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Genie Singh

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Just reading through some posts around here and was wondering... Shams is a wandering saint for a long period of time around similar time frame as sheikh farid ji. However Shams taught Rumi he spent loads of time around iran, afghanistan and india. He seems to have been buried in multan punjab. However officially says he was burried in Khoy we find another guy named pir shams in punjab. However shams tabrizi knowledge came forth even through the mughals as may have been with rumi possibly even sheikh farid's works taught in certain madrassas. We learn Guru Nanak learnt persian, arabic and islam in a fast period of time in a madrassa in talwandi. He previously came from masters of vedas in his family and his father didn't like the idea of being a saint as he had become somewhat like shams and rumi.

However people say in iran his body disappered around 80ish when he was teaching blasphemous things and the followers of rumi had some elements of hate or dislike for shams. The question in mind is how much time shams spent with various people to learn the highest depths of knowledge from every tradition in India around mandirs.

He compiled poems and converted people into his line of thought more so into his version of islam. His version spread far, but shams has learnt the highest points of buddhism. One thing you understand from this tradition is a student and teachers have a 2 way tradition of learn and teach. So shams taught and probably learnt so how did he pick up the highest point of buddhism and krishna conciousness with a touch of vedanta.



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