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Everything posted by Singh2022

  1. My point being that in the interactions I have had in my life, I have myself observed that the majority of fellow Sikhs from all diverse ancestry backgrounds such as Jatt, Ravidassia, Tarkhan, Arora, Bhatra etc, etc are decent non-casteist people. A small but vocal minority of casteists such as KP Gill or Zail Sin or Khemu Bedi should not be allowed to poison the well for new generations of Sikhs who thirst for a unified and expanding all inclusive Sikh Panth. I disagree. Look at the amazing economic success of rural Punjabi's from Mazhabi, Tarkhan, Jatt, Ravidassia and Bhatra backgrounds to name but five rural communities that spring to mind. The overwhelming majority of Granthi's in Gurdwara's in Punjab are from a Mazhabi background and similarly in Canada and America they are the primary beneficiaries of Green Cards and PR cards on that basis. Because Mazhabi's are the most pukkeh Sikhs and children impacted by Gurbani succeed far more academically as a consequence it is clear to see. Tarkhans spearheaded the Green revolution via machinery engineering at a time when India could ill afford imports. Jatts are vastly over-represented among realtors in Canada to name but one business profession. Whilst Bhatra's were the original enterprising rural Sikh immigrants to the UK a 100years ago. Whereas the economic condition of leatherworking ancestry folks is pitiful outside Punjab, in Punjab they have been CM of Punjab and run multiple businesses. All five rural communities were considered so-called "low castes" by Manuvadi soch but the spiritual freedom and personal self-confidence that Sikhi imbibes ensure that all five rural communities are highly enterprising and significantly better off than their Hindu and Muslim counterparts in India and Pakistan. Collectively, Sikh Diaspora communities have the highest rates of home ownership in both Canada and the UK
  2. Yes you are right that a small racist minority of Tarkhan sycophants of the British Empire in Africa did indeed try to appropriate the name Ramgarhia at the behest of the British. The British realised that Giani Ditt Singh Ji of the Singh Sabha being of Chamar ancestry and intellectually leading the Sikh Panth was a long term threat to the British Empire as we see via the Gurdwara Reform Movement in the years that followed eventually culminating in the collapse of the British Empire. Thus despite Tarkhans being the overwhelming majority ancestry of those employed by the British Empire in Africa - with there simply being no possibility of Gurdwara control by eithers - the bogus exclusive identity was cooked up by the British to divide and rule Sikhs. Zail Sin reinforced that by instructing all Ramgarhia named Golak's in the Diaspora to ensure that only those with two Tarkhan parents may be granted membership in order to spread his apartheid ideology as a way of defeating and dividing Sikhs. It falls on the Diaspora youth to continue educate all that the Ramgarhia Misl's warriors were composed 90% of Amritdhari fighters from erstwhile non-tarkhan occupations and diverse ancestries such as erstwhile Pandits, Farmers, Leatherworkers, Mazhabi's, etc, etc you name it. Anybody that insults Tarkhans is insulting the sacred memory of one of our greatest Gurmukhs such as Bhai Lalo Ji and the noble profession of Shaheed Bhai Sukha Singh Ji to give but two examples as Tarkhan, Jatt, Mazabhi and Ravidassia ancestry are four of the fingers in the united clenched fist of the Sikh Qaum. We need complete pyaar and nimarta towards fellow Sikhs regardless of what their ancestors tribe or profession was and regardless of it they are African or Caucasian by phenotype. As Sikhs we should be proud that we are the only Qaum that has been led into battle by the most able leaders (regardless of their background) in contrast with Muslims and Hindu's who scoffed at Bhai Jiwan Singh Ji (who the Muslims disparaged as a mere Bihari scavenger in their writings and insults) and Bhai Sangat Singh Ji (who again the Muslims disparaged as a mere Chamar) being appointed to lead the Khalsa Fauj by Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj.
  3. This figure cooked up by pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun for publicity is fake and provably so as even to accommodate 10,000 then 120 St would have had to have been totally blocked off (which it wasn't). Everybody from the area knows 120 St is torn up and coned off with numerous roadworks and anything more than 5,000 would have resulted in a shutdown of 120 St (which it didn't) The actual number was more closer to the 5,000-6,000 mark out of a local Sikh population of 300,000 = 2% of the local Sikh population. Even the turnout of around 5,000 was actually high due to the GOI+RAW's brazen murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjer in the Gurdwara's parking lot a few weeks back. Most of the people that voted were rightly incensed at this killing by RAW and hence the higher than normal turnout due to a member of the Sangat being killed. It is perfectly logical for anyone to want an independent Punjab when RAW has clearly killed HS Nijjer and Avtar Singh Khanda in the Diaspora the last few weeks. However, pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun is exploiting perfectly valid sentiments of freedom from a terrorist state for his own personal enrichment and is just as likely to be on the RAW payroll as much as he is openly supportive of the ISI and everything Pakistan stands for. The Pakistani reporter alludes to tens of thousands (rather than disprovably false figure put by Pannun) which can arguably applied in the singular too. However, let's say 10,000 voted out of a local Sikh population of 300,000 that means a 3% local minority of Sikhs have been duped by Pannun et al into thinking this sham achieves something. But for argument's sake let's even hypothetically assume that 60,000 (which is 20% of the local Sikh population and which was absolutely provably not in attendence) voted in this sham non-binding referendum concocted by pro-Pakistani sycophant Pannun ... ... what does it prove given that the Sikh population in east Punjab is currently between 50 to 55% depending on when the latest census results will be released. What it actually shows is that if we extrapolate the imaginary 20% support that Pannun might claim and translate it into a UN-monitored vote in Punjab it means the following: 20% of Sikhs supporting Pannun multiplied by arguably 55% of the Punjab gives roughly 11% vote of the overall Punjab population supporting him and 89% against Pannun and not in support of a Khalistani rump state in Malwa and Majha only (as Doaba with a Sikh minority already they would clearly vote to stay with Delhi ). If Sikhs are barely just above 50% of the east Punjab currently and it is well known that the GOI+RAW are trying to ensure Sikhs are a minority in Punjab by the 2031 census then all Pannun is achieving is negative PR for Sikhs via these flag burnings, extrajudicial murders by RAW in response, an increased flow of Pakistani drugs into east Punjab the minute Delhi feels any potential revived threat and a doubled down commitment from GOI+RAW to ensure the growth of Christianity and Islam in Punjab to ensure Sikhs are less than 50% of the east Punjab population (as we are already a minority in Doaba). The sad thing is our people do not realise the demographics on the ground. We were a 13% minority in 1947. In today's terms we constitute about 10% of the historical wider Punjabi population. But the Diaspora youth who are being duped by Pannun are not realising the grave threat of Sikhs being declared a minority in east Punjab by the 2031 census whilst Pannun bizarrely implies that only Sikhs will vote in his imaginary pie in the sky UN-backed referendum and/or sham non-binding referendum roadshows to generate his bank account further millions via naive Sangat funding who rightly feel pain over the Congress Genocide of Sikhs.
  4. I do agree with you that Zail Sin was the sell out pioneer behind pushing the apartheid Gurdwara's concept overseas as it is common knowledge that Zail Sin insisted on Ramgarhia memberships being apartheid based. However, do you also accept that Sanjay Gandhi and Zail Sin were responsible for pushing the new term "Damdami Taksal"? Given that prior to that they had simply been Chowk Mehta Dera (Jatha Bhindran). The silent majority of Diaspora youth from various Jatt, Tarkhan, Khatri, Ravidassia, Mazhabi, Bhatt backgrounds etc, etc and others all realise that in the face of overwhelming demographics arranged against us we either unite with love for one another and learn from how the lions of our Panth discarded their erstwhile societal backgrounds for a solely Gurmat compatible Sikh identity as we see in the examples of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji, Shaheed Bhai Sukha Singh Ji, Sardar Hari Singh Nalwa, Giani Ditt Singh Ji, Bhai Jiwan Singh Ji, Shaheed Bhai Mati Das Ji, Shaheed Bhai Sati Das Ji etc, etc
  5. 100% agreed. But one thing we have to be careful about is our enemies falsely portraying most Sikhs as being of Jatt ancestry. Our opponents at RAW do this via their stooges in the so-called entertainment industries if you can call them that! Why would Bollywood Hindu directors make films about flying Jatts when they comprise 0.4% of the 1.45 Billion Indian population? Similarly the Punjabi music industry is financially under the majority control of Hindu's and Muslims so why would they deliberately promote a background from 80% of whom are Muslims and Hindu's unless to try detach Sikhs from certain backgrounds away from the Panth towards a drugs and alcohol lifestyle? The actual figures are that only around 20% of the east Punjab population is of Jatt ancestry. In turn that equates to around a 40% minority of the Sikh Panth being from Jatt tribal ancestry. However, most Jatts are Muslims and an overwhelming majority of over 80% of Jatts are Muslims and Hindu's when Pakistan and Haryana demographics are factored in. Similarly, many in east Punjab seems to think that Brahmin's, Khatri's, Rajput's are Hindu communities when the actual reality is that on a historical Punjab wide basis most Brahmins, most Rajputs, most Jatts, most Khatri's are proud Pakistani Muslims who support what the 1947 Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs achieved for them.
  6. What is it with the minority who purport calling themselves Sikhs yet blanketly bash urban Sikhs or juts or tarkhans etc etc? Most Khatri's of Punjab are Muslims in Pakistan who despise Sikhs and supported the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs Most Jatts of Punjab are Muslims in Pakistan who despise Sikhs and supported the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs Most Brahmins of Punjab are Muslims in Pakistan who despise Sikhs and supported the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs Most Tarkhans of Punjab are Muslims in Pakistan who despise Sikhs and supported the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs Most Saini's of Punjab are Muslims in Pakistan who despise Sikhs and supported the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs There is a reason the Pakistani Punjabi's who are proud of speaking Urdu refer to Punjabi as "Chooreh-Chamaara di Zubaan" and we should be proud as Sikhs that we are the only community proud to be perceived like that. Provided someone does not support an apartheid mentality when it comes to our Gurughar's we need to treasure all those from whatever background who are fellow Sikhs within the Panth given that we Sikhs are now a 10% minority within the erstwhile historical populations of erstwhile united Punjab. The heroes of the Sikh Panth come from every single possible conceivable background as our Itihaas. United we stand and Divided we fall.
  7. This is literally what the clown Pannun dreams of KD Singh Ji. He has promised to leave Pakistani Punjab untouched and under Muslim control of course! Their real end vision of Punjab is dominated by an overwhelming majority of Muslims like at this table. Exactly the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs resulted in the death of 25% of the Sikh population. Ie the equivalent of if 7 million Indian Sikhs were killed tomorrow by Pakistan. Yet Pakistan is being touted as the premiere tourist destination for Diaspora Sikhs by a minority of deranged lunatics like Pannun in America and the Diaspora Exactly it's common sense. If the small but vocal minority within the Sikh Diaspora that follows clown Pannun was to tomorrow burn the American, British, Canadian or Australian flags it would be inevitable that most Sikhs living in those English speaking would seek to distance themselves from the same actions and I say that as someone who only has allegiance to our Nishan Flag rather than any of these wretched flags of these various terrorist countries such as India, USA, UK, Canada or Australia.
  8. This is an over simplification of the Morcha Mantra - "Kissan-Mazdoor-Ekta". All sections of the Sikh community were 100% united against Modi's proposals. The entire economy of Punjab would have been massively negatively impacted (in much the same way as if New Zealand was to suffer agricultural disease outbreaks then their overall economy would be impacted) and all Sikhs of all backgrounds realised that and rallied around to oppose Modi and succeeded in the end. The Sikh Panth should welcome new Sikhs from any source. However, we need to be mindful that with Haryanvi Jaats being massively over-represented as top Generals in the Indian Army and being the majority of the Delhi Police in 1984 as well as them owning some of the most expensive land around Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida etc that not that many of them are actually likely to switch over to Sikhi but due respect to those individuals that did after seeing the Langar sewa and educational sewa to gareeb children carried out by Sikhs during the Andolan. 100% agreed. These pathetic puppet Diaspora referendums engineered by multi millionaire crook Pannun are exactly that Our primary focus for new Sikhs needs to the be poorest people in India rather than rich communities in and around Delhi.
  9. Modi told them to do that and Shebaz Sharif did that as with the Pakistani economy on its knees a riparian disagreement with India would be the last thing the Pakistani's need. Brahmin ancestry Muslims such as Shebaz Sharif and Allama Iqbal and the various Butt's engaged in grooming in the UK are well known to hate Sikhs and this was done with Pakistani strategic interests in mind
  10. That says it all 100% agree with you on this point. It is common sense that no community subjected to Genocide by Delhi should be in any way forced to live under corrupt kleptocratic Hindutva rule from Delhi. However, instead of us chanting the same slogans as the last 40years there needs to be a recognition of Delhi's current economic power, Delhi's current defence spending and where they are headed economically in partnership with their western partners such as the USA,UK, Canada, France, Australia etc and the fact that Sikhs are likely to be a minority in Punjab by 2031 rendering all those bogus referendums by a crook like Pannun quite nonsensical sideshows which strategically serve no benefit to our Panth.
  11. Well said there are One Billion ready made Sehajdhari Sikhs in India tomorrow if we focus on building numbers and Unity. There is a massive unquenched thirst for the Truth og Sikhi amongst the 1.45 Billion population in India who many in our community are quick to wrongly perceive as automatic Hindu's instead of as tomorrow's potential sehajdhari Sikhs.
  12. Not so bro. Also please read into the history of one word you would do well to edit please. Anybody that attends Gurdwara or partakes of Guru ka Langar is a de facto Sikh (learner) in the puratan definition.
  13. Premi Singh, they could make the same accusations against British Sikhs marrying into the 99.3% of non-Sikhs in Britain. Similarly, if the Sikh percentage in Delhi has been reduced via Genocide and fear (as well as urbanisation more generally) from 7.5% of the Delhi population to roughly 2.5% in Delhi today isn't it inevitable that they some will intermarry with the 97.5% non-Sikh population? It's actually incredible that in a City where the Congress Genocide of Sikhs was committed in November 1984 that so many still proudly go to the Gurdwara where hundreds of thousands of the poor are fed daily and proudly wear the Dastar.
  14. Agreed. The pro-Khalistan political parties recieved less than 1% of the votes in the most recent general elections. People in Punjab itself clearly see the writing on the wall when the USA, Russia, UK, Canada, France, Australia and pretty much every country in the world are bending over backwards to court a country with almost 1.45 Billion population and with a projected $42 Trillion economy by 2050. Nobody apart from Sikhs cares about the Genocide inflicted on Sikhs by Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi.
  15. Premi Singh: Let's say the British carried out Genocide against the Sikhs in 1984. Thereafter a minority of Sikhs burn the British flag in Slough with resulting bad PR for Sikhs more generally in the UK Would you not expect some Sikhs in London to subsequently signal to the local population that they do not support burning of the Slavemaster flag known as the Union Jack? Would it imply that Sikhs who want to peacefully continue living as British citizens in London are "Christians pretending to be Sikhs"?
  16. A tactically sensible PR move by Delhi Sikhs. Let's say the British carried out Genocide against the Sikhs in 1984. Thereafter a minority of Sikhs burn the British flag in Southall with resulting bad PR for Sikhs more generally in the UK Would you not expect some Sikhs in Walsall to subsequently signal to the local population that they do not support burning of the Slavemaster flag known as the Union Jack?
  17. The thing is the Muslim majority of Jatts like General Bajwa and Air Chief Marshall Sidhu of the Pakistani Air Force seem to be very clever at manipulating their east Punjabi counterparts like the Christian multi millionaire actress Sonam Bajwa and clowns such as Navjot Sidhu
  18. Absolutely correct KD Singh Ji. Though he seems to have improved recently in terms of supporting Sikh human rights, this was also the same person who agreed to entertain Ram Rahim Sidhu of Dera Sirsa a few years before that. Similarly, he is one of those naive people who thinks brotherhood with those that celebrate the 1947 Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs - which resulted in a quarter of the Sikh population killed - is important so that the Pakistani Army and the Pakistani drug suppliers to Punjab can financially benefit as a consequence of this facade.
  19. 100% correct KD Singh Ji. Instead of encouraging idiotic tourism to Pakistani in order to enrich the Pakistani Army types like the Pakistani Bajwa's and Chief Sidhu of the Pakistani Air Force ... we need to focus on tourism on ensuring that all Diaspora tourism revenue is directed towards uplifting the economy for East Punjab.
  20. @GurjantGnostic I think the key is bro that Sikhs discard all labels be those known as Nanaksaria, Missionary, neo-Nihang, Chowk Mehta Dera premi, etc, etc, etc The only identity we need is SIKH. The only one we need worship or recognize is IK ONKAR (that has no gender = Mata/Pita). And we only need to recognize folks based on their soch and their proven sewa for the Panth.
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