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Bhagat Jaidev Ji's Bani

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Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Jai Dayv Jee:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The breath is drawn in through the left nostril; it is held in the central channel of the Sukhmanaa, and exhaled through the right nostril, repeating the Lord's Name sixteen times.
I am powerless; my power has been broken. My unstable mind has been stabilized, and my unadorned soul has been adorned. I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1||
Within my mind, I chant the Name of the Primal Lord God, the Source of virtue.
My vision, that You are I are separate, has melted away. ||1||Pause||
I worship the One who is worthy of being worshipped. I trust the One who is worthy of being trusted. Like water merging in water, I merge in the Lord.
Says Jai Dayv, I meditate and contemplate the Luminous, Triumphant Lord. I am lovingly absorbed in the Nirvaanaa of God. ||2||1||

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ।। ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ ।।


Gurmukho, my question has to do with the shabad above. In the first line a technique to do simran is outlined. Is this used to balance ida and pingla? At which stage would someone use this technique? Is there any gain from doing it at earlier stages?

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ਚੰਦ ਸਤ ਭੇਦਿਆ ਨਾਦ ਸਤ ਪੂਰਿਆ ਸੂਰ ਸਤ ਖੋੜਸਾ ਦਤੁ ਕੀਆ ॥
This is stated in a really condensed manner.

Here is the full elaboration.

ਚੰਦ ਸਤ ਭੇਦਿਆ also ਸੂਰ ਸਤ
Moon energy and sun energy are penetrated with the breath.

Moon energy is inhalation via left nostril. Sun energy is exhalation via right notril. (Inhalation is cool, exhalation is warm hence the names.)

ਨਾਦ ਸਤ ਪੂਰਿਆ
Complete repetitions of 'Om'

ਸੂਰ ਸਤ ਖੋੜਸਾ ਦਤੁ ਕੀਆ
Exhale while you repeat 'Om' Sixteen times

Step 1
Inhale slowly while repeating Om 32 times.
So your one inhale is roughly 32 seconds long.

Step 2
Hold the breath and repeat Om 64 times.
So roughly hold the breath for 64 seconds.

Step 3
Exhale slowly while repeating Om 16 times.
So elongate the exhale to 16 seconds.

You will benefit from it at earlier stages but the question is not of benefit but of whether you can actually do it. Because this is very tough. It is going to require you practice simpler breathing exercises first.


Edit : 64 not 24

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I was under the impression exhale should generally always be longer than inhale.

If on exhale you jap 16 times then inhale should have been to a count of 8. Called 2 to 1 breathing.

Another one taught by Gurumaa was

Inhale = 1

Hold = 4

Exhale = 8

Hold = 2

once you mastered this basic cycle you slowly increase

Inhale = 2

Hold = 8

Exhale = 16

Hold = 4

after that

Inhale = 3

Hold = 12

Exhale = 24

Hold = 6

and so on...



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Gurmukho, my question has to do with the shabad above. In the first line a technique to do simran is outlined. Is this used to balance ida and pingla? At which stage would someone use this technique? Is there any gain from doing it at earlier stages?

In my experience, a physical kriya practice does help with concentration in order to get surti and shabad connection(shabad-surti aspect)..  I find that physical discipline practicing helps with getting internal discipline practice for my "naughty wandering" mind!

The above kriya requires  a fair amount of concentration and practice, so it can help some of us more than others.... there are many kriyas and techniques for balancing pavan ida/pingla, but it's the practice and ease with how one's mind can listen and respond to you when trying to merge with shabad. ...I suggest that if you go throught phases of having difficulty focusing and settling into simran, then go try some example of physical pranayama or kriya and see if it helps.....what my mind responds to, ..may not work for others and vice versa.




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Swami Rama emphasizes that one should not do kumbhak holding breath , unless under the supervision of a trained master. He said what if the next breath does not come , then you are dead. Kumbhak or pause represents the death. Thus, it is safer to do exhalation:inhalation in 2:1 ratio, trying to minimize the pause as much as you can.


^ sodarshna kriya by Harbhajan Yogi!

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The above Shabad was an updesh to a Jogi, on how to enjoy Joganand and explains a technique of Hath jog (which is not completely accepted in Gurmat). This technique can assist a practitioner to take his Prans to the Dasam Duar (Tenth gate).

There are three versions of Prayanaam:

  • Kanist - 16 recitations of ਓਅੰ ਸੋਹੰ during inhalation, 16 while holding breath and 16 during exhalation
  • Madam - 12 recitations of ਓਅੰ ਸੋਹੰ during inhalation,  24 while holding breath and 16 during exhalation
  • Uttam - 16 recitations of ਓਅੰ ਸੋਹੰ during inhalation, 64 while holding breath and 32 during exhalation


IMHO, this technique is for Jogis, not for ordinary householders. This becomes clear when Maharaaj states:

ਅਬਲ ਬਲੁ ਤੋੜਿਆ

To practice the above technique, one has to make his body very sukham (skinny) by eating meagerly. This is not possible for ordinary householders, who have to work (40-50 hrs in a week) for a living. It might be useful in cultivating concentration. Most likely, there should be no harm in trying it using Waheguru mantar, but it does seem to be arduous.   


Gurmat Perespective

  • ਚੰਦ ਸਤ ਭੇਦਿਆ  - Piercing mind in the love of Waheguru jee in Saadh Sangat
  • ਨਾਦ ਸਤ ਪੂਰਿਆ  - Embedding Updesh/Shabad of Waheguru jee in mind
  • ਸੂਰ ਸਤ ਖੋੜਸਾ ਦਤੁ ਕੀਆ -  Stopped 16 entities (5 Pran, 5 Gyan indray, 5 Karam indray and man) from bad sangat




Bhul chuk maaf


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11 hours ago, Sat1176 said:

I was under the impression exhale should generally always be longer than inhale.

If on exhale you jap 16 times then inhale should have been to a count of 8. Called 2 to 1 breathing.

Another one taught by Gurumaa was

Inhale = 1

Hold = 4

Exhale = 8

Hold = 2

Maybe it has to do with preference or what suits you.

My dad used to teach me to Inhale for 4 (count to 4), Exhale for 2 (count to 2) when I was younger. I have tried longer exhales as well, which came more naturally to me at the time.

As you elongate the inhale, and as you hold the breath, the longer you do that, the shorter the exhale will naturally be. Like you won't be able to elongate exhale as long as or longer than inhale, if your inhale and hold are really really long.
E.g. in the shabad -
32 inhale
*64 hold
16 exhale

There's a reason why that exhale is so short and that's because the previous two steps are really long.

And vice versa. If your inhale is short, hold is short then your exhale can be really long.


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17 hours ago, HisServant said:

First formal attempt - the expert version is just a tad bit too hard but intermediate is easy. Even with intermediate I felt more of a balance between the nostrils than I did when I first began. 


I think the main reason you are feeling a balance already is because you have a strong foundation,  you have already been doing good waheguru japa which is naturally balancing everything in your body. And when you use this technique it works as a bonus :)

I msyelf have noticed that If I read out Gurbani loud,  the breath through my nostrils become more conscious & way smoother, although have not noticed the balancing yet.

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23 hours ago, Ragmaala said:

I think the main reason you are feeling a balance already is because you have a strong foundation,  you have already been doing good waheguru japa which is naturally balancing everything in your body. And when you use this technique it works as a bonus :)

I msyelf have noticed that If I read out Gurbani loud,  the breath through my nostrils become more conscious & way smoother, although have not noticed the balancing yet.

The main issue for me is always the right nostril. Left always has very good flow, but right is almost always tight.

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#1: Prana normally flows in either Ida or Pingala: Our kundalini energy system is usually more active in either the left or right sides, which are the Ida and Pingala. Of the thousands of energy channels (nadis), three are most important: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna (sometimes called "silver cord"), which is the central channel, and the most important.

Solar and lunar breaths: The breath and the underlying energy, or Prana, usually flow predominantly on one side or other, the left or the right. Breath predominantly in the left nostril is described as cool, and sometimes referred to as feminine. The flow of Prana on the left is the lunar, and is called Ida. Breath flowing predominantly in the right nostril is described as hot, and sometimes referred to as masculine. The flow of Prana on the right is the solar, and is called Pingala.

Nostril dominance shifts: Usually we believe that we are breathing through both nostrils, although breath is normally dominant in one or the other. The dominance shifts from time to time during the day. For one with a well balanced body and mind, that shift of nostril dominance happens approximately once in ninety minutes. For other people, the shift may be much different. Sometimes one can be so off balance that one nostril remains dominant, which is a symptom of some physical, mental, or emotional difficulties."


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Is there a correlation between the nostril and the type of thoughts as well? I believe it was left side is rajogun and right is tamogun.


After your post I did watch it more closely and the shift is there. During amrit vela and many times during meditation the left is better. At the moment right has a better flow, but it's not that far off from the left. Last night the left was fully blocked. 

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4 hours ago, HisServant said:

Is there a correlation between the nostril and the type of thoughts as well? I believe it was left side is rajogun and right is tamogun.


After your post I did watch it more closely and the shift is there. During amrit vela and many times during meditation the left is better. At the moment right has a better flow, but it's not that far off from the left. Last night the left was fully blocked. 

Agree with the above. During simran if you are unable to keep both pathways open then it is beneficial if the left side is open as opposed to right.  Right activates the mind whilst left side is supposed to be cooling and calming. Also known as taking suraj into chand. Put your dhiyan on left nostril or left eye. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is one of my favorite techniques. I do simran all sorts of ways but I've kept this one consistant for a while now. I do it at least 10 minutes a day usually longer. I do it in the way Yogi Bhajan taught, he spoke very highly of it. I like it after reciting out loud for a while to get more subtle (going through the levels of speech i guess you could say). He said it was called Sudarshan Chakra Kriya. 

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On December 25, 2015 at 2:42 AM, BhagatSingh said:

Step 1
Inhale slowly while repeating Om 32 times.
So your one inhale is roughly 32 seconds long.

Step 2
Hold the breath and repeat Om 64 times.
So roughly hold the breath for 64 seconds.

Step 3
Exhale slowly while repeating Om 16 times.
So elongate the exhale to 16 seconds 

Holding the breath for 64 sec is the hardest part, but good technique. I am gonna give it a shot again. Thanks for sharing.

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2 hours ago, BhagatSingh said:

Also the next 16 seconds of exhale will be the longest 16 seconds ever. ;)

I did 8 try and the longest I can hold is 15 sec, have no idea how exhale feel lol. I will keep trying until I master it since it's really good for mind concentration and glowing skin.:p lol

It seems easy when you think about it but is hard as hell. And just looked it up, it's only medium version. I don't even wanna think about advanced one yet lol. In a week, I will be a yogi with this technique mastered and if I fail, I'll get back to other easy technique discussed above lol





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