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~ Pearls Of Truth By Nirmala Sant ~

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~ Pearls of Truth by nirmala sant ~

source: my old hard drive archives

God, the Truth Eternal, is the Creator of the universe. He alone is the Supreme Master and we should have absolute faith in Him. The man who believes in Him overcomes all temptations, and attains the knowledge that is complete and perfect and brings peace, contentment and happiness

This world is a sea of misery only for those who know not his ways. For them it is like an ocean which cannot be crossed. But for those who have attained salvation through knowledge and with His grace, this world is God's very own manifestation

One who gets to know himself and conquers the vain desires of his heart, shall come to know and realize his true being and shall have all the material resources of this world at his command.

I consider that man to be most worthy of my love and gratitude who has love for the place where my Master dwelt.

If you wish the world to obey you, get to know yourself and conquer all physical and material urges arising within you. What you see around you is superficial knowledge. It is your spiritual being which is true. When you overcome your worldly desires, you can be master of the situation

Man finds it difficult to control his baser instincts. By prayer alone it is possible. Through God's grace one can make an effort to meditate on His name

Man, know thyself! Listen to your inner voice. Your 'self' is not your physical being, not the intellect; neither the body nor its organs. Your true being is the state of realization of your duty. Once you know what it is then your physical being shall accept your true and nobler self as its guide. Then your real and true being shall be in control. The body, mind and intellect will be at your command. They shall function in unison so as to bring you happiness. After this everything shall be smooth and pleasant.

Search for God in the forests and up in the mountains is futile, for He lives with and within you. Know yourself if you want to know God.

It is the sense of awareness that prompts and enables you to complete the task you take in hand. Don't forget that when you do something wrong, it is done after due deliberation.

There is one God. Knowledge about God and His creation cannot be compared with anything else. God is also the name of the Knowledge Supreme. True comprehension of God is possible only when you have realised the significance of the knowledge that is Supreme.

God, in His mercy alleviates the miseries of His children in this world. With grace alone one can attain worldly riches and comforts. It is man's DHARMA to pray to Him and to meditate on His Holy Name. This is possible only through God's grace and Guru's blessings. O' man, this is what you are supposed to do. Leave everything to Him after doing your duty.

Elevation, through self-purification, for man is possible only when he has full faith in Guru. This is the way man can fulfill his ambition.

There is no difference between Guru and God. Guru is the embodiment of all pervading knowledge. Guru has to be perfect for he comprehends and dispenses all knowledge. He knows, understands and realizes the existence and operation of the laws of the universe as devised and ordained by God. There is only one God. There cannot be two. He alone dwells in the hearts of all. The moment true wisdom dawns on you, derive and conclude only one meaning that there is only one God and He knows no limits, neither is He bound by any limit and He always resides in every heart.

Guru is the true teacher. His teachings are universal and eternal. He ignores the sins of those who come to be blessed and forgives them. He rescues them of their troubles. I know it is my Guru who forgives a sinner and elevates the individual to a position where he gains his self-respect, sense of dignity and piety that Guru wants every individual to imbibe.

The way we are blessed by our true master, the day we come to enjoy the Guru's grace we shall divest ourselves of all our baser instincts like jealousy and enemity. We shall start feeling the presence of God in all His creatures. Our Guru alone can elevate us to this status. I have the fullest faith in my Guru and I shall like you also to do the same.

All that we see is not real. All that appears to be real is bound to change. Think of what is happening within you. Your thoughts keep on changing but He is and always remains what He is. He is the truth. When you feel convinced and your intellect perceives it, you shall be part of that Immortal Truth. Truth is indivisible, so is knowledge and so is the bliss of the Joy Eternal.

God within you is watching and weighing every act of yours. As long as your ego rules your thinking, you shall remain ignorant of the presence of the almighty with you.

Lust for possessing worldly goods is like an ember that burns the good in you. The two together keep you away from true knowledge, which helps you realize the existence of God. Meditation on His name is the only remedy. But you will be able to meditate only if you realize what truth is and you concentrate fully on His name with a heart that is pure. Dishonesty, falsehood cannot co-exist with truth. The moment you have taken to truth, the two shall stand abandoned.

One who has attained through God's grace, the knowledge perfect, which is true and eternal, has been set free of the cycle of birth and death. In accordance with the law of the universe, the elements get absorbed in the cosmos and the light is always a part of the Light Eternal. That is why Guru Nanak said that giving credence to the process of life and death is only betrayal of ignorance on the part of the learned. If you cannot discriminate falsehood from the truth or distinguish mortal from indestructible then you have not been able to attain the state of mind someone in possession of true knowledge has.

None, till this day, has been able to attain salvation, with the help of physical senses like: speech, contact, form, enjoying the faculties of hearing and seeing and smelling. Sheikh Farid says that man remains strangulated by five temptations: lust, greed, anger, sex and ego. Man can free himself of these only with the grace of God by surrendering himself before His will.

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Thanks N30.

So long as we read these posts and think 'that applies to so and so' we are wasting away. From the day we can read each and every post like this and simply think 'that applies to me' that is the day our salvation begins.

The most important part is having this mindset continuosly, many of us wander in and out of it for years, even all our lives, which simply gives us a glimpse of hope now and again. we must make this 'relevance' towards us fixed/concrete/consistant, then Guru will do kirpa.

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