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Everything posted by LiquidSky

  1. You all have it wrong, dont get married if you dont want sex. Simple. If you want to get married, youre going to have sex regardless. In some traditions sex is selfless act where you're giving pleasure to your partner and not just meeting your own desires. If you want advice about being celibate, ask someone who isnt married and doesnt tell you to get married. "Oh I want kids", then youre going to have sex then isnt it? "But my Baba said Kaam is bad and you should avoid it all costs", dont get married. "My baba said you should get married but avoid Kaam". Ask yourself why should you get married and stop listening to that Baba.
  2. If in the beginning there was only God, then I would assume God would be taking pieces of itself and creating it using himself as the pieces. Hence God is part of creation. When we die, we go back to God's missing piece and merge back.
  3. Compare it with trending video which makes maps "racist".
  4. Yes, its called blindly following rituals without knowing their meaning.
  5. On the subject of "Law of karma". Sitting back and letting "karma" do something is Reailty is in reality an oxymoron. It's like expecting an action to take place when there is no action to settle it. I'm not talking about it paradoxically either. If I was then, taking no action is better than action. This can be applied to doing something will cause more harm than good. Action (Karma) is only done with intent not by doing nothing.
  6. No, muslims believe that Mohammad is the next and last prophet after Jesus. Muslims also believe that their version of history is right and everyone that doesnt have the same view is a kaffar, this also includes Jews and Christians.
  7. Thou shall not kill, is refering to the Jews that have accepted the law of Yahwah and only applied for his people not the gentiles. Which explains all the killings of gentiles talked about in the bible but they cant do it to their OWN people because gentiles are not apart of the law. Jews are allowed to eat meat, only curtain types. Which when you think about it, also applies to Muslims who view everyone whos a non-believer an emermy of their god under their law. This is why killings are still going on. If it was left to "The Law of Karma" it would have been delt with long time ago. "Law of Karma" is BS and only should be taken to what it means, actions. Karma can be applied for bad and good actions but it doesn't mean your transfering energy in a magical way. There is no reflective force that bouncies Bad or Good Actions to and from a person like a conversation. If that was the case, I'd be a lot happier. Reailty is, bad things happen and people that get away with bad things and never have karma delt with unless its justice they seek. Bad people will think they are good because its all subjective and how you can prove yourself right by using truth. We should start believeing things more practically. When people think about God, they usually thing about God of all life and that everything is central to GOD. But then you have another view where God seems to treat people differently and favours his own people over others and even kills allows killings of people who follow other gods. But the real question is who is The God which is above the religion you follow.
  8. I think this is the real reason why. This guy went more into Sikhi. This girl missed the clean cut guy. Now she's heart broken that "he's moved on". Now she's feeling nostalgic about the time she had with him before he went fully into Sikhi.
  9. No offense but when Men do express their feelings, its usualy straight to the point. Some women (not all) would cry, then the man would will feel bad. THIS IS WHY MEN DONT EXPRESS EMOTIONS. I would say go for a nice guy but then most women hate nice guys. Men and Women are different but both CAN work together, Ying and Yang. This is the dualistic nature of the world.
  10. You've been friends for 15 years, hes changed, hes not the same person. If you were friends for 15 years and he liked you, then you would have been partners much sooner than 15 years. Simple asnwer is, he wasnt attracted to you which is something you have to accept. But this is from a Man perspective, you're a woman and it'll be easier to find a guy for you. Men have to go out of their own way to find someone and get rejected soo many times.
  11. Good one. Lot of "Sikhs" think that having no sex in marriage is the "Way to live life". When sex can be a selfless thing. This is why no girls want to marry Singhs now adays. Women dont see Singhs as able to be "physical", they always picture a Gyani. If a Sikh wants to celibate, dont get married. Sex can bring two people closer together and encourage pair bonding.
  12. I think we need to come to reality. And stop believing that everything is Maya. Maya is an illusion but its not an illusion called the matrix. Its your own version of reality of thoughts which creates dilutions, which is why you must be rooted in reality. By saying romatic stories to people with a problem only makes the problem worse.
  13. You feel a connection, thats called empaty, most people already have it. You know what you should do, treat others as you treat yourself. Dont go around looking for rewards for doing this either, or doing it outwouldly just for show, be it. Know this, if you break someones heart, your Heart is broken.
  14. With the Flat earth theory you think it's 8.4 Million or 84000 lives?
  15. So where does motivation fit in if it doesn't have a emotional content? Is there any use of doing good karma? Where is the drive? What makes someone drive you for bhagati? Its still within ego, the act of bhagati is still an act coming from the self.
  16. I believe they are emotions but emotions can control you. You need theses "Five vices". Kaam to create babies. Krodh to drive you to seek justice. Lobh to seek more knowledge. Moh to be attached to loved ones, dear I say even The Guru. Ahankar, having pride in yourself, someone who has no self worth doesn't feel motivated. Theses things can get out of control if left unchecked and yes do the opposite.
  17. Start with understanding yourself first, what makes you tick, your nature. Your emotions, fears, what makes you happy, sad etc. Then you can go above them. How can you relate to something which is infinite if you havent understood yourself. Maya doesnt mean everything around us is a 3D simulation, Maya is a notion of delusion or belief systems we have or have come to believe in which are not true. This whole relating quantum physics to maya doesnt end your day to day problems, understanding your self does. The Five so-called "Vices" in Sikhi is your own Emotions, not "Bad Deeds".
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