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PAL 07

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Everything posted by PAL 07

  1. Sant Giani Hari Singh isn't a yesterday school drop out who chooses to become a Giani with his eyes on the dollars. He is the prestigious student of the great Sant Gurbachan Singh and what he has said is not wrong. The problem is with the masses of Sikhs who are unable to comprehend simple principles on code of conduct but rather choose to make a huge drama about it in the hazuri of the Satguru and behave like junglee wild dogs. The Akaal Takht needs to release an official Panthic Maryada that will stop any quarrels. Until this doesn't happen more damage to the Panth will happen. Central Government will prefer for this to not happen. Whilst great scholars like Giani Hari Singh are with us it is imperative that this is done because the next lot of Dhunda's will surely create a great rehat maryada lol
  2. ​ ​ZIP FOLDER COMING SOON folder 2 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByEqXBK3Gs8Bfll6WVhhcFRTdVlHZVVPNW5HLWtDMHRMaERUOVBTbmdWTDNPYm94N3NwWGc&usp=sharing
  3. ​ ​ https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByEqXBK3Gs8BfjVYdjg3QWJuYUZ0YU1iMVRxNXYxTXh1Y2FwR3FhUGFDTFl6ZEFNNUhjLVE&usp=sharing
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