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Sacha Sauda Ex-Securiy Guard Reveals All


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Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa

Wahe Guru Ji Ke Fateh

Sangat J

On the Sikh Channle yesterday , ex-security guard of Sacha Sauda wale revealed the autrocities the evil Saucha Sauda Wale is putting the people in Punjab through who reside in his Dera.

The Ex- Security guard has valently spoken , and come forward to make sangat aware of Sauda Wales doings.

According to the Ex- Security guard , he is :-

1. Raping girls

2. involved in murder

3. "giving the snip" to young males

4. paying off the Police, Chief ministers etc..

5. Attacking / falsely drawing in Hindu , Sikh and Muslim people

Ex-Security guard has seeked help from the Police , Chief ministers etc.. no one has helped in out ..

Sangat , what can be done to stop Sacha Sauda Wale ?

What are the sangats views ?

What actions can be taken ?

Some callers suggested :-

1. Distribute the programme on CD/DVD to all even in india ? how can this be done

2. Make sangat aware via the internet

3. Ex-security Guard contact the MP ( since he is not UK citizen , how can he achieve this)

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I dont think exposing him will make his followers leave his cult. If you look at the various off-shoot sects in panjab and what they preach it is not that different from Sikhism. They focus on bhagti and humanitarian work so the question is, when we already have this in sikhi why do they go to these cults?

The reason is that these two items of religion are dead in sikhi. Sikhi in panjab is mainly about wearing a pagh and doing metha dekh in Gurdwara and thats about it. So when you have a small population in panjab that is looking for spirituality, brotherhood, a feeling of respect and non-discrimination then they will not find it in panjabi village sikhi.. but they do find it in these cults...

You have to present them an alternative to these cults, and show them that sikhi already has what they are looking for, AND PRACTICE the above mentioned things. If you just take away their cult from them, there is no indications that they will return to sikhism which they "left" in the first place.

all this gangsta mentality of shutting people up, killing their leaders etc etc is just easy solutions that takes the focus away from where the real problem is.

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Dont you think the immediate aim should be to stop him , the question is how and could exposire lead to his collapse, as a "first hand witness" i.e. his ex-security guard has spoken against him , and the long term goal would be to instill Gurbani into the people who have been drawn into his dera .

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The focus should be on us sikhs. Looking at recent sikh methodology of killing fake gurus and babe, they might have killed these fake leaders but they never did anything to counter the reasons WHY sikhs joined these cults to begin with. This is where the solution to the problem lies.

Edited by amardeep
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The focus should be on us sikhs. Looking at recent sikh methodology of killing fake gurus and babe, they might have killed these fake leaders but they never did anything to counter the reasons WHY sikhs joined these cults to begin with. This is where the solution to the problem lies.

Nail, head, taa!

That shows you how sophisticated apnay are in that they don't even realise what the real problem is when they think of solutions. Even if someone kills this baba, it still isn't going to stop Sikhs/Panjabis jumping on other bandwagons which give them a sense of belonging and comfort they aren't getting from Sikhi.

So we keep attacking those that highlight our kumzoris and never attack the kumzori itself. What's next, attacking Christians who convert people in Panjab? Where does it end?

We may as well swap our kasheray for bear skins and kirpans for clubs if we go down that route. Hungah hungah!

Edited by dalsingh101
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people want the spiritual knowledge and experience that the missionaries and sgpc have been unable to provide due to a lack of sharda or practice on their own part. Who's left... the mahapurkhs who teach true spirituality, the very same ones who a big section of the panth is calling pakhandies right now while at the same time insisting the only sant is Guru Granth Sahib ji.

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the nirankari cult flourished more after the assasination of their head by ex jathedar ranjit singh ji.

the assasination criminalised sikh clergy men in the es of the common people

the cult has grown 4 fold and has somehow reached to the downtrodden, so called backward groups of India.

This is how we 'curbed' a opponent.

The first thing that should be done is contact human rights activists, media , and other sikh organistions who can cover this man and protect him.

The second thing is file cases from different locations in the country and just 'strangulate' his parchaar.make it difficult for him to move around.

Intellectual power is required , keep yor kirpans back in the mians and your guns at home .

If an Afzal Guru can live after attacking the parliament by playing with the different penal codes in this country, so can a cult monster head be silenced.

Veers too much of shastarvidiya is not useful always, Chanakya neeti also is a big tool.

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While I agree with the need to remedy the core of the problem, we mustn't rule out the methods adopted earlier. When these cults cross the line, it’s dutiful to give them a ticket on the train. Right now, most of these cults in Punjab operate within their understood limits, careful not to repeat the mistakes of their previous leaders. Exceptions are Bhaniraewala, who needs to be brought to justice for the unforgivable act of being the cause of saroops of Guru Maharaj being burnt.

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So what are we going to do about the fact that the panth seems to have become a very niche organisation which is alienating common people into the arms of sects and other religions like Christians?

Let us first try and grasp how we turned this way. When you read history, even in the late 1700s, people were converting, including sullay? I know that for some the status of being Sikh probably went down after the British invasion, but how did we ourselves stop bringing people in, like our forefathers evidently did?

What was it about our forefathers that enabled them to kick ass AND bring people into the fold? What changes reversed the trend to make people want to leave? What are the dynamics of this? I think caste plays a big part amongst other things. Lets break it down if possible.

Edited by dalsingh101
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I'm just thinking, as a quom, we generally don't really give a sh1te about the downtrodden anymore do we?? Plus we are frequently quite uncivil and suspicious, as well as supercillious towards one another aren't we?

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Xylitol's got it right. Generally, people don't give a toss about politics etc - they want their spiritual needs fulfilled. The general, SGPC or missionary college gyanis don't have a clue themselves have never done Simran let alone experienced its results so they are in no position to guide anyone else.

Sant Karam Singh Ji Hoti Mardan wale, in an age of no media, and without direct preaching, inspired many sulleh to become Sikhs - they also had 100 pooran Bhramgyanis out of their students. With Kamayee, people automatically flock towards you. In more recent times, look at Sant Isher SIngh Ji Rarewale - again from the Hoti Mardan lineage - hundreds of thousands of people took Amrit just from listening to their kirtan/katha despite the fact that they used to place very strict conditions on them. In even more recent times, look at Sant Jarnail Singh Ji - armed with an old bus and loudspeaker, they eradicated drugs and alcohol from a lot of pinds and got a heck of a lot of people back into Sikhi and still do - many young Sikhs continue to come into Sikhi just from hearing about Sant Ji's jeevan.

The opposite of these great souls are the modern day self acclaimed 'academic Sikhs'. They spend all day debating, arguing but no time actually doing what Guru Ji says to do. When confronted, the answer is usually ' I remember God all the time' or 'my heart is clean' etc etc. These same people are the ones who have no faith and create doubt in others, claim our Gurus never performed miracles and were ordinary people and that there are no Sants in Sikhi. Just read SPN!

We can't use force to stop people from following who they want - we'll just create martyrs. Becoming living examples of the power of Gurbani is the only way to do effective parchar.

If anyone deserves to be sent to Dharamraja asap, it's our 'leadership' and people like Darshan Ragi etc - creating doubt in the minds of Sikhs is the best way to drive people away from Sikhi. The SGPC needs to start spending its huge reserves of money and build a Gurudwara, School, Hospital in EVERY pind in Punjab.

We can discuss this here until we're blue in the face, but without action, it's all pointless. So, what are we going to do?

(by the way, we need help in Southall for the homeless - meeting this Saturday evening at Havelock rd)

people want the spiritual knowledge and experience that the missionaries and sgpc have been unable to provide due to a lack of sharda or practice on their own part. Who's left... the mahapurkhs who teach true spirituality, the very same ones who a big section of the panth is calling pakhandies right now while at the same time insisting the only sant is Guru Granth Sahib ji.

Edited by Matheen
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Just to add: even a shallow knowledge of our history - in particular the shaheeds who died rather than convert, is enough to prevent people converting from Sikhi. Just heard katha about the shaheedi of Bhai Mati Das and Sati Das - amazing!

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matheen veer ji just google for punjabi christians and see the list of people , there are people like the one from a site called southasianconnection, this guy is a jatt sikh converted to christianity but still his wife and children and he himself too retain singh and kaur in their names, God knows what those fools who planned a attack on an innocent man in Vienna would want to do about this .

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Just look at Guru history and see this trend of assasinating fake Gurus is a new trend and was never adopted by the Gurus. What Guru Arjan Dev did when Priti Chand claimed Guruship, was not to assault him or have his followers attack him. What he did was that he focused on Himself(ie his panth) and made it stronger by standardising the Adi Granth, creating more gurdwaras, sending more masands out into the villages and abroad etc... This is gurmat!! You strenghen yourself so that your enemy will not find any space and opportunities to launch an attack.

You strengthen yourself instead of killing your opponent while still being a weakling afterwards!

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I agree , the key question that needs answering is WHY People join these cults ?

One reason mentioned by the ex-security guard , was that the dera wale provide a shelter for people , provide food , provide training i.e agriculture , professional trades like electrician , construction , education etcc... so the Dera becomes self sufficient , dont need to get outside help , then these people are exploited and have no way to get out and if they do they are threatened / beaten up or even killed.

Plus the reason so many young go to the Dera wales , because their parents are part of the Dera Wale Klan , and automatically out of respect the children go there also and the rest is history .

I agree action is a must , but how can we act ?

One suggestion was , that the Sikh community outside of India collect enough funding so that schools/shelters can be opened which teaches Gurbani , provides food , provides training which can lead to potential jobs . Again how can this be achieved , the challenge is not small , so many questions arise , the main one being , who do you trust in India ?

Should we support the likes of Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhandriawale , Balwinder Singh Rangeela , Harjinder Singh sri nagar wale , since all are already providing help to the sangat in terms of Gurbani vichaar , schools for the young , helping poor families to marry off their children ? etc..

Should we ask them if they will be willing to organise , the above in villages across Punjab , where the funding will be provided form external resources ?


How can pressure be put on SGPC to provide , schools, training , jobs etcc. in Punjab ? I know they are a waste of space , but there must be someone ( in the past I emailed them rgearding have literature , tour guides at Sri Harmandir Sahib as I spoke to alot of English who went there last March , and they were asking alot of questions and wanted to know about the history ( so did I) , and made these suggestions, to this date I have still not had a reply from SGPC , even at Anandpur Sahib , they only had one guide yes one who was on holiday the day we went ( surprise , surprise)

We have the Sikh Channel as a new medium , I think we should use it more to our favour to highlight , issues and main goal to get the Quom woken up and act on these issues .

I agree we cant force people , but if the cult is raping innocent girls , doing beadbi of our Gurus , murdering/ threating people , then surely force has to be used .

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