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International Seminar On Dasam Granth 2009


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We are planning to hold an International Dasam Granth seminar sometime in Nov. 2009 in Bay area of California, USA. This is second seminar in the series. First one was held at Sacramento, CA in Feb. 2008.

The purpose is to bring awareness among normal sikhs about banis of Dasam granth sahib so that they are not misled by anti sikh propagandists whose sole aim is to mislead sikhs about this bani. We also invite detractors of Dasam granth to our seminars to seek clarifications but none turned up for the event last year. Jasbir Mann who maintains an anti dasam granth site globalsikhstudies was the invitee last year. He failed to turn up.

I read about Hari singh randhawawale being in UK these days. Anyone who is in contact with sant ji may PM me his contact no. All are cordially invited in advance to attend the event. Any suggestions are highly welcome.

Edited by singh2
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May i suggest to invite kamalroop singh from Uk in this seminar as he is doing phd in sri dasam granth??

Singh ji

I appreciate your suggestion. WE are to invite one singh from UK, one from india and one from Canada.We had Gurinder Singh Mann from UK last year. This time we already tendered the invitation to him. This will be a continuous series. We will keep your suggestion in mind for future events.

Edited by singh2
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