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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. ਕਲਿਜੁਗ ਮਹਿ ਇਕ ਨਾਮਿ ਉਧਾਰੁ 

    Kalijug Mehi Eik Naam Oudhhaar 

    In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the One Name(Satnam) alone shall save you.

    Sree Guru Arjun Dev.

  2. I think that if your intuition has been sharpened, is more likely to happen when one due to the meditation practiced, one is passing or staying / reaching an inner stage, where these finer attributes appear as natural in those realms. So in a way, it is like being dyed with the attributes of those inner realms. The effects of real bhakti are quite different. SSA.
  3. Guest Em Kaur Jee, You don't have anything to apologize for, cause your advice is right and sincere. Other thing is trying to impose one's point by force on others, which is clearly not your case. So your advice is valuable and most welcome, as it is understanding per sikhee. SSA.
  4. a) This is sign of His grace, we can not have maya and parmarath at the same time. If your attention is more towards spirituality, one is likely to become more spiritual minded and with less worldy bonds, and the higher and inner we enter, more and more purer spiritual beings. b) No 2 people are at same spiritual level, thus, each one has individual realization. c) Of course it is a good sign, if our aim is spirituality and we head towards it, let us be fully aware of all that it implies so that our mind does not play tricks and make us confused. SSA.
  5. Agree totally. Your advice is quite sound and justified, because the simran jaap as per sikhee mentioned by you above, is what will safely and surely take us to His abode. For if Waheguru alone is our goal, then of course the wisdom of Guru Jee which is complete, is what is required to reach that goal. Otherwise there are so many khands, so many realms, so many subtle planes...countless, to which we may reach mistakenly. The teachings of Guru Jee are the purest and highest which deal only with Sach Khand and Waheguru, so there is no chance of manmukhta nor mistakes. It is Gurbani which tells us : JIN HAR JAPEEYA SE HAR HOEEYA. Let us ask ourselves, is there any other path which can reveal us such Truth in such a simple verse of 6 words only? Wah Waheguru, wah Gurbani. SSA.
  6. Nanak dhukheeya sabh sansaar.

    Se sukheeya jhin Nam adhaar.

    O Nanak the whole world is unhappy.

    He alone is happy, who has Nam as his only support.

  7. Congrats bro. Well done from your side by staying away from the bad sangat. The next step is to stay alone or be in sadh-sangat, read Gurbani, listen katha keertan or just distract yourself with healthy hobbies, or go for jogging, or join a gym, the thing is to keep an eye on the devlish mind. And last pray sincerely to Waheguru to help you go smoothly away from the bad company. Good luck. SSA.
  8. In my humble opinion, I do not think thirst for knowledge is any hindrance in the sound current path. Rather, if there is any hindrrance it is the desire of possesing or aquiring to dominate or boast about it, this in reality is hankar or ego, and ego is the last vikaar/thief to leave . The example I usually give for the above situation is that one of Ravan. What jap or tap did he not perform? Then too, he was yet very much wicked even after aquiring so many powers, that he had overpowered the devtays and all the 5 chor were very much active in him, that too being such a devotee of the god Shiva. Though bhakti is performed by almost everybody in all the religions, but there is definetely difference of whom the bhakti is done of. Like the one of worshipping the numerous deities, trinties, or gods on one side, or, worshipping the Highest Truth, which is infinite, eternal and changeless, namely Waheguru Akal Purukh/Satnam/Nam or Shabad. We are extremely lucky that we are born in sikh dharam, that due to His grace, that we by devoting ourselves to Him Waheguru Akal Purukh, we for sure reach His abode safely and totally pure, for engaging in His bhakti, we graduallly become pure/paviter, desireless, humble, full in faith and love for His Lotus Feet.... Even our chains from the never ending cycle of births and deaths are cut off, we have no more accounts to be settled with Dharam Raj . To get the most(Him), by giving just a little bit of ourselves(manmukhta) regularly. Isn´t it incredible? Isn´t it amazing? So much grace, so much mercy, on us sinners. What else can one want ? To love Him, we do not have to go anywhere, nor do any penances, or leave home or family, neither endure hardships on the physical body, but simply sit at one place, close the eyes and concentrate to meditate on Him. That´s it, as simple as that. In this respect, the Bani beautifully and in simple words tells us: Prabh ka simran mun kee mael jaae. ( By His simran, all vikars, sins, pollution on the mind, are washed away) Prabh ka simran garb na baseh. ( By His simran, one is not born again in any joonee) Jin Har japeeya, se Har hoeeya. ( He whosoever meditates on Him by His jaap, becomes Him) His simran, as seen, is the only means to reach Him, not only that, but something still more wonderful, which is merging in Him and becoming Him. Stay blessed. SSA.
  9. Hi NoFap Jee, First of all no question is dumb or foolish as far honesty is concerned. Secondly, as far as I know, powers are not obtained by listening to the sounds within, while maybe with the jaap of some mantras of some deity, which pleased grants those powers in their hands. And as far as in the wisdom of sikhee, listening to the sounds is only possible when there is concentration or focus in meditation, and these sounds are meant for our purification only, thus listening them, one is transported through them to higher and subtler planes, until one reaches Sach Khand and merges there in the Aad Nad of Satnam. As seen and read in the passages of the following link provided by you : https://books.google.co.in/books?id=yV0oDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover, it says that thiese sounds are truly divine which should be listened with utmost respect and devotion for in a way they are the very manifestation of Satnam, and as such, by listening our mind becomes pure and tranquil, desireless, and as baby who trusts its mother the most, totally gives away itself by perfect submission to that Primal Power within thus remaining in His Mauj at all times. The power of this higher Nad is such, that the Bani tells us: Suniye, paap dukh ka naas. Which means, when one listens to these sounds, all our sins , karmas ....come to and end, thus one is freed from the cycle of births and deaths for once and forever. No words can ever decribe the beant wadeeayee of Satnam,Shabad or Aad Nad. SSA.
  10. Almost all of us do His bhakti in various ways. But have we ever asked ourselves what is true bhakti which is accepted by Him, and not only that, but, that one which pleases Him the most. For if it does not please Him what we offer Him, then, of what use is that bhakti? We do bhakti not to please ourselves as per our limited thinking, but, to please our beloved Waheguru Akal Purukh. ਇਕਿ ਖੜੇ ਕਰਹਿ ਤੇਰੀ ਚਾਕਰੀ ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਹੋਰੁ ਨ ਭਾਇਆ ॥ Eik Kharrae Karehi Thaeree Chaakaree Vin Naavai Hor N Bhaaeiaa || Some stand and serve You; without the Name, nothing else pleases them. Raag Maajh Sree Guru Angad Dev.
  11. ਗੁਰਮਤੀ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈਐ ਸੁਖਿ ਰਜਾ ਜਾ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਾਇਆ ॥ Guramathee Naam Dhhiaaeeai Sukh Rajaa Jaa Thudhh Bhaaeiaa || Those who follow the Guru's Teachings meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Filled with a joyful peace, they surrender to Your Will. Raag Maajh Guru Angad Dev. * In the verse above, Guru Sahiban reveals us in just one line the summary of all spirituality, of what we ought to do, if only we want to meet Him, by engaging ourselves in the meditation of His holy Name.
  12. ਆਦਿ ਜੁਗਾਦੀ ਰਖਦਾ ਸਚੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਕਰਤਾਰੁ 

    Aadh Jugaadhee Rakhadhaa Sach Naam Karathaar ||

    From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, the True Name of the Creator has been our Saving Grace.

    Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj

  13. Bhangra in USA with the Law enforcement officers.mp4
  14. "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." - Buddha "We are what we repeatedly (simran)do. Excellence(bhakti), then, is not an act but a habit." "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, yet anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Unknown
  15. "Don't wait for your feelings to change to take the action of devoting yourself to Him.

    Take the action and your feelings will change."

  17. One friend... 3 years earlier crossed 50... Just about 8 days later an ailment was the excuse and a condolatory message on the group ...Sad ..no more RIP Two months later i called her husband. A thought crossed my mind ..he must be devastated. Her spouse had a travelling job. Till her death she would oversee everything...home..education of their children..in laws..their sickness..relatives..everything She would express at times..my house..my family ..but should we not get appreciation...why are we taken for granted? I called up. I thought her hubby must be lost..to be responsible for evetything..aging parents, loneliness at this age..how must he be managing? The cell phone rang for some time..the mind was perplexed... After an hour he returned the call..He apoligised that he could not receive the call..He had started playing tennis for an hour at his club and meeting friends ensured he had a good time. He took a transfer to Pune. All well at home , i asked. He replied ..he had hired a cook ..he paid her more and she would buy the groceries and provisions. He had hired full time caretaker for his aging parents. Managing..have to ..etc..I barely managed to say a couple of sentences and we hung up. Tears welled up my eyes. She was immovable from my vision. She had missed the school reunion for minor ailment of het mother in law. Looking for some appreciation and some applause..said she. I feel like telling her... No one is indispensable. And no one will be missed..it is play of our mind. Perhaps it is the consolation...a symbol of our understanding if you would like to call it that... That's the problem of putting others first. You have taught them You come second Reality bytes. After her death two more maids were hired. The house was in order. We only measure our respect and our value..ain't that true? Then do enjoy life..Remove the frame of mind that i am indispensable and without me my envoirements will suffer.. Most importantly make the time for the self..
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