ ਸਦਾ ਸਲਾਮਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ॥੧੮॥

Too Sadaa Salaamat(i) Nirnakaar..18..

O Nirnakaar , O formless being Lord , you are eternal and never-ending , you are the one who will always exist

Word By Word:

ਜੋ -Joa -whatever, that which

ਤੁਧੁ -Tudh(u) -you

ਭਾਵੈ -Bhaavai -pleases

ਸਾਈ -Saa(e)ee -that

ਭਲੀ -Bhalee -good

ਕਾਰ - Kaar-work,doing,action

ਸਾਈ ਕਾਰ -Saa(e)ee Kaar-that action, the work, that doing

ਤੂ -Too -you

ਸਦਾ -Sada -always,forever

ਸਲਾਮਤਿ -Salaamat(i) -eternal/neverending/always existent/never dying/one who will always exist and live on

ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ -Nehrankaar- O Lord, O God, Lord/God /Formless one

In a Nutshell :

Oh timeless being , I am not capable of being a sacrifice to you even once! Meaning my power (strength ) is very limited, Oh Formless Lord! You are never ending ! You will always remain eternal ! Whatever seems good to you, that doing, that work is good(meaning it is good to live in your divine will).18.

A Little Deeper:

Oh God whatever pleases you is good. Whatever you do is always good. You keep creation in harmony and everything happens for a reason! Your will controls all, life,death,birth, the rock cycle, water cycle, phases of the moon, development of beings, all these are in your divine hukam. You keep the universes in equilibrium through your grand hukam. Your hukam is always for the best. Whatever makes you happy is good. You play this world drama yet remain unattached. Oh formless Lord, you will live forever, you are beyond the limits of time! This world drama may end but you will always exist! God will always exist and create worlds and planets and things beyond our imagination! God is grander than anything and his creation is limitless! Whatever makes you happy God, that alone is good, you are never-ending never dying and beyond any shape or form!

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Nineteenth pauri:

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਨਾਵ ਅਸੰਖ ਥਾਵ ॥

Asankh Naaw Asankh Thaaw.

In the creation of the timeless being, there are infinite names of species and items, residing in infinite places and interspaces

ਅਗੰਮ ਅਗੰਮ ਅਸੰਖ ਲੋਅ ॥

Agnam Agnam Asankh Loa.

There are so many worlds, which are way beyond any person's grasp

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਨਾਵ - Naaw -The names of the infinite species, the names of the infinite beings and all of the infinite items and things in the Timeless Being's creation,

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਥਾਵ - Thaaw-places/interspaces

ਅਗੰਮ -Agnam-something which resides beyond someones reach, that thing/place where no one can reach, the ungraspable, that which is beyond hold and beyond grasp

ਅਗੰਮ -Agnam -Agnam-something which resides beyond someones reach, that thing/place where no one can reach,the ungraspable, that which is beyond hold and beyond grasp

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh-uncountable, infinite

ਲੋਅ - Loa-planets, worlds, galaxies, places where there are beings and things

ਅਸੰਖ ਲੋਅ-Asankh Loa- Infinite planets, infinite galaxies which are the homes to infinite beings and things

In a Nutshell :

In the creation of the Timeless Being there are infinite species of beings and objects with infinite names belonging to Infinite places. Within Creation, there are so many worlds (planets) which are far beyond a person’s reach (no human can reach there in a lifetime).

*note in this stanza, there is discussion of the mud that in this creation of the Almighty Lord there are s0 many beings and creatures, so many species with so many different colors and names. There are so many that even using the word infinite (Asankh) is a mistake. However, all of this is the image of the Timeless being. There is no place that is not the image of the Timeless being. Whatever thing we see, it brings forth the presence of the Timeless Being.

A Little Deeper:

Guru ji tells us that in the Creation of the Timeless Being The amount of species and objects with their different names are countless. How can a person possibly list them all? How can we know the limits of this huge vast creation that God has made? The amount of regions where these species and beings and objects are found is countless. There are so many different universes upon universes. Although science is still looking for life in other galaxies, here Guru Nanak Dev Ji proclaims that there are an infinite amount of worlds with an infinite amount of life forms. This number is countless and beyond our imagination. Such is the vastness of what God has made. We humans are like frogs stuck in a well. We do not know what is outside the limits of what is seen. Guru Sahib tells us that there are countless worlds that are beyond the reach of human beings. There are so many species of different colors and forms and names in so many different planets . The number of these planets too is countless. Even still all this is God’s creation and God is present in each and every molecule of it. There is no place which God is not. All of this creation is in the power of the Timeless Being who made it and controls all.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਸੰਖ ਕਹਹਿ ਸਿਰਿ ਭਾਰੁ ਹੋਇ ॥

Asankh Khih Siri Bhaaru Hoei..

Oh but even to describe them as asankh, even to describe them as infinite, we put weight on our heads ( meaning there are so many bhavans and species even calling them infinite is an understatement .

ਅਖਰੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਅਖਰੀ ਸਾਲਾਹ ॥

Akhree Naamu Akhree Saalaah..

(Even though the word infinite is inadequate and there is no word big enough to describe God's creation), it is through the way of letters that we are able take the name of God and we are able to praise God

Word By Word:

ਅਸੰਖ -Asankh -uncountable, infinite

ਕਹਹਿ -Khih-to say, to describe (whichever person says)

ਸਿਰਿ -Siri- on the head, on that persons head, on top of that persons head

ਭਾਰੁ -Bhaaru-weight, great weight, heaviness

ਹੋਇ - Hoei- happens, is,

ਅਖਰੀ -Akhree-through letters

ਨਾਮੁ -Naamu- The Naamu of the Timeless Being

ਅਖਰੀ -Akhree-through letters

ਸਾਲਾਹ - Saalaah-praise, extol

In a Nutshell :

(But) whichever person tries to take the written account and uses the word Asankh, upon that person’s head is weight meaning they are making this mistake that even the word Asankh is not enough. Even the word infinite is too small and narrow to describe the expanse of creation. Although we can't describe creation and there isn't even a single word adequate enough to describe it, still it is by the way of letters we can take God's Naam and it is through letters that we praise God. We make letters into words and that is how we understand.

A Little Deeper:

Guru ji just told us that there are infinite life forms, beings and objects in infinite places, there are so many infinite places, there are infinite planets upon planets where these things are present . Mahraj explains that there are so many even to say the word infinite is a mistake. Even by calling these planets infinite we bear the weight on our head that we have underestimated God's creation. Even though no one can describe the vastness of God's creation, still through letters we are able to take the Naam of God and it is through letters that we can praise God and creation and that is why we use the word Asankh or limitless.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਖਰੀ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਗੀਤ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਹ ॥

Akhree Giaaanu Geet Gun Gaah..

It is by the way of letters that we can discuss of God's divine knowledge. It is through the use of letters we can sing the song of the Lord

ਅਖਰੀ ਲਿਖਣੁ ਬੋਲਣੁ ਬਾਣਿ ॥

Akhree Likhnu Bolanu Baani..

It is by the way of letter

Word By Word:

ਅਖਰੀ -Akhree -through letters

ਗਿਆਨੁ -Giaaanu -divine knowledge

ਗੀਤ -Geet -song

ਗੁਣ ਗਾਹ-Gun Gaah- Gun is virtue Gaah is those who sing- So those who sing God's Virtues-acquaintance of God's virtues

ਅਖਰੀ -Akhree- through letters

ਲਿਖਣੁ -Likhnu -writing/written

ਬੋਲਣੁ -Bolanu -speaking/spoken

ਬਾਣਿ ਲਿਖਣੁ- Baani Likhnu- the writing of words, the writing of speech, the writing of language

ਬਾਣਿ ਬੋਲਣੁ- Baani Bolanu-the speaking of speech, the speaking of words, the speaking of language

ਬਾਣਿ - Baani- words, speech, language

In a Nutshell :

It is through letters that one can get acquainted with God's song and virtues. It is through letters that language is written and spoken. (For this reason the word asankh has been used).

A Little Deeper:

It is by the way of letters that we can talk of God's divine knowledge and we can sing the song of the Lord. It is through letters that written and spoken languages are made. We have words to describe objects. We have spoken words which we say and words which we write; these words are made possible by different letters and different sounds. Letters are a means of telling of God. Letters are the means of making all words and languages. It is through letters and sounds made by letters that we comprehend what is around us.

Overall Meaning:

ਅਖਰਾ ਸਿਰਿ ਸੰਜੋਗੁ ਵਖਾਣਿ ॥

Akhraa Siri Snajog Wkhaani..

It is through the way of letters that a person’s destiny is explained.

ਜਿਨਿ ਏਹਿ ਲਿਖੇ ਤਿਸੁ ਸਿਰਿ ਨਾਹਿ ॥

Jini Eayhi Likhay Tisu Siri Naahi..

The Lord who has written this destiny, has no such destiny over his* head.

Word By Word:

ਅਖਰਾ ਸਿਰਿ -Akhraa Siri- By the way of the letter

ਸੰਜੋਗੁ -Snajog- the written account of destiny

ਵਖਾਣਿ - Wkhaani- (can) be shown, (can) be told, is able to be explained/told

ਜਿਨਿ -Jini- (referring to that Timeless Being God) who

ਏਹਿ -Eayhi - this letter of destiny

ਲਿਖੇ -Likhay - wrote, has written,

ਤਿਸੁ -Tisu - That Timeless Being God

ਸਿਰਿ -Siri - on the forehead of

ਤਿਸੁ ਸਿਰਿ-Tisu Siri - Upon the head of God, the Timeless Being

ਨਾਹਿ -Naahi-negation word, is not, can't be, (in this sentence this is referring to the written account of the Timeless Being, God.)

In a Nutshell :

It is through letters that a person’s destiny is written. That Timeless Being who wrote the letter of the destiny of all beings, upon that beings head is no letter, (meaning no human can write the written account of God) .

A Little Deeper:

Everything is through letters. It is through letters that one’s destiny becomes told or explained. Here Guru ji tells us that God is beyond destiny. No one can write rules which bind God the way that humans are bound. God is free from such entanglements. God is not bound by letters the way that humans are. God is not bound by language or any such thing. God has no destiny. Through the way of letters a human’s account, a humans destiny is written . God writes the destinies of all but no one can write the destiny or account of God who is beyond such rules. There is no destiny over God's head which makes God act a certain way. God is the only one who is free.

Overall Meaning:

ਜਿਵ ਫੁਰਮਾਏ ਤਿਵ ਤਿਵ ਪਾਹਿ ॥

Jiw Furmaaeay Tiw Tiw Paahi..

The way that God gives his divine order, that is the way that beings relish their destiny

ਜੇਤਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਤੇਤਾ ਨਾਉ ॥

Jaytaa Keeta Taytaa Naaou ..

All of Creation which God has brought forth is the embodiment of the Naam.

Word By Word:

ਜਿਵ -Jiw- the way (that)

ਫੁਰਮਾਏ -Furmaaeay- God gives the hukam, God gives the divine order

ਤਿਵ ਤਿਵ-Tiw Tiw- (in that) way

ਪਾਹਿ - Paahi-to put on/to receive/put on/receive/enjoy/relish

ਜੇਤਾ -Jayta-however much/ how much

ਕੀਤਾ -Keetaa- the world which God has raised, creation which God brought forth

ਜੇਤਾ ਕੀਤਾ-Jaytaa Keeta- however much of the world God has made/ however much of the universe God has created and raised/brought fourth

ਤੇਤਾ -Taytaa-that much of ( The Timeless Beings made world/Universe)

ਨਾਉ -Naaou- Naam, the image of the Naam, The embodiment of the Naam

*note: In English there are two words, substance and property, the same way in Sanskrit there are the words Naam and Gun so............ the word Naam(form/embodiment) is substance and the word Gun is property . Whenever any being or thing's " Naam" is given , the meaning of this is that it is equal to their/it's face (shakal). When we take that Naam, that being/existence/ force comes infront of our eyes.

In a Nutshell :

In whichever way God brings forth the divine order, in that way the beings relish their destinies. This entire world which we see, that was made by The Timeless Being, all this is his image (Iehu Wisu Sansaaru Tum Daykhday, Iehu Har Kaa Roopu Hai, Hari Roopu Nadree Aaaeiaa).

A Little Deeper:

The way that God runs his hukam is the way that this universe moves. Everything is in the power of the Naam, of the Hukam. There is no place that God has made which is not subject to the Hukam. There is no place which is empty of God. Here Guru Ji tells us that God is in all of creation. God is infused in each and every single particle of the created universe. Everything we see is God. Here Professor Sahib Singh Ji mentions the concept of substance and property. The word Naam means substance. God is the substance of all. All we see is God. When we see the created world, we see God before our eyes. God is in each and every place. Gurbani teaches us that the way fragrance is within a flower, a reflection is within a mirror, fire is within wood and ghee is within milk, God pervades each and every universe controlling all.

Overall Meaning:

ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਕੋ ਥਾਉ ॥

Winu Naawai Nahee Ko Thaaou.

Even though creation expanse is infinite, still there is no place without the presence of the Naam

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥

Kudrti Kwan Khaa Weechaaru.

What strength do I have to describe the creation of the creator

Word By Word:

ਵਿਣੁ - Winu-without/devoid of/empty of

ਨਾਵੈ -Naawai - The Naam

ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ-Winu Naawai- devoid of the Naam, without the Naam

ਨਾਹੀ -Nahee -negation, is not, can not be

ਕੋ -Ko -any

ਥਾਉ - Thaaou-place, space

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ -Kudrti- power, strength

ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ-Kudrti Kwan - which power? which strength? Kudrateh is a feminine word so this is it's an adjective.

ਕਵਣ -Kwan- which one/which

ਕਹਾ -Khaa - I tell/I say

ਵੀਚਾਰੁ – Weechaaru - describe/give discourse/tell of

ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ -Khaa Weechaaru - I describe/ I say / I tell of

In a Nutshell :

There is no place empty/devoid of the embodiment/form of The Timeless Being (meaning whichever place or thing we see, that is the image of the Lord, all of creation, every single universe, each and every particle by particle, is the image of the Lord). Oh Lord what strength, what power do I have to describe all that you have made.

A Little Deeper:

Oh what power do I have to describe your creation God. What strength do I have to describe the size and greatness and beauty of the universes and spheres? How do I describe nature? What power to I have to fathom the little and big things you have made? The things which are in your control. Everything is so big and we humans are so tiny how can we describe God?

Overall Meaning:

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ ਏਕ ਵਾਰ ॥

Waariaaa Na Jaawaa Eayk Waar.

I can't even once be a sacrifice to you.

ਜੋ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਵੈ ਸਾਈ ਭਲੀ ਕਾਰ ॥

Jo Tudhu Bhaawai Saaeee Bhalee Kaar.

Oh Lord, whatever pleases your will, that doing, that action, that work is good

Word By Word:

ਵਾਰਿਆ -Waariaaa- sacrifice/to be a sacrifice

ਨ -Na-negation word/can't

ਜਾਵਾ - Jaawaa- to go

ਵਾਰਿਆ ਨ ਜਾਵਾ-Waariaaa Na Jaawaa- I can not be a sacrifice,

ਏਕ -Eayk -one

ਵਾਰ - Waar-time

ਜੋ -Jo -whatever, that which

ਤੁਧੁ -Tudhu- you

ਭਾਵੈ -Bhaawai- pleases

ਸਾਈ -Saaee -that

ਭਲੀ -Bhalee -good

ਕਾਰ - Kaar-work/doing/action

ਸਾਈ ਕਾਰ -Saaeee Kaar-that action, the work, that doing

In a Nutshell :

I am not worthy, not able, of even once sacrificing myself to you .Whatever seems good to you, that doing, that work is good(meaning it is good to live in your divine will).

A Little Deeper:

God is grandest of the grand and the creation is a masterpiece beyond limits! I can not once even sacrifice myself to you Lord, you are so great. What you have created is so great ! That which makes you happy God, that alone is good. Everything that God does is good and everything has a purpose. God runs this world through his divine hukam and his hukam is always the best for all, It keeps all in harmony and equilibrium. Whatever makes God happy is best for all.

Overall Meaning:

ਤੂ ਸਦਾ ਸਲਾਮਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ॥੧੯॥

Too Sadaa Salaamati Nirankaar.19.

O Nehrankaar, O formless being Lord , you are eternal and never-ending , you are the one who will always exist.19.

Word By Word:

ਤੂ - Toon-you

ਸਦਾ -Sadaa-always,forever

ਸਲਾਮਤਿ -Salaamati-eternal/never ending/always existent/never dying/one who will always exist and live on

ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ -Nirankaar - Oh Lord, Oh God, Oh Formless Lord

In a Nutshell

So what strength do I have do describe the creation of the creator? Oh timeless being , I am not capable of being a sacrifice to you even once! Meaning my power (strength ) is very limited, Oh Formless Lord! You are never ending ! You will always remain eternal! Whatever seems good to you, that doing, that work is good (meaning it is good to live in your divine will).19

A Little Deeper

Oh God whatever pleases you is good . Whatever you do is always good. You keep creation in harmony and everything happens for a reason! Your will controls all, life, death, birth, the rock cycle, water cycle, phases of the moon, development of beings, all these are in your divine hukam. You keep the universes in equilibrium through your grand hukam. Your hukam is always for the best. Whatever makes you happy is good. You play this world drama yet remain unattached. Oh formless Lord, you will live forever, you are beyond the limits of time! This world drama may end but you will always exist! God will always exist and create worlds and planets and things beyond our imagination! God is grander than anything and his creation is limitless! Whatever makes you happy God, that alone is good, you are never-ending never dying and beyond any shape or form!

Grammar Note

Kudrti Kwan (ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ),the word Weechaaru ('ਵੀਚਾਰੁ' ) is masculine. If the word Kwan is it's adjective, that this is also masculine and it’s form is Kwanu ( 'ਕਵਣੁ'). Kudrti ('ਕੁਦਰਤਿ') is feminine, so the word Kwan 'ਕਵਣ' is it's ('ਕੁਦਰਤਿ'/Kudrti's ) adjective. In order to understand the masculine and feminine forms of the word Kwan ('ਕਵਣ') look at

Pauri 21-ਕਵਣ ਸੁ ਵੇਲਾ, ਵਖਤੁ ਕਵਣੁ, ਕਵਣ ਥਿਤਿ, ਕਵਣੁ ਵਾਰੁ। ਕਵਣਿ ਸਿ ਰੁਤੀ, ਮਾਹੁ ਕਵਣੁ, ਜਿਤੁ ਹੋਆ ਆਕਾਰੁ।21।

Kwan Su Waylaa, Wakhtu Kwanu, Kwan Thiti, Kwanu Waar.. Kwani Si Ruti, Maahu Kwanu Jitu Hoaaa Aaakaaru.21.

In Pauri Number 16,17,and 19 'ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਣ ਕਹਾ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ' ( Kudrti Kwan Khaa Weechaaru) is written but in Pauri 18 instead of this line, 'ਨਾਨਕੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਕਹੈ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ' ( Naanaku Neechu Kahai Weechaaru) is used. If we understand the words infront of both of these then too the meaning comes out to be the same, " What is my power? What description can I, poor Naanak, possibly give? The word Kudrti is found in the Guru Granth Sahib to mean strength/power in many different places for example

(੧) ਜੇ ਤੂ ਮੀਰ ਮਹਾਪਤਿ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ, ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਉਣ ਹਮਾਰੀ। ਚਾਰੇ ਕੁੰਟ ਸਲਾਮੁ ਕਰਹਿਗੇ, ਘਰਿ ਘਰਿ ਸਿਫਤਿ ਤੁਮਾਰੀ।੭।੧।੮। (ਬਸੰਤ ਹਿੰਡੋਲੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੧)।

Jay Toon Meer Mhaapati Saahibu, Kudrati Koun Hamaaree. Chaaray Kunt Slaamu Karhigay, Ghari Ghari Sifti Tumaaree.7.1. 8.(Basabt Hindolu Mahlaa 1)

(੨) ਜਿਉ ਬੋਲਾਵਹਿ ਤਿਉ ਬੋਲਹਿ ਸੁਆਮੀ, ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕਵਨ ਹਮਾਰੀ। ਸਾਧ ਸੰਗਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਜਸੁ ਗਾਇਉ, ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਕੀ ਅਤਿ ਪਿਆਰੀ।੮।੧।੮। (ਗੂਜਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫)।

(2) Jiou Bolaawhi Tiou Bolhi Suaaamee, Kudrati Kwan Hmaaree. Saadh Sangi Naanak Jasu Gaaeiou, Jo Prabhoo Kee Ati Piaaaree. 8 .1.8 . (Goojree Mahlaa 5)

Grammer put simply- Here Professor Sahib Singh Ji Brilliantly explains why the meaning of the word Kudrati in the last four pauris is ‘strength’ and not the other meaning nature. The word Kudrati is found to mean both strength and nature in different places throughout Gurbani. Once again we see how every little letter is so important when we interpret Gurbani. Here Prof Sahib Singh Ji has used the rules of grammar and masculine feminine/noun/adjective agreement to show that the meaning of Kudrati in these lines surely is strength. Also when we take in consideration that in Pauri 18 Naanaku Neechu takes the place of Kudrati Kwan, this enough is proof that Guru Sahib is refering to strength here not nature. Kudrati Kwan means what strength/power do I have. Naanaku Neechu means I poor, lowly, powerless Naanak, how can I possibly describe, the meaning of the word Kurdrati is power or strength as Professor Ji has truly shown us.

Pauri Explained -

Guru Ji tells us that creation is limitless. We humans are like a frog stuck in a well. We know nothing exept that which surrounds us. Science ponders about life on other planets today, Guru Ji tells us that not only are there beings on other planets but here are infinite lifeforms on infinite planets. New lifeforms come and old ones die out. Such is the play of the Lord, so much bigger than out own imaginations. Guru ji tells us that even to say these planets are infinite is inadequate. Even to say that these lifeforms are infinite is inadequate. Even though we can’t fathom God or creation, we can through the way of letters sing God's praises. We use letters to form the word Asankh meaning infinite. We use letters to praise the Lord and it is only through letters that we can take his name. Language is built on different letters which make different sounds. This letters are sometimes spoken and other times written. It is only through these letters that we can ravish God. It is through the way of letters that one’s destiny is written and unfolded. God gives the commands for destiny, but there is no one to give a command to God. The whole seen world is bound by letters but there is no letter which can bind the Lord. All of the universe we see is under control of God and bound by the letters of the Hukam. Only the one Lord is free from destiny. The way that God gives his order is the way humans enjoy and receive, God does not need anyone's consent. God does not face the rules of karma. We humans have our deeds written but God has no lekha. God alone is not subject to any rules. This pauri starts by talking about how huge creation is. It can seem so vast and maybe to some scary when we read it. We feel small lost and lonely, but In the last lines Guru ji tells us that no matter how big creation is, God, the Naam is in every particle of it. All of creation is the form of God. Professor Sahib Singh ji describes metaphysics, and talks about substance and properties of a substance. Every substance has different properties. Guru Sahib tells us that God is the substance for everything that is made. All the infinite planets and lifeforms; they all are part of the same one Lord that we are part of .There is no atom, no heart, where God is not. All of creation is united through the one universal Lord. This pauri reminds us that God is everywhere and nearest of the near. From the beginning God alone existed. There was no other to speak of. If only one thing exists how can you find anything else to make another. Where there was no wind, no water, no earth, no darkness, no light, no fire, no beings of so many forms, there was God alone. All of creation stemmed from God and even now we are all part of God. The way that foam and waves are not separate from water, they rise up and then merge with the ocean, is the same way that humans are all part of Ikoangkaar. Guru ji ends by telling us once again that he has no strength too describe the greatness of creation and can not even once be a sacrifice to God. Once again Guru Sahib says, Whatever you do God is good, you are the everlasting eternal Lord.

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Am I the only one who starts to feel like the thickest of 'planks' whenever grammar starts to get discussed? Adjective, noun, accusative case, flannah, timka....nouns, tenses, arubh, garubh... hee hee

If I consider myself at all intelligent, confronting that subject brings me back down to earth with a painful thump......

God shine nadaar on me to learn this stuff soon.

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Twentieth pauri:

Overall Meaning

ਭਰੀਐ ਹਥੁ ਪੈਰੁ ਤਨੁ ਦੇਹ ॥

Bhareeai Hathu Pairu Tanu Dayh.

When the hands or feet or body are dirty

ਪਾਣੀ ਧੋਤੈ ਉਤਰਸੁ ਖੇਹ ॥

Paanee Thotai Outrasu Khayh..

Then this dirt can be washed with water

Word By Word

ਭਰੀਐ -Bhareeai - to be filled (of dirt here), to be dirty, to be filthy

ਹਥੁ -Hathu -hands

ਪੈਰੁ -Pairu -feet

ਤਨੁ -Tanu -body

ਦੇਹ-Dayh-also body

ਪਾਣੀ- Paanee -water

ਧੋਤੈ -Thotai - to wash, is washed,washing

ਪਾਣੀ ਧੋਤੈ-Paanee Thotai- wash with water,

ਉਤਰਸੁ -Outrasu - comes off, gets removed

ਖੇਹ - Khayh-dirt ,dust, filth

In a nutshell

When the hands or feet or body are dirty, that that dirt can come off when washed with water

A little Deeper

If someone gets dirt (soil) on their hands or feet or body then they are able to wash this clean by using water.

Overall Meaning

ਮੂਤ ਪਲੀਤੀ ਕਪੜੁ ਹੋਇ ॥

Moot Paleetee Kaprhu Hoei..

If a cloth is soiled with urine.

ਦੇ ਸਾਬੂਣੁ ਲਈਐ ਓਹੁ ਧੋਇ ॥

Day Saaboonu Leeeaai Ohu Dhoei..

Then it is washed with soap.

Word By Word

ਮੂਤ -Moot -urine

ਪਲੀਤੀ -Paleetee- dirty, soiled, polluted

ਮੂਤ ਪਲੀਤੀ -Moot Paleetee-Soiled with urine, dirty with urine,polluted with urine

ਕਪੜੁ - Kaprhu -cloth

ਹੋਇ - Hoei-to happen, to be done

ਦੇ -Day - to take, taking

ਸਾਬੂਣੁ -Saaboonu -soap

ਦੇ ਸਾਬੂਣੁ- Day Saaboonu- by taking soap

ਲਈਐ -Leeeaai- this word means to be done when referring to the deed for example it means here (the cloth's) washing is done

ਓਹੁ -Ohu - That polluted cloth, that soiled cloth

ਧੋਇ - Dhoei -wash, to wash

ਲਈਐ ਧੋਇ- Leeeaai Dhoei - washing to be done, to do washing on, to be washed

In a nutshell

If any cloth is dirty/soiled with urine, than it is washed with soap.

A little Deeper

So here Guru Sahib explains that if a piece of cloth is soiled with urine than it is washed with soap.

Overall Meaning

ਭਰੀਐ ਮਤਿ ਪਾਪਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ॥

Bhareeau Mati Paapaa Kai Sangi..

(But) If a person’s intellect is stained with sin

ਓਹੁ ਧੋਪੈ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ ॥

Ohu Dhopai Naawai Kai Rangi..

Then this sin can only be cleaned with love of the Naam

Word By Word

ਭਰੀਐ -Bhareeau -to be full (of filth here), to be dirty/defiled with filth, filthy

ਮਤਿ -Mati -intellect, mind, one's thinking

ਪਾਪਾ -Paapaa -sins

ਪਾਪਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ- Paapaa Kai Sangi-with sins

ਓਹੁ -Ohu =that (in this case sin)

ਧੋਪੈ -Dhopai -can be washed, is able to be washed

ਨਾਵੈ -Naawai- the Naam of the Timeless Being

ਰੰਗਿ -Rangi-love

ਨਾਵੈ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ- with Love of the Naam of the Timeless Being

In a nutshell

(However) If (a human's) intellect becomes defiled with sin, than this sin can only be washed clean with love of the Naam of the Timeless Being.

A little Deeper

While outer dirt can be washed away, the only means of cleaning the mind is by loving the Naam. God's love chases sins away, the way that a roaring lion scares away sheep. When one loves God then their heart becomes compassionate and they would never cause pain to another being. They find contentment with life and their jeolousy of others disappears as do their evil intentions. Their only thirst is God and so they do not heed to hedonistic desires. Bit by bit as they fall deeper into God's love, their sinful intentions vanish. In this way they become pure. They lose the desire to indulge in acts of lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. Only the love of God can fill the emptiness which tortures us humans, the emptiness which causes us to find pleasure in sin. Once that emptiness is filled then love for mankind wells up and the desire to sin is eradicated. It is God's very nature to purify even the most sinful of people. The Naam can heal even the most broken of hearts and it can soften the most stonehearted sinners. It is only by loving the Naam, by loving God, that our bodies can be purified of sin.

Overall Meaning

ਪੁੰਨੀ ਪਾਪੀ ਆਖਣੁ ਨਾਹਿ ॥

Punnee Paapee Aaakhnu Naahi..

Virtuous and sinful are not just mere words

ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਣਾ ਲਿਖਿ ਲੈ ਜਾਹੁ ॥

Kari Kari Karnaa Likhi Lai Jaahu..

(but in reality) whichever deeds you do, those values will be embedded inside your being and go with you.

Word By Word

ਪੁੰਨੀ -Punnee -Virtuous

ਪਾਪੀ -Paapee -Sinful (opposite of virtuous)

ਆਖਣੁ -Aaakhnu -Name, word

ਨਾਹਿ-Naahi-negation word, is not

ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਣਾ- Kari Kari Karnaa -The karam, the actions which are done by one’s own self. Whichever karam, actions, one commits

ਲਿਖਿ -Likhi - after writing, after writing such a lekha (written account),after writing a written account of those types of values, after engraving those types of values in one's own mind

ਲੈ ਜਾਹੁ- Lai Jaahu- to take with, you will take them with you

note: It is important to attentively discuss the word 'ਆਖਣੁ' (Aaakhnu). In Japji Sahib this word comes in the lines written below

(੧) ਪੁੰਨੀ ਪਾਪੀ ਆਖਣੁ ਨਾਹਿ। (ਪਉੜੀ ੨੦)।

(1) Punnee Paapee Aaakhnu Naahi. (Paurhee 20).

(੨) ਨਾਨਕ ਆਖਣਿ ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਆਖੈ, ਇਕ ਦੂ ਇਕੁ ਸਿਆਣਾ (ਪਉੜੀ ੨੧)।

(2)Naanak Aaakhni Sabhu Ko Aaakhai, Eik Doo Eiku Siaaanaa (Paurhee 21).

(੩) ਜੇ ਕੋ ਖਾਇਕੁ ਆਖਣਿ ਪਾਇ। (ਪਉੜੀ ੨੫)।

(3) Jay Ko Khaaeiku Aaakhni Paaei. (Paurhee 25).

(੪) ਕੇਤੇ ਆਖਹਿ ਆਖਣਿ ਪਾਹਿ। (ਪਉੜੀ ੨੬)।

(4) Kaytay Aaakhhi Aaakhni Paahi (Paurhee 26)

(੫) ਆਖਣਿ ਜੋਰੁ ਚੁਪੈ ਨਹਿ ਜੋਰੁ। (ਪਉੜੀ ੩੩)।

(5) Aaakhni Jor chupai Nhi Jor. (Pauree 33)

To more clearly understand the meaning of the word Aaakhnu here are some more examples below

(੬) ਆਖਣੁ ਆਖਿ ਨਾ ਰਜਿਆ, ਸੁਨਣਿ ਨ ਰਜੇ ਕੰਨ।੨।੧੯। (ਮਾਝ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ)।

(6) Aaakhnu Aaakhi Naa Rajiaaa, Sunni Na Rjay Kann .2.1 (Maanjh Kee Waar).

(੭) ਆਖਣਿ ਆਖਹਿ ਕੇਤੜੇ, ਗੁਰ ਬਿਨੁ ਬੂਝ ਨ ਹੋਇ।੩।੧੩। (ਮਾਝ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ)।

(7) Aaakhni Aaakhhi Kaytrhay, Gur Bin Boojh Na Hoei.3.13. (Maanjh Kee Waar).

From these above examples it is clear that the word "ਆਖਣੁ(Aakhnu) is a noun and 'ਆਖਣਿ' (Aakhni) is a verb. The noun Aaakhnu means Naam, sayings, words said by mouth, just like examples 1 and 6. In examples 2,3,4,5,and 7 Aaakhni (ਆਖਣਿ) is a verb.

In a nutshell

Oh Naanak! "Virtuous" and "sinful" are not just names (meaning they are not only sayings (just words) but in reality whatever ever deeds you do, those values will be embedded within you and you will take those values with you.

A little Deeper

Every action one commits contributes to the formation of habits. These habits go with us and they make who we are. Sinful and virtuous are not mere words. One becomes sinful or virtuous based on each action they do. Everything we do has a consequence and humans become the actions that they commit. These actions are engraved in our souls and they go with us to the next world, they are part of our account.

Overall Meaning

ਆਪੇ ਬੀਜਿ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਖਾਹੁ ॥

Aaapay Beeji Aaapay Hee Khaahu..

Whatever we plant, we must ourselves eat .

ਨਾਨਕ ਹੁਕਮੀ ਆਵਹੁ ਜਾਹੁ ॥੨੦॥

Naanak Hukmee Aaawhu Jaahu..20..

O Nanak, It is within the divine hukam, that in accordance to what we plant (our deeds) we shall continue to come and go in reincarnation.

Word By Word

ਆਪੇ -Aaapay - by one’s self

ਬੀਜਿ -Beeji -to plant a seed

ਆਪੇ -Aaapay by one’s self,

ਹੀ -Hee -in this case this means will

ਖਾਹੁ- Khaahu-to eat

ਨਾਨਕ- Naanak

ਹੁਕਮੀ -Hukmee - Within the Hukam of the Timeless Being

ਆਵਹੁ -Aaawhu - will come

ਜਾਹੁ-Jaahu-will go

ਆਵਹੁ ਜਾਹੁ -Aaawhu Jaahu- will come and go, will be born and die, will be stuck in the cycle of birth and death

In a nutshell

Whatever you plant, that is what you will eat. In accordance with what you have planted, within the Hukam of God, you will be subject to the rounds of transmigration (coming and going) .20.

*Meaning= Those beings who care about maya get stuck in vikaars (the five thieves meaning lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego) and their thinking becomes dirty. This dirt keeps the beings away from the pure Lord and that being remains in pain. Meditating on the Naam is the only means of cleaning this dirt from the intellect (mind). So Meditating on the Lord is for getting rid of the dirt from the vikaars (lust anger greed ego attachment) and for making the mind meet with the Lord but it does not give a being strength to find the Lord's limits.20.

*Note- The first Paurhee contained the line

ਹੁਕਮਿ ਰਜਾਈ ਚਲਣਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਨਾਲਿ ॥੧॥

Hukmi Rajaaee Chlnaa Naanak Likhiaaa Naali..1..

Satguru Nanak Dev Ji It is by walking with the Hukam of God

In the second pauri this line is discussed with the words

ਹੁਕਮੀ ਉਤਮੁ ਨੀਚੁ ਹੁਕਮਿ ਲਿਖਿ ਦੁਖੁ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਈਅਹਿ'।

Hukmee Outamu Neechu Hukami Likhi Dukhu Sukhu Paaeeahi.

In the Hukam Humans are good and bad (do good and bad)

By the Hukam, It is written whether humans receive pain or pleasure depending on their good and bad deeds

Now, in this Paurhee the above lines are given close attention and made clear. All of Creation is acting in accordance with special rules from the Timeless Being. These rules are referred to as the Hukam by SatGuru ji. These rules are that whichever deeds a human does, a human eats the fruit of those deed (receives the consequences). Whichever good or bad values they are formed inside their own dhur (axis, origin) it is according to those that they pass through the cycles of death and rebirth, and, it is by walking in the will of the Timeless Being that their births are made fruitful.

A little Deeper

So here we learn one aspect of hukam. It is God's law that every action has a consequence. It is a law of science that every stimulus has a reaction and every reaction has a stimulus. This is a truth of the universe. We humans think we are free but in reality we are slaves to the five thieves (lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment). Sometimes love (from attachment), other times hatred, other times greed, other times ego and at times our anger controls our actions. These actions bear many consequences and as long as we are stuck in this web we go through the cycle of death and rebirth. There is only one way to rise above this. It is when one surrenders to the hukam that they are free from the veil of falsehood. Surrendering to God makes a human free from the bonds of the five evils. Surrendering to the Hukam which is Gods form, Indeed God himself is the hukam present in every single thing controlling every aspect of the universe, and surrendering to this amazing form of God makes a human truly liberated. This is the best way. One does not get affected by pain and pleasure and they realize God everywhere ! Also, so far in the last few pauris we have learned that God and God's creation is infinite. No great saint can find the limits. Here Guru ji tells us that although meditation on the Naam gives a person great strong blessings, it still does not make them able to tell the limits of creation.

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  • 6 months later...

Gurfateh to all sorry for the lateness but lately i have been sick first and then the last two months i was in PUnjab but while Guru kirpa naal here is another form of prof.sahib singh jis arth with Japji Sahib and Jaap Sahib english katha hopefully this will help understand the bani on a whole meanwhile with Gods grace those arth will be up asap the 21-38 pauri and last salok of Jap Ji Sahib

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Great seva bhen ji!

One day I do hope you do complete the wonderful written translation you started though! For us old schoolers who prefer the written work for absorbing information.

Great to see you're back!

I'm downloading your videos so I can listen to them at home.

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  • 1 year later...

Not as far as I know, but Dalsingh's work on this thread is marvellous and valuable for all of us

does anyone know if SGGS teeka by Prof sahib singh has been translated - word per word in english??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not as far as I know, but Dalsingh's work on this thread is marvellous and valuable for all of us

I haven't done anything.

It is Teji Kaur bhen ji who has done the priceless translating.

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  • 6 months later...

I am very happy to read deeply explained translation of japji sahib . I had been blessed to read translation of Guru Granth Sahib from my boyhood in Khalsa High School in Pakistan. When I read translation of Assa di var by Sahib Singh ji I had learnt it by heart by the blessing of guru Nanak ji. As and when I am in trouble I recite Mool Manter as if water is given to the root of a tree that tree becomes strong and soars high. Still I feel it is rehmat of God through Guru though Gurbani says Waheguru Himself is Guru and He himself is disciple,yet human should not feel ego of his mehnat, as we have not bought our mind,body and soul from any market.I am now of 85 I doubt if I would be able to read translation of Guru Granth Sahib till death.

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Can you recall any areas of doubt in particular?

It would be interesting to compare the professor's and Bhai Vir Singh's interpretation of these.

It's great that you have learned to use the computer by the way.

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In the concluding sentences it is written they will MERGE with the Lord God and in the same line it is written they do not ever have to leave Gods EMBRACE. Both words amount to contradict. I mean once a stream merges in the ocean of God how they will maintain there separate entity/identity. Merging in God is the highest stage of a soul which can be based on JIN HAR JAPIYA SE HAR HOEY HAR MILYA KEL KELALI(Gurbani)

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I do not recollect the particular doubts. In fact I had been comparing gurmukhi translation by Bhaee Baljinder Singh and Bhai Sant Singh Khalsa with that of by Professor Sahib Singh ji.

Wherever I found a difficult word I consulted Kosh by Bhaee Veer Singh and I found meaning of difficult words correct as mentioned by Bhai Sahib Singh ji,All these translations are in punjabi but translation by Bhai Manmohan Singh is in English which are not based on that by Professor Sahib Singh. Bhaee Veer singh also mentions the meaning of a root of word i.e. sanskrit,hindi,old Punjabi,persian,Arbi Sindhi etc etc. Bhai Veer Singh also mentions the interpretations by Sampardayak Gianees.All these translations I have downloaded together from Sri Granth Orgn.Sri Guru Granth Sahib from Gugle.

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  • 4 years later...

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