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  1. Sath Shri Akal i've seen a program on "vectone punbab" a few times named"Guru Kirpa"... at the commercials and introduction to the show there is a shabad playing.. where can i find/download this shabad? Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh
  2. does not any one know the answer to this one, or know a link where i can find the answer?
  3. hmm..do u have any verses which says so?...
  4. Sath shri akal ji.. i would like to know, what sikhism say aboout mans origin.. i have found a lot about where life origins from and i read that it came from rocks in the ocean. but how did it go from the rocks in the ocean to becoming a human being? does'ent sikhism say anything about this?. i have myself found these : True Lord created air that formed into water. From water are created all the three worlds, each being bestowed with a Divine-Spark, soul being. “He has created life in the deep dark recesses of the ocean and providessustenance for them. There one life lives by feeding on another oneâ€(AGGS P. 955). From rocks and stones, He created the living beings, and He places before them their sustenance. but from where did this go, into becoming a human being?.. i havent been able to find any verses that says so.. hope u will be able to help me waheguru Ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh
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