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Sri Charitropakhyan Sahib jee Series - Charitar #77


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Warning: Sexually explicit material below. Daas will kindly request sangat, below the age of 25 or people who are greatly affected by Lust, to stay away from this discussion.

Please read the Charitar:








Bhul chuk maaf

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What a smart, far-sighted and a cunning whore. Look at the way she is covering her tracks, in case she is accused of being complicit in the escape of her lover. In that case, the king would think if she was indeed assisting in his escape, why would she ask me to grab that watermelon from the river? After such deliberation, he would likely not be suspicious of his wife.


Bhul chuk maaf

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Also, look at the way the king sends his men to fetch the watermelon from the river, as per the queen's request. A watermelon. Why would a king do that? He can buy thousands of melons, if needed. Why risk the life of your men over a bloody watermelon? IMHO, this decision was pretty childish on the part of the king. The king is described as an intelligent person, but is he really?

Is Maharaaj trying to show us how intelligent men can act like dumb idiots, when under the influence of beautiful women?


Bhul chuk maaf

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Let's look at the verse below:

ਬਲ ਗੁਨ ਬੀਰਜ ਮੈ ਜਨੁਕ ਤ੍ਰਿਦਸੇਸ੍ਵਰ ਕੇ ਭਾਵ ॥੧॥

ਬੀਰਜ means semen and ਬਲ means strength.

One possible interpretation of the verse could be:

The king had the quality of great sexual stamina, like that of Lord Indra*.

* - The worship of Lord Indra is recommended for people who desire to increase their sexual stamina.


Bhul chuk maaf

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5 hours ago, paapiman said:

Also, look at the way the king sends his men to fetch the watermelon from the river, as per the queen's request. A watermelon. Why would a king do that? He can buy thousands of melons, if needed. Why risk the life of your men over a bloody watermelon? IMHO, this decision was pretty childish on the part of the king. The king is described as an intelligent person, but is he really?

I thought that as well. I think the focus here was the King was intent of keeping his Queen happy with him that he was able to do anything for her. For the Queen, I saw that she set the King a task which he was failing to do, but then reprieved him of any blame by saying the watermelon is not important. For that that King must have felt a little more secured as his men were unable to retrieve the watermelon.


Here is the gurmukhi version:


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5 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

For that that King must have felt a little more secured as his men were unable to retrieve the watermelon.

Along with that his love must have increased for the queen. The queen showed off herself as a very humane individual, who was concerned about the life of the men sent to fetch the melon. Now, the king would hold her in a higher esteem than before.


Bhul chuk maaf

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