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Topic On Fear From First Part Of Series Of Samaadhi-Very Thought Provoking Video.

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The first part of series 'Samaadhi Baare' in Punjabi (Audio)- topic on fear by Bhai Amritpal Singh Amrit. This very good video touches on easily missed topic called-FEAR

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  • 10 months later...

Fear can be only truly overcome by impersonal unconditional love(its just loves) and gyan(wisdom) of our true nature which is fearless as there is only ONE in all, all in ONE. There are all kinds of fears ego has, one may overcome visible ones but there are many subtle levels of fear just waiting to arise in consciousness/mind. Even when one is able to reach heights of spirituality one cannot totally free from fear as they also try to sustain an certain stage in spirituality -ego has a fear that it will loose certain stage in spirituality, its only by grace of Satguru (our internal Guru-shabad/shabad gyan-paratma) fear can be totally destroyed.

Our true nature is of Supreme- Nirbhauo(Fearless) in mool mantar. Only way to destroy fear is to understand and realize our true nature.

Nirbhauo- No fear- fearless as there is only one in all, all in one- fear from what? There is NO other, Ikoankar is all, all is ikoankar. Realizing bhramgyan- one universal light in all including myself is surely Nirbhauo-fearless unconditional fearless love and end of fear.

Here now i am speaking to you -i have a fear of loosing platform we speak in for example, or loosing this great sangat of sikhawareness...these are all thougths of fear arising in consciousness, if i start clinging to these thoughts my life will be miserable. I go back truly in dream state, world samsara of suffering so i witness them they are coming and going on their own accord sometimes they are soo powerful, they chase me as a witness state cling to myself at that point there is nothing I can do than let it takes its due course. But again without bhramgyan one cannot truly free from fear, at higher states of spirituality one can tranquilize fear/ego..fear and ego are same thing as they are quality of each other, one can tranquilize fear/ego at higher states but cannot get rid of it until vahiguru full grace dawns.

Only way to overcome fear, is natural choiceless spontaneous effortless abidance in fearless- pure awareness/ -shabad JOT gyan- bhramgyan and that cannot come without grace of shabad guru/Gyan internal Satguru-atma-paratma.But in order to receive that grace, we all have to be ready- receptive, quiet-empty of thoughts in meditation, facing towards the source then let nature takes it course, it has to happen as everyone must go back to its source sooner or later.

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