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Interest in Sikh Fiction?

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Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vahegurooo Ji Ki Fateh!

Hope it's within the forum guidelines to post this here. I am an author and have been working on writing short stories which feature Sikh characters and Sikh themes and thought. The stories, although fiction, explore the Sikh model of the world, and make an attempt to introduce the reader to various aspects of Sikh philosophy and identity. The stories are mostly set in the modern world (i.e. in the present day and age), and the focus is on the characters and how they deal with life's challenges and the various situations that they find themselves in.

There were multiple reasons why I decided to begin writing in this genre, which (for lack of a better term), I am calling "Sikh Fiction". Two of the most compelling reasons for me were 1) in the body of fiction that exists today, there is a dire lack of Sikh characters, and 2) this is a unique opportunity to introduce the reader to aspects of Sikhi which they might not otherwise be exposed to.

If anyone would be interested in reading and providing some feedback, I have put up one of the stories (titled "Daani", posted as a Note), on my Facebook page. There are also links to other stories there. All of these are original works.

Guru Fateh,
J. Singh

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13 hours ago, JSingh Author said:

Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa, Vahegurooo Ji Ki Fateh!

Hope it's within the forum guidelines to post this here. I am an author and have been working on writing short stories which feature Sikh characters and Sikh themes and thought. The stories, although fiction, explore the Sikh model of the world, and make an attempt to introduce the reader to various aspects of Sikh philosophy and identity. The stories are mostly set in the modern world (i.e. in the present day and age), and the focus is on the characters and how they deal with life's challenges and the various situations that they find themselves in.

There were multiple reasons why I decided to begin writing in this genre, which (for lack of a better term), I am calling "Sikh Fiction". Two of the most compelling reasons for me were 1) in the body of fiction that exists today, there is a dire lack of Sikh characters, and 2) this is a unique opportunity to introduce the reader to aspects of Sikhi which they might not otherwise be exposed to.

If anyone would be interested in reading and providing some feedback, I have put up one of the stories (titled "Daani", posted as a Note), on my Facebook page. There are also links to other stories there. All of these are original works.

Guru Fateh,
J. Singh

Excellent initiative Singh saab. Do Ardas to Sri Satguru jee for success.


Bhul chuk maaf

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