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Does anyone know where the above line is from? I tried Sikhi To The Max but had no luck. I heard it in Katha by two different people but just can't find where its from or the whole Shabad.

  • 1 month later...

Jap Marey, Ajapa Marey, Anhad bhi Marjaye....

Basically it means in the final stage- audible meditation(baikhari bani/madhma bani) negates so as ajapa meditation- (para and pasanti bani)/rom rom har dhaive....at the end in bhramgyan stage- anhad bhi marjaye- anhad shabad one expereinces through which is resosance/dhuniya their surti hears up in dasam dwara that also negates because hearing shabad in dasam dvara thats also not final stage.

At the end, there is nothing just nirvakalp samadhi.

hope that helps.


So is it the emptyness or the void that Buddhist talk about when they attain Nirvana ?

Because Buddhists don't believe in the permanence of the soul, neither do they believe in a higher power/God. They believe ones goal is to extinguish the karmic energies that are reborn, and attain Nirvana, emptiness.


Being merged with Waheguru is not emptiness......

Sant Isher Singh Ji wrote that this last stage is very hard to describe in words.


sehaj samadhi is the state where being does not need to sit down and do jaap, jaap is happening automatically, ajapa jap- sitting, walking, running, sleeping all the time.

Nirvakalap samadhi is final stage where surti after going ajapa jaap, anhad dhuni merges with nirankar. One does not need to do daily chores of the body ie- number one, number two, eat, sleep etc etc.

Thithai uvavh Na Bhuk Hai, Mann Charya Dasamaie Akash ||

When mind(surati) resides in dasam dvar there is no hunger there.

I dont have the ang number because i got this tuk from the katha of japji sahib by gyani thakur singh ji


I think I found the shabad you quoted, though you've got two lines mixed together:


guramukh a(n)thar sehaj hai man charriaa dhasavai aakaas ||

Within the Gurmukh is intuitive peace and poise; his mind ascends to the Tenth Plane of the Akaashic Ethers.

thithhai oo(n)agh n bhukh hai har a(n)mrith naam sukh vaas ||

No one is sleepy or hungry there; they dwell in the peace of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.

naanak dhukh sukh viaapath nehee jithhai aatham raam pragaas ||16||

O Nanak, pain and pleasure do not afflict anyone, where the Light of the Lord, the Supreme Soul, illuminates. ||16||

Your post seems to suggest that nirvakalap samadhi is a stage above sehaj samadhi... correct me if I'm wrong.

But the shabad above actually refers to sehaj.


So is it the emptyness or the void that Buddhist talk about when they attain Nirvana ?

Because Buddhists don't believe in the permanence of the soul, neither do they believe in a higher power/God. They believe ones goal is to extinguish the karmic energies that are reborn, and attain Nirvana, emptiness.

From tSingh's Bhavrasamrit, I believe the state you're referring to is called shunya, the void. The "goal" in terms of Gurmat is turiya, which is beyond the waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep states. It is where only Brahman exists.

tSingh could explain more.


nirvikalap being the end of the triputi of perciever, perception and percieved...only undifferentiated pure consciousness. the shunyavaadi void is the opposite to this state in the sense that this is the eternal, unchanging satchitanand (eternal, consciousness, bliss), i.e. nirguna parmatma. the word void has been used by Guru Maharaj to describe pure consciousness only.

sehaj smadhi i'd taken to be the same thing. smadhi marks the end of jap (vritti, mind events), nididhyasana is profound contemplation, smadhi is beyond that, so i can't see how it is constant jap...but i may be wrong. i took sehaj smadh to be emphasising the spontaneous 'nadari' that causes nirvikalap smadhi leading to jivanmukti when one has become pavittar.

hope that helps


I think I found the shabad you quoted, though you've got two lines mixed together:


guramukh a(n)thar sehaj hai man charriaa dhasavai aakaas ||

Within the Gurmukh is intuitive peace and poise; his mind ascends to the Tenth Plane of the Akaashic Ethers.

thithhai oo(n)agh n bhukh hai har a(n)mrith naam sukh vaas ||

No one is sleepy or hungry there; they dwell in the peace of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.

naanak dhukh sukh viaapath nehee jithhai aatham raam pragaas ||16||

O Nanak, pain and pleasure do not afflict anyone, where the Light of the Lord, the Supreme Soul, illuminates. ||16||

Your post seems to suggest that nirvakalap samadhi is a stage above sehaj samadhi... correct me if I'm wrong.

But the shabad above actually refers to sehaj.

i m really sorry i got pankatis mixed up...i do beleive nirvakalp samadhi is above than sehaj samadhi where in sehaj you still reaping its fruit as shabd talks about it as an individual getting close to getting anubhav parkash of nirankar. Nirvakalp samadhi is however is tat of all, essence of all- Here are some of the stuff on nirvakalp samadhi:




Could the fourth type of samadhi on the list you posted not be sehaj samadhi?

ie it's not achieved through effort or need, but something that happens spontaneously, naturally. So sehaj samadhi is a form of nirvikalp samadhi... which would fit in with the shabad as it states that when sehaj is within the gurmukh, they are affected by neither sleep nor hunger, neither pleasure nor pain.

I couldn't really understand a lot of the second article you posted... there's a lot of vocab in there I didn't understand... so I could be way off on my above assertion.

  • 12 years later...

these lines are from kabir sahib. kabir sahib was a preacher of 11th dwar which is for satguru and pure consiousness.  it means at the end the jaap (recitation  by mouth or bekhri bani), ajapa (inward recitation) and anhad (anhad chakra or heart chakra) all will perich. because all lies within the body. When body will perish all will perish.

Surti samani shabad mein -  concentration which is dissolved in soundless sound (Naam blessed by Satguru)

Tin ko kaal na khaye - Yama (lord of death) would not able to touch that.


Recitation by mouth and inward recitation will perish but the Kaal won’t be able to destroy the Surti that is present in the Naam itself. The Naam the Sant Matt talks about is nothing but the Soundless Sound. There are no audiable sounds or the musical notes to be found.


Here http://sahib-bandgi.org/ebooks/spiritualismQ&A-english.pdf    page 39

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