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  1. So alot of talk around the world about combating extremism. First thing is to ask is how do we define what is extremism and who are the extremists? In saudi arabia the islamic wahabi government there declared atheists as extremists and threat to national security to be atheist over there is a crime, to convert a muslim to another religious ideological belief system is also a crime there. Yet western atheist secular governments are sucking off the saudi islamic wahabi arabs and aiding them with weapons and other military training, intelligence and resources to fight their political regional enemies. We have the indian government killing religious and ethnic minorities who just want freedom and basic human rights for their people since 1947. are the people who fight against the brutal indian state now defined as extremists? We have our own religious Sikh heros and Guru's of the past who spoke out and physically fought with weapons against the enemies of humanity and Sikhs yet at the time they were deemed extremists and threat to the state by the invading islamic mughul and afghan govt authorities. Bhagat and udam singh are much celebrated sikh and indian revolutionary figures but today's standards would come under the tag of extremists and terrorists So where do we draw and line and how do we know what is extremism?
  2. We often hear of religious extremists but I think we should shine a spotlight on the atheist extremists also because those without religion or religious commandments have killed more people on earth and committed more acts of death and destruction via illegal invasions and wars than any other ideology in the 20th and 21st centuries. ie pol pot, stalin, hitler, most of present and past secular atheist western governments and their atheist bankster controlled political leaders, etc Highest prison population in western countries are made up of atheists.
  3. Problem is that islam itself extremist ideology so when a hindu becomes a muslim he automatically becomes an extremist willing to do anything to please muhammad/allah to get his ticket to jannah. So what the hindu community must realise is that their girls are being groomed their boys are being groomed to convert to islam and ultimate destruction of their religion and societies. Look what happened when kashmiri's got forced to convert by islamic invaders now kashmir is a huge liability for india because its population are fundamentalist moslems they need to either ethnically cleanse/kill the islamic population there or revert them back to hinduism to ensure national integrity and security. If a hindu wants to convert to something they should convert to Sikhi. Atheist and Abrahmic religions are extremist ideologies only Sikhi is safe for humanity
  4. Most Sikhs don't view Badal as a Sikh though. He works hand in glove with his political masters in new delhi ie the brahmin hindustani terrorists. If you don't see how brahmin hindu punjabi's are creating anti-sikh propaganda then pm me I will give you links to facebook and twitter profiles they creating showing their true face and hatred of Sikhs.
  5. 1) SGPC brainwashing Sikhs that your not a Sikh unless you meet their criteria since 1940s 2) Chai samosay useless fat singhs in 20ft 60kg dastaars wearing khalsa uniform on the outside but inside is an atheist inside living their own life with their own desires not caring for the future of sikhi and circumstances of Sikhs in present. 3) Gurdwaray committee members thinking short term and more worried about revenue flow through their donation box than Sikh population and how to increase that population. 4) Sikh youth not encouraged to be strong in their faith by parents and being brainwashed with atheist liberalism political correct nonsense by western media which is a gameplay cleverly played by enemies of Sikhi so that our religion will vanish because generations will forget Sikhi. 5) Sikh kids bullied by islamo-fascists or atheist fascist who are allowed to mock other belief systems but promote their own with vigour. 6) Sikh females brainwashed to think its ok to be with non-sikh males so that demographics and next generations of Sikhs will not exist because mothers will be non-sikhs aswill the kids. Something to ponder on.
  6. That's where your wrong, tiny group holds alot of sway in hindustan they run things. Without their say you cant even get a visa to travel to india mate. They have control over your sikh institutions are they are the ones who dont want you to get freedom from their vile clutches. They are the ones who create propaganda against Sikhs and associate them with islamic terrorists so that the white racists think its ok to associate the sikh turban wearers with muslims. They are the ones who laugh secretly pretend to respect your faith and people yet secretly plot against you. Time to wake up.
  7. There is alot of anti-sikh extremism from hindu punjabi brahmins, how do we combat these vile people?
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