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Akal Takht Request To Give Saza To Niddar Singh - Letter


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Jathedars of Nihang Dals and Damdami Taksal Mukhi letter regarding Niddar Singh and koor parchaar:


Here is a let­ter from the main Nihang Organ­isa­tions in India presen­ted to Jathedar of the Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Gurbachan Singh.

The fol­low­ing is a trans­la­tion of the letter

To the Esteemed Jathedar of the Akaal Takht,

We feel com­pelled to bring to your atten­tion that Nid­dar Singh aka Surjit Singh bains of Wol­ver­hamp­ton
is involved in anti Sikh con­sipir­acies by doing anti-Sikh parchaar on his web­sites and dilut­ing the sikh philo­sophy by teach­ing that Sikhs are a part of Hinduism. With his hein­ous teachings(koorr parchar) he is mis­lead­ing the Sikh sangat.

He keeps chan­ging the name of his akhara on his web­site to include names such as “Hindu Santan Shiv Akhara” and is falsely using the name of Jathedar Akali Baba Dar­bara Singh to legit­im­ise himself.

Nid­dar Singh is stat­ing that the Khalsa was born from Shiv Ji and not guru Gobind Singh ji. He also pro­claims falsely that the “Farla” of Nihang Singhs is sprouted from the ganges river and that blue bana is from the col­our of Shiva. He is also say­ing that the chakar that Nihang Singhs wear on their dumalla is a sign of Shivji.

He is say­ing that the Sikh dharam emerged from hinduism and that Sikhi is just another sam­parda of the Hindu dharam and is also teach­ing that Sikh Shastar Vidiya and Gatka is a branch of the Hindu Dharam.

Nid­dar Singhs activ­it­ies in the uk are upset­ting and divid­ing Sikhs there. Guru Gobind Singh ji made the Khalsa unique. This fake Nihang is spread­ing doubts, con­fu­sion and slander within the sikh sangat.

On the 300th cel­eb­ra­tion of Guru Granth Ji’s Gur­gaddi the sangat of Hazur Sahib kicked him out due to his nefar­i­ous activ­it­ies and anti Sikh parchaar.

By put­ting the con­cerns of the panth first we recomend that this indi­vidual is brought before the Akal Takht to answer for his crimes and receive pun­ish­ment accord­ingly and the sikh sangat be freed of this confusion.

signed by

Baba Joginder Singh — Jathedar of Budha Dal

Baba Avatar Singh — Jathedar of Bidhi Chand Dal

Baba Nihal Singh — Jathedar of Haria Vela Dal

Baba Gaj­jan Singh — Jathedar Tarana Dal (Baba Bakala)

Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa — Jathedar Dam­d­ami Taksal


Edited by osingh1
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Ive just come back from a month in Panjab.

And the panthic/community/political problems I saw there are immense. if Niddar Singh is the current 'hot topic' facing these jathedars/babas/parbandaks, then you dont need the brains of an archbishop to see where such myopic leadership will get us.

Though an interesting turn of events, I must say.

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i neither love him nor hate him...looking at merits and demerits..his views which are considered too hindu are also shared by many nihangs in the Dal Panth ..some even the buzurg of them...there is a video of a nihangsingh baba ji tell that the 5ks are from the Devte ..Kara from Shivji Kachera from Hanuman ji ..etc....However we can call him the pioneer for parchaar on puratan sikhi...his websites have been with a lot of content which was full of research.

I fail to understand what does anyone lose if he is rising..they are busy with their chatka and sukkha ...yesterday too they were doing the same thing and in the future too they will continue to do the same thing....every morning and night will always be the same for them.

If this man is making people aware...yes i agree some of his views are just too out of context....but he has taken the effort to speak up.

I use to be his fan4-5 years back...i saw somethings which dint make sense to me in today's world...but let us explain him that somethings can be foresaken and lets move ahead.

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i neither love him nor hate him...looking at merits and demerits..

yeah i agree with this. i have learnt a lot of things from him/his website, but some of the stuff he says especially about Sant Jarnail Singh, is just too stupid.

plus i know he is not going to change his mind even when produced with irrefutable evidence. I have seen this myself.

Edited by chatanga1
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Mega lol!!!

"Mummy, Junior said a naughty word to me!!! He's being a bad boy!"

Jathedars must have time on their hands. They obviously are not busy doing prachaar themselves against their local dera-wallas, cult chums.

They have plenty of time on their hands, signing sponsorship forms, attending international events, such as the olympics torch relay's, etc.

However they turn a blind eye to the real issues which are destroying the sikh youth in india.

but who cares eh, at least we have the babey who will save us all from the boogey man

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