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  1. Three wives of guru gobind singh ji I was just reading discussion on this topic. Sime peoplevare very defensive and tring to acuse hindu and moslems for misleading people etc. Please guru de pyareo just treet it as sierious discussion instead of being defensive. Yhe fact is that non of us were there atound that time. All we know is what we been preached by some grunthies. Therefore we must keep open mind and try to use our own lmmagination. Mahanraja patyala was an elderly gentleman and had 352 wives. Is it posible that he merried any of them but one. There are lots of poor people around patiala. They end up having doughters. The can not provide for them and the fear of dowry etc. They brought them to mahanraja so these kids can have good life. I don't think mahanraja ever touched them. Hats off to these parents who did that instead of killing them.
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