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You may think i am being really sad, critical, sweepingly generalising or woteva here yeah... but i think that asian girls are becoming WASTED :!:

There dont seem 2 b that any girls in SIkhi anynore... and there r definatly more boys than galz.... :(

Wud luv to have your views on this.....

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Guest kaur1699

Fateh Ji,

hmm... I hear what you are saying... But from what I see about its a 2 way thing... There are guys and girls getting wasted and on the other side there are guys and girls into Sikhi...

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Mostly... i blame the uppa generation.... they havnt taght their kids init and got enatangled in society themselves.

I see gals yeah doing stuff bhind their parents bak yeah... lukin all chungiya.. and then doing stuff that is just plane mashed....

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Guest kaur1699

Fateh Ji,

Mostly... i blame the uppa generation.... they havnt taght their kids init and got enatangled in society themselves.

Yea... I agree with you on this point... I think the older generation spent a lot of time and effort establishing themselves here (work, getting a house etc etc) and in all this the kids were the ones who missed out...

I see gals yeah doing stuff bhind their parents bak yeah... lukin all chungiya.. and then doing stuff that is just plane mashed....

Yea... Will agree with you again there... I have seen so much of this aswell...

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agreed.......i wont share the dattier aspects i have seen/heard with the sangat

there are more gursikh men than women for sure......its a biproduct of sexist punjabi society....

but the good thing is......i think that 99.9% of the sikh ladies who keep their hair follow the rahit VERY WELL, usually because they keep their hair out of choice rather than being made to by their parents, whilst boys are more encouraged to keep hair hence alot of them arent very good sikhs.

what do u think? or am i totally wrong?

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Guest kaur1699

Fateh Ji,

but the good thing is......i think that 99.9% of the sikh ladies who keep their hair follow the rahit VERY WELL, usually because they keep their hair out of choice rather than being made to by their parents, whilst boys are more encouraged to keep hair hence alot of them arent very good sikhs.

what do u think? or am i totally wrong?

I can see where you are coming from when you say this, but in the case of my family (and related families), all the kids have been equally encouraged to keep kesh, both males and females...

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yeah i agree....

but its sooooooooooo mashed... walk into ur regular high skool... and it totally wasted...!

i think su1 shud just have a go at da folks yo.... or atleast put sum sense int them and tell em wot there kids r doing...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:x gets me angry :x - i know i shudnt BUT no1 seems to realise until happens 2 sum1 in der family....

den u get all these gals converting....

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You guys are missing the point, the fact is that Sikhism is being taught wrongly or not at all. Also, the parents are to blame, they are too busy making money rather than spending quality time with their kids. This is what happens when you have unscientific ***** as parents, people who believe in superstitious nonsense and ignore the realities of life. My parents sent me to Sunday school and I had to learn Christianity properly, my parents always made time for me and nurtured my relationship with Jesus and God. The only reason why I gave up Christianity for Sikhism is because I became a scientist, and I realised that Sikhism is the only religion compatible with science as well as having a great history! Guys, remember, life is an illusion, you will not live forever, TEACH YOUR KIDS ABOUT SIKHISM AND HOW GETTING TO GOD IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE! ALSO, DON'T FORCE IT, ENCOURAGE IT! Also, don't be superstitious and believe in BS, teach your kids to think scientifically... Not to accept anything without proof! A PERSON WITH GOOD VALUES NEVER GOES ASTRAY, BUT VALUES MUST BE TAUGHT BY THE PARENTS, KIDS ARE NOT DAMN PSYCHIC! AND THEN PARENTS ASK "Where did it all go wrong?"! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Kind Regards,


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I agree with Mission Impossible there.

Here is the poem by yogi bhajan singh khalsa

Those who have children have one thing to remember:

Don't give them birth;

give them the pride so that they can be great for tomorrow.

Don't give them love;

give them the values that they can walk themselves.

Don't look down at them;

let them know the sky is not their limit.

If you are parents, please pay the rent,

and see these tenants tomorrow qualify for their own homes.

This is earth;

there is only worth which matters.

Therefore give your children values and worth,

and give them the truth of their soul, so in their life they can roll!

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waheguru ji ka khalsa

wahegur ji ki fateh...

ssa _/_

my main concern is to say that look at the new generation these dayz......

for eg: i go to punjabi school on saturdays and well all i see is sikh girls and guys cutting their hair....i mean their hair means so little to them these days. No one seems to think tiwce about what they do...and the fact that even though these people know their history they still commit this crime against their relgion :roll: Right?

look at in this way :shock: at one point in india at the times of the riots sikhs were hunted.....and the resorted to live in jungles to protect their khesh they loved there relgion so much that they gave up matyrdam for it....and now look at us as the new generation :roll: some1 teases us these days we give up...by goin to the barbar and cutting our hair look at our self pride....where has it gone? :(

your telling me that all that our ancesters did was for a waste .....that they gave up there lives for the relgion that we are in and we still can not appreciate it what is that suppose to say about our society these dayz?

seriously i do not understand? :?

i do not understand how these ppl can come to me and seriously ask me wat i think about there new hairstyle or new image, for god sake i am a sikh girl that loves my hair! and i would never give it up! this is my pride and joy without my hair without this relgion without this identity that had came upon me i am nothing!

this is wat we need to teach the new generation...for god sake i'm only 15 and ppl that are older then me do not understand the significance of our hair!

you cannot only blame the parents for what they have done....for me it's different when i was a kid my parents where too busy and i did not understand what i was i did not understand what sikhism was untill i opened my eyes and decided i have been born in to a relgion that i know so little about , if i have been chosen in this relgion i should atleast know the fundamentals so thats when i started reasearching i have always been lucky because i also had a brother who helped me out with this identity crises he was there to support me and help me find who i am and what i am.........so for god sake all those kids out there you must get up off your ass and research about your relgion if you wanna get somewhere in life.....you cannot always rely on your parents.........

anyways i better go..

ssa ji _/_

waheguru ji ka khalsa

waheguru ji ki fateh!

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I do not wish to sound pedantic (regarding this matter), but have you noticed how families put pressure on the brothers to keep ther Kesh but not the sisters. This may only be an issue within circles that I know. I have questioned 'elders' about this. Their comments on the issue are very interesting (if somewhat inconclusive). I was told that as the girl will not live in 'her house' for all her life(i.e. after she gets married), she does not have to conform to her biological family's traditional rules. I know that answer is somewhat of a kop-out, but its the only one I have been given (so far).

This does raise further questions regarding the future of Sikhi. Mothers (I consider) are best source of Sikhi for the next generation. But if their main concern is fashion rather than teaching their young children the sweetness and beauty of Sikhi, then its future in itself does not look very promising.

Bhul Chuk Marf Karna

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You know what this is EXACTLY what i wanted to hear. For the first tie i have actually heaard sensible decent and fitting answers and i agree with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU...!!!

(sigh of relief) Except now that i knwo all these ppl know these things... THEN WHY DONTT HE PPL OUT THERE KNOW...!

aussie punjaban sikh kuri - THAT WAS WELL TRUE...!!!

It gets me heated aswell...

SANGAT is the most important thing - we tell ourselves everyday - but thats just 4 US.... what about our brothers and sisters out there.... what about them....????? huh???

Walk into a medioca highskool yeah.... IT IS PLANE AND SIMPLE MASHED.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We must bring them in with love and open arms..... so that every1 can realise the love and beuty of their heritage!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes I do agree with all of you on this matter. Plus think about it when we were kids and at weddings and we saw our dads and uncles gettig totally drunk and it makes you think if they can drink why cant I.

I think this is one of the major causes why asian guys and gals drink. And when you have taken a few drinks you then want to try other things like smoking etc.

Our parents do need to educate us further with sikhi. I think they should at least sit us down for an hour a so and tell us why it is so important to be a sikh.

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gud point.

but nowadays nost kids dont even respect their parents.

Parents think if there kids are educated then its sall gud - which it is - but its scientifiaclly proven that doctos are the worst drunks cuz they cant handle da pressure!!!!!!!!!!

Its all about show.... if anything pagee - its the KIDS sitting dwn the PARENTS.... which is how it shudnt be.....!!!!!!! mmost parents will feel bestey (shame) but there u go.... society is all about having best kids to pleez evri1 else.... keep the "social name of the family flying high" when really it should be God's nae that should be flying high...!!!!! And at the mo it isnt - sad to say it.

At parties its all haumi and chekin out da oppoosite sex. At town its playing on the latest gear... at skool, fitting into a mashed up culture of sex drugs and abuse and cutting hair.... at uni its aboout gigs and stuff (and at skools|) and having the maddest selection of bhangra mixes all abou Jatt this and that - THER IS NO BLUDY CASTE!!! THOUGHT WE WERE ALL SPOSE TO BE EQUAL HUH??????????

u get the uncle and auntie on the corner of the road owning a liquor shop and doing chuglia in the Gudwara about their own relatives kids... they dont even know wot THEIR kids r up too!!!!!

Then all of the parents get outraged wen da daughter of the house turns out a slappa.... wot is it..."disrespec on the family" -- dont blame the kids... i blame the PARENTS...!

But they r caught up in maya too so they dont see the real picture anyway...! Theres no foundation FULL STOP...!!!!!!!!!

More youth need to be brought in.... and parents. Getting that one person to say Mool Mantar even just once - sets a seed for ther next life if not in this one... just once innit. The power of GuruJi is unexplaianble...

I saddens me so much.... cus i kno wot its like to be put off track fro your friends - :(

God bless ALL


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ok, dont get me wrong or anything i disagree with GUYS and girls drinking smoking and stuff, but my OPINION is if thats wat they wanna do... let them be, if something is wrong people alwayz figure it out on thier own accord and lata regret doing such things, if they make a mistake they will learn from it, and hopefully bring them closer to sikhi!

parents teaching thier kids about sikhi plays a BIG role, yeah we all go to Gurdwara, youth talks and wat have u, but the foundation stone must be made at home between themselves and thier parents, if they listen to thier paretns then fair enuf, if they dont, then like i said, they'll with Guru Jis kirpa learn from their mistakes!

u cant teach kids without giving reasons to ur teachings cause they'll end up questioning it in the end, u need to know wat ur talkiing about before u go and teach kids!

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i agree with u.

But my point was that even though parents know nearly all of the Sakhis and Sikhi yeah - they dont teach it.....

I diagree with u about letting the be though... life is short and the sooner the better..... u cant just let it be - u have to share the knowlege init. Surley htrats the point... what u learn, u help others around u to learn as well....?!?!?!?!

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it is a 2 way situation, the kids and the parents most co-operate, the most sad thing about it is that parents nowadays dont wanna teach their kids about sikhi.... the kids dont cut their hair when they are small... THE PARENTS CUT IT!!.... ive heard loads of people say "oh mein nahi singh munda lehna".... they wanna cut his hair :cry: - whats the kid to do?.. how can someone question "why do sikhs keep hair" if they aint even got kesh!

but on the other hand - there are many young kids nowadays who are sooooo into sikhi its unbelievable - young children about 8 yrs old know so much and it brings a tear of happiness to my eye :D children must be taught at a young age about the basic principles of sikhi, a mighty tree can only grow if u sow a tiny seed..

my local gurdwara is gonna start a day nursery kinda thing for young kids... instead of their parents sending them to gorey nurserys they can learn about sikhi at the gurdwarey, learn basic punjabi n english while their folks are at work... there is starting to be a slow change into helping the future youth, but it must be stepped up more... instead of petty arguements like tables and chairs n calanders there MUST be a 100% commitment to all sikh youth who wanna learn!

fateh ji

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I see what your all sayin 100%, K4ur said

den u get all these gals converting....
these girls that convert where never blessed with sikhi to begin with. And the sad fact that sikhi and our culture is becoming more and more diluted is down to the parents, which everybody has agreed with that they dont educate their children about sikhi, you have to remember though that not everybodys meant to be blessed with sikhi




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SHERE khalsa da...

these girls that convert where never blessed with sikhi to begin with. And the sad fact that sikhi and our culture is becoming more and more diluted is down to the parents, which everybody has agreed with that they dont educate their children about sikhi, you have to remember though that not everybodys meant to be blessed with sikhi

so if they were nevre blessed to be in Sikhi yeah.... den hocome Khalsa soulja just sed

i heard some very sad news taht 4 amritdhari girls converting to islam, 2 of which wore keskis.

okay i get wot ur saying about not all of them but i get really aggrivated...!!!!!!!!!!


Shere Khalsa da - i do understand wot ur saying but its all like ashed up...












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orite i have found out a little more.....all 4 girls had paki bfs, but apparently one used to give sikhi speeches at unis or something.....but ALL had paki bfs and ran away with them.

amritdhari (one who has taken amrit) and khalsa (pure) dont mean the same thing any more.

yeh, tiz easy to lose hope, but i say, just concentrate on ur self and ur relationship with god, if u become gurmukh others will follow ur example.

if those 4 girls had the intention of having BFs before, would they really have got mukti anyway? usually if u abide by rahit and take amrit you are guarateed mukti pretty much, but these girls had infringed rahit with kaam.

quite how a keskied lady would do such a thing is beyond me. but hey, its kalyug :wink:

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