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~~ Sikh Mantra's Compilation~~

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Here is the small attempt to compile all the sikh mantra's and their deep spiritual meaning:

Bij Mantar
Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
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Maha Mantra:
IkOngkar Satnaam Kartapurkh Nirbhauo Nirvair Akaal Murat Ajoni Sahibhang Gurparsad
Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
which is
Eternal Absolute existence truth which is never changing.
Creative consciousness
Pure love compassion/No fear
No enimty towards anyone
Akaal Morat-
Timeless being.
No birth or death
Pure Awareness Bliss.
Realized by grace of Guru (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
Mool Mantra
IkOngkar Satnaam Kartapurkh Nirbhauo Nirvair Akaal Murat Ajoni Sahibhang Gurparsad || Jaap || Aad Sach Jugad Sach Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach ||
Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously..
which is
Eternal Absolute existence truth which is never changing.
Creative consciousness
Pure love compassion/No fear
No enimty towards anyone
Akaal Morat-
Timeless being.
No birth or death
Pure Awareness Bliss.
Realized by grace of Guru (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
Jaap- Meditate on above mantra which is
Aaad Sach- Primal Truth
Jugad Sach- Truth of all ages
Hai Bhi Sach- Truth ever present now
Nanak Hosi bhi sach - Nanak says, truth always been there.
Mahavak Mantra:
Ikongkar Satgurparsad:
Ikongkar- One universal awareness being(JOT) all in one, one in all -which is nirlaip (de-attached free from all, infused in all), unchanged thoughtless awareness being expressing in its movement - creating, preserving and changing creation spontaneously.
Satgurparsad: Sat (Eternal Truth) Gur- Awareness Parsad- Bliss
Ikongkar Satgurpsad- One universal awareness which is always Eternal Truth Awareness Bliss realized by grace of SatGuru Nanak (sargun) / all prevading (one in all, all in one) one universal awareness being (ikongkar) within
Gur Mantra
Vahi- Wow, blissful ecstasy, Guru- Pure light awareness. It's expression of absolute divine.
Vahi- Intoxicated Guru- Awareness - Intoxicated Awareness.
Vahi- Wonderful Guru- Awareness/Consciousness.
Va- Vypak, Ha- Pargat, Gu- Bhram Ru- Chaitan- Nirvakalp
Vahiguru- Spiritual meaning- Va- Vypak (Everywhere), Hi- Pargat(Appearance), Gu- Bhram (Paratma-Bhram) Ru- Chaitan (Supreme Consciouness) - Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale.
~ Paratma supreme consciousness which exist everywhere which is pargat. ~
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