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15 Days With Sant Baba Maan Singh (DAY 6)

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Day 6: Mercy , actions and Worldly Attraction


Waheguru jee is the Giver to all creatures. Bhai Gurdas jee tells us of the lion and the goat. The lion was about to eat the goat when she suddenly started laughing. She said I eat leaves and you eat me.

Sing- "Gal vada sadey ka oana kee hal ho-i-gaa? the ones who cut our throats and eat us, what will there state be?"

The goat said, ``What will happen to the ones that cut the throat of a creature to eat it?''

When Guru Nanak Dev jee was a boy about to go through the ceremony of getting his holy janjyoo sting tied on him, he fearlessly said to the holy Hindu Priest, tie a Janjyoo on me made with the string of mercy, tie such a Janjyoo on me.

Mercy was important to Guru Nanak Dev jee, a merciful man will not even kill an ant. Guru Nanak's Janjyoo of mercy does not get broken nor does it get burnt, mercy cannot be destroyed.

Baba Sri Chand, the older son of Guru Nanak Dev jee found out that his brother Laxmee Das had gone hunting in the forest. He told him, ``One day your accounts will be read in front of Dharam Raj, the Divine Judge.'' Laxmee Das said, ``What's the point of being born in Guru Nanak's house if my accounts are not automatically forgiven?'' Now if Guru Nanak Dev jee's son's actions couldn't be forgiven automatically then what will happen to us?

Guru Nanak Dev jee went to a town, Bhai Mardana jee asked, ``Guru jee, why do some of these houses have one or two flags but that big house has seven flags?'' It was Dunee Chand's house. He was a millionaire.

A thief can only rob while the owners are asleep or out. If the owners awaken then the thief will be caught. We are inside this body of God's. We can do bad actions but one day we will be caught and punished for our bad actions.

No one will their to help you when you give accounts. And you can't hide your misdeeds. Like the one who eats garlic can deny it because everyone can smell it. Everyone knows what he did.

Have you ever believed in God? Have you ever gone into the holy congregation, or Sadh Sangat? Bhagat Kabeer jee asked some men if they believed in God. They said that they did. Then he asked the men where they thought God resided. They replied that God was everywhere and in all animals. Bhagat Kabeer jee asked them, ``Do you eat meat?'' They said they did. Bhagat Kabeer Jee said, `` In that case you don't believe in God!''

Bhagat Kabeer jee saw some holy men eating meat in God's Temple, he said to them, ``Have you no shame! You live in God's house and eat meat.''

O beloved ones some people say drink alcohol and eat meat, be happy, drink and be merry. One of these people said to me, ``I believe in science not God.'' I said, ``O beloved one, did the Chicken or egg come first.'' He said, ``The chicken came first,'' I said, ``But where did the chicken come from?'' He said, ``From the egg!'' He got caught in this loop egg-chicken-egg-chicken.

Science can't even figure out whether the chicken or the egg came first. God's limits cannot be known.

He said, ``Egg first, No chicken first, No egg first, No chicken.'' I asked him, ``Did man or woman come first?'' He answered, ``Woman of course!'' I said, ``Does your science believe a human can come without parents?'' He said, ``No.''

God's limits cannot be known, everyday we sing this in ardas:

"Tumaree ghat mit tumhee janee Nanak Das sada kurbanee Only You know Your extent and limit The servant Nanak is always a sacrifice to You"

God's limit can't be known. People say, ``I haven't seen God, so why should I believe God exists?'' But, to get a good job you need qualifications. Have you passed the Guru's test? Are you qualified to see Waheguru jee?

Back to the historical incident, the millionaire Dunee Chand called all the Hindu Priests for a holy congregation, he wanted to feed them and get their blessings. He had also heard that Guru Nanak jee was on a mission to save this burning world and was also in town. He wanted Guru Nanak jee to come to the feeding ceremony as well. Dunee Chand put his palms together and humbly said, ``I want to remember my deceased parents, I want you to give them some blessings by coming to my house and eating the holy food.''

Guru Nanak jee questioned Dunee Chand, ``How can you feed your dead ancestors by feeding these Hindu Priests?'' Dunee Chand said that everyone followed this ceremony. Guru Nanak Dev jee said, ``Dunee Chand, this food won't reach your dead ancestors. O Duni Chand towards the west there is a jungle and a hungry wolf's been there for 15 days. That's your re-incarnated father.'' Dunee Chand said, ``But Guru jee, my father never did anything bad, how can he have been reincarnated?'' Guru Nanak Dev jee said, ``If you don't believe me, then go and ask your re-incarnated father. Don't worry when you get there you'll see your father's spirit. When he stands before you give him the food and ask him your question.'' Duni Chand took the food on a metal plate that he repectfully carried his head and went to the jungle.

Dunee Chand puts his hands together, offered the food and asked, ``Dear father, you donated lots of money to charity, you were good and virtuous, so why were you re-incarnated?'' The father answered, ``I never did anything bad, but at the last moment before death the neighbours cooked meat and I had a desire to eat it. Because of my desire I was reborn.''

What ever a person desires at the last moment is what that soul is reborn as. Bhagat Trilochan jee's verses say that if you remember money at the last moment, then you come back as a snake. A snake has many species, the person who remembered money is born into these. A person who remembers his sons and never meditated on God's Name will come back as a pig again and again. A man who thinks of his lust will come back as a prostitute. A person who starts worrying about his house comes back as a ghost in the house. The one who remembers Waheguru at the end will be saved.

Some people say, ``Just before I die I'll start saying `Waheguru Waheguru', but until then I'll do what I want.'' Bhai Gurdas jee explains to us that these people are saying there is no need to build a well. They'll build it when the fire burns the house! It'll be too late to build it then. When there's a battle to fight, it'll be to late to say I'll learn about martial arts now!

If you don't meditate on God's Name `Waheguru, Waheguru' then how many lives will you have to go through.

Dunee Chand's father said, ``All my life I did nothing bad, but at the end my desire went next door to eat the meat. I had never eaten meat, I didn't know what it tasted like, but at that moment I wanted to know. Now, I been born as a meat eating wolf for my bad desire. But, for my good actions, for charity and virtue, Guru Nanak jee came to my house and blessed you and now me.'' His father's spirit was blessed and left the body and went to God's realm of Truth, Sach Khand.

Dunee Chand went to see Guru Nanak jee and told him the story. Guru Nanak jee asked him, ``In your town some people have one or two flags on their house, but you have seven, why?'' Dunee Chand said, ``Each flag tells the world this man has one million rupees.'' Dunee Chand continued, ``I have seven million rupees and hence seven flags.'' Guru Nanak jee said, ``Dunee Chand, share this wealth with the poor and needy, get rid of your desire for wealth. If you think of wealth at the last moment you will come back as a snake.''

One time Guru Nanak Dev jee said to Bhai Mardana jee, ``Today I'm going to take you to have the sacred vision of the Formless Being.'' Bhai Mardana jee was simple and said, ``Baba jee, let me go first, in front of you. You always send me in first when we go into any town, I went first to see Sajjan Tug, I went first to see Kauda Raksh and almost got eaten alive. Baba jee, at least let me go along side you.'' Guru Nanak jee said ``O Mardana, it's not a question of going in front or behind nor is it a question of going as friends. I have no attachment to friends. But, it's a question of when you appear in front of the Immortal Being, you'll be asked to sing Kirtan-praises.'' Bhai Mardana jee said, ``Of course I'll sing Kirtan-praises, no problem!'' Guru Nanak jee said, ``But your Kirtan is so sweet that the Immortal Being will keep you with him. Then you'll start missing your friends and family. You'll start thinking about worldy distractions, or maya.'' Bhai Mardana jee said, ``Yes that's true, in t

hat case Baba jee you go to see the Formless One and I'll wait here!!!''

Don't get attached to maya, or worldly distractions. Donate even one coin to Guru jee and Guru jee gives us all the treasures says Bhai Gurdas jee. We borrow money to pay for our homes and businesses, we take out a second mortgage to wed our sons and daughters. A new Gurdwara is to be built here so make the effort to donate money and see if Guru jee doesn't make you successful.

Guru Nanak Dev jee told Dunee Chand to distribute the seven million rupees in charity. Guru Nanak jee stayed at his house for three months and it became God's Realm of Truth, Sach Khand.

Guru Granth Sahib Jee doesn't allow us to eat meat. Its not a question of don't eat Halal but eat Chatka instead. Muslims only eat Halal meat and Guru jee's have stopped them from eating that hence leaving them vegetarian. Now having done that how can Guru jee then say its OK to eat meat if its quick kill Chatka? He doesn't. Don't do what you want do, only do what Guru jee wants.

If you want you make this servant happy, then I don't need these pennies, fill my gown with one or two thousand people ready to receive amrit.

A man's house is his own but once he's married then his wife takes control. If he comes back late after he's been drinking she'll wait up for him. After the third or fourth time he comes home late and drunk, she wont unlock the doors and tells him to stay out until he sobers up. Where did she get the right to be in control of his house? Well, the wedding vows they took meant that she now belonged to him and everything of his now belonged to her!

When we take our amrit vows, we belong to Waheguru jee. We only become Khalsa when we receive amrit, then we belong to Waheguru : Waheguru jee ka Khalsa! Waheguru jee's Khalsa. And everything of Waheguru jee belongs to the Khalsa.

Without amrit one is not a Khalsa and does not belong to Waheguru jee.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh !

ThankYou Sangat for reading !

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