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  1. No offence intended but in some of your posts you allude to going into sunn state, which requires pranic balance. How were these things reconciled on that journey? Sometimes people think they are in sunn, but its actually a state called tundra that confuses the aspirant.
  2. Yes, it starts before that. Before you attain realization it is possible to fall again, as many of us do.
  3. Rom Rom requires self-generating mantra. Acquiring that stage has many techniques. And maintaining it is delicate.However, not all techniques are suitable for all aspirants. Depends on one's karma, and where the flow of pran is concentrated in the body.
  4. I cannot speak for anyone else but a brahgyani told me that sex should only be used for reproduction. After a few years the reason for this became clear. Even arousal uses pran. Higher stages of meditation cannot become stable unless pran is stable. A great deal of pran is expelled during arousal and intercourse, and those who have strong desire for spiritual progress will try to abstain once they experience the effect and impact. Of course, abstinence isn't for everyone, but we shouldn't make assumptions without understanding purpose and how this machine (body) works. Lust is a big struggle for many of us. Myself included. Even swapan dosh ruins meditation for a while. Many lifetimes of dirt needs to be washed away before we start making real progress.
  5. I take it semen retention (brahmcharya) is being practiced? And diet is balanced rather than eating hot/spicy or too many warming foods? If all of those check out, then seek out someone realized to guide you.
  6. The flow of ida and pingala is karma related. Balanced/lunar flow occurs once we've pacified the heavier burdens. Excessive heat can give rise to a lot of complications. In cases where there is agitation as a result of meditation, service of the needy, or as instructed by a realized person, is advised. It's also important to maintain as much celibacy as possible if heat is excessive.
  7. This happens to some extent automatically if one repeats mantra with devotion and love. Always best to focus on that more than the path of "exercise". Without stirring the heart, the energy becomes difficult to contain and rises up the wrong channels, giving rise to the very emotions and attachments one is trying to shed. In the past, the more physical aspects of Yoga were guided firmly by realized teachers, who knew what the aspirant could and could not handle, as well as the "prakirti" of the person. Like all things in life, patience and good fortune have to be earned. Once that path has a seed or reasonable foundation, a realized soul will cross one's path and help.
  8. Physical items are tools that are meant to help us go inwards and realise the true self. Excess focus on physical appearance strengthens the bonds of attachment to physicality. Women are bombarded with enough in this world, already. I don't think we need to encourage yet another mandatory sheath over the Atman.
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