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Children Of The Master Race


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So what happens when all the victories are over? When happens to those who inherit a legacy of murder and hate? I post this in the interest of the other side of yudh. When victory is paramount and the ends justifies the means, regardless of any ethics or morality.

A video with interviews of the children of high level Nazis.


I'm not a fan of the old 'currant bun' (The Sun) but this related article is well worth a scan:


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These people are really stupid of being allowed themselves to be interviewed by the media.Once I was reading a discussion on second world war site and some people had opinion that Hitler was bad because He was defeated.After reading again and again about Nazi crime

I feel those people were right.Nazi crimes were henious but they were not the only crimes committed against humanity.

Does an average American feel's guilty if he knows that his great grand fathers were involved in Black slave trade?

What about children of those britishers who committed so many henious crimes in their colonies

The list goes on and on

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These people are really stupid of being allowed themselves to be interviewed by the media.Once I was reading a discussion on second world war site and some people had opinion that Hitler was bad because He was defeated.After reading again and again about Nazi crime

I feel those people were right.Nazi crimes were henious but they were not the only crimes committed against humanity.

Does an average American feel's guilty if he knows that his great grand fathers were involved in Black slave trade?

What about children of those britishers who committed so many henious crimes in their colonies

The list goes on and on

The Germans are considered evil because their victims were mainly white Europeans, where as the British and other Euro colonialists do not feel as guilty since their victims were mainly non-whites. That is the way it is even now. Why was Yugoslavia invaded while Rawanda was not? because the victims in Yugoslavia happen to be white while the victims in Rawanda were black.

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The Germans are considered evil because their victims were mainly white Europeans, where as the British and other Euro colonialists do not feel as guilty since their victims were mainly non-whites. That is the way it is even now. Why was Yugoslavia invaded while Rawanda was not? because the victims in Yugoslavia happen to be white while the victims in Rawanda were black.

Though German victims were white but Hitler and Nazi had soft corner for France and england.Infact Nazi soldiers did not raped the French women during invasion of France as Punishment of Raping a French woman was severe

Nazi brutalities were mainly against Jews and Slavs which I don't think were considered as part of caucasian race

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These people are really stupid of being allowed themselves to be interviewed by the media.Once I was reading a discussion on second world war site and some people had opinion that Hitler was bad because He was defeated.After reading again and again about Nazi crime

I feel those people were right.Nazi crimes were henious but they were not the only crimes committed against humanity.

Does an average American feel's guilty if he knows that his great grand fathers were involved in Black slave trade?

What about children of those britishers who committed so many henious crimes in their colonies

The list goes on and on

The answer to your question lies in who won the war and got to put their spin on it. The thing with the Nazi situation was that it blatantly broke the propaganda of the civilised European and the savage dark skinned. The notion (which still persists today), is that western Europeans are the epitome of sophistication and civilisation and the rest of us are savage, bloody brutes.

It is natural for the Anglosphere to beat down their enemies with constant negative press (not that Nazis don't deserve this!), but you are right in saying some of these people's own history is not much better.

On a common theme, I did see (in the last year or so) a fascinating UK documentary (called Who do you think you are[??]), where a minor television celebrity explored his roots and found out he was a direct descendant of an extremely wealthy man involved in the slave trade who had a top ranking position in the early Bank of England. He was also related to some royalty. What was ironic was that this guy always thought of (and presented) himself as an archetype Northern simple common lad. He said he thought his family had been like this forever and I think he was genuinely shocked at his family history. One thing he said after he found out about his roots was that he was glad that he had not inherited any great wealth on the back of all that suffering (whether this was heartfelt or not is another matter).

I think the nazi thing is very important to constantly highlight as it does serve as a reminder of what depths of depravity and savagery even a so-called modern, enlightened people can descend to, given the right circumstances. We know other things have also taken place i.e. with Aboriginals and Native Indians and it is our job to teach our youth about that as it gets swept under the carpet so often.

Strangely, I have heard a few BNP types mouth on about how the world wars were a stupid waste of white life, and that the conflicts should not have taken place! I imagine they would have preferred to parcel out the '3rd world' amongst themselves in a more convivial, less mutually destructive manner....lol

I must say KDS (if you don't mind), your English is bloody good for someone in India!

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KDS - This is from today's paper. It directly relates to your apologising comment:

So now I know how they upped numbers in Aussieland and Canada! Just think, if they had kept those kids here, they maybe wouldn't have needed immigrants?

A historic apology to thousands of London children shipped off across the world to lives of near-slavery and abuse will be made by Gordon Brown tomorrow.

Gordon Brown will apologise to half a million children sent abroad to a life of slavery

Joe Murphy, Political Editor


The Prime Minister will express regret and sorrow in a Commons statement designed to help heal the wounds of people sent thousands of miles from their families.

About 60 former child migrants will be in the public gallery to hear the apology, some of them only recently reunited with siblings and parents they had not seen since childhood.

Under the Child Migrants Programme which ended just 40 years ago — 500,000 poor children from orphanages and foster homes were sent to a “better life” in Australia, Canada and elsewhere.

However, many were abused in remote settlements and were used as free labourers on farms. Among those flying to London to hear the Prime Minister speak is Marcelle O'Brien, who endured a childhood of poverty, brutality and sex abuse after being sent to Australia in 1949, aged four.

She was taken from a foster family, despite their protests, and placed on a farm in the outback with other girls who were forced to work without shoes or coats, even in winter. She recounts physical and sexual abuse.

“I lost my whole childhood and with it my sense of hope and joy,” said Mrs O'Brien, 65. She was put into domestic service at the age of 16 and had to live under a garage. She was raped by three men but the authorities took no notice.

After 40 years, in which she married, had four children and divorced, Mrs O'Brien was tracked down by her foster sister, Beryl, through the Child Migrant Trust, a charity set up to help the victims of the scheme. Then in 2002, the trust helped her to find her natural mother who had not seen her since she was a baby.

Her mother's first words to her were, “I know who you are Marcelle — the bastards took you.”

Mrs O'Brien said: “It's hard to describe what it felt like the day I met my mother. I just held her in my arms, and perhaps a little of the hurt began to melt away. My mother was then quite frail and I didn't have her for very long. But now I have an identity and that can never be taken from me again.”

Of tomorrow's apology, she said: “It feels too late but it's important that we accept it.”

It took 62 years to find my mother'

John Hennessy, originally from Cheltenham, was shipped out in 1947, aged 11, to Bindoon Boys Town, Australia. His mother was found by the Child Migrants Trust in Surrey in 1999 and they were finally reunited. He helped make the case for tomorrow's apology.

“I was illegally deported to Australia without my mother's knowledge or consent,” he said. It took me 62 years to find her after being deceived that I was an orphan — an outright lie. My mother and I had six short years together out of a lifetime of loss and loneliness.”

He recalled being put in a truck with other screaming children by Christian Brothers. “Punishments were done as public spectacles, causing children to wet themselves in fear,” he said. “Flogging with canes and belts until we fell to the ground, bleeding. Most of the Christian Brothers were paedophiles.”

Mr Hennessy built up a painting and decorating business and became deputy mayor of Campbelltown.

Authorities deported me to hell'

Bill Malone, born in West Ham in 1945, was sent from St Joseph's Orphanage in Enfield, also to Bindoon Boys Town, aged nine, without his mother's knowledge.

Aged 10, he was bringing in the farm harvest as an unpaid labourer. He had no proper education and, barely literate, was forced into low paid jobs as an adult. He was told that he was “a bastard from England”. Only on being reunited with two sisters, aunts and cousins a year ago did he learn the truth.

“My dad died from TB when I was very little and my mum got into hard times,” he said. “Instead of supporting a family in need, the authorities split us up and deported me into hell.”


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The offspring of the Nazis most likely only feel bad because of the stigma. This makes their personal experience unpleasant. If Germany had won they would be idolised and happy, and German children would play SS men vs Jews/Gypsies/Slavs/Communists just as modern wasp kids play Cowboys and Injuns, and Germans would talk about their empire being a great civilising force that benefitted so many.

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The offspring of the Nazis most likely only feel bad because of the stigma. This makes their personal experience unpleasant. If Germany had won they would be idolised and happy, and German children would play SS men vs Jews/Gypsies/Slavs/Communists just as modern wasp kids play Cowboys and Injuns, and Germans would talk about their empire being a great civilising force that benefitted so many.

Thats true, History is told by the victors. As far as Indians were concearned Brits were no better than the Germans or the Japanese. Both world wars were clashes between imperialistic empires who were not better or worse than each other. Japan for example was considered good in WW1 when they were allied with the British, but as soon as the Japanese decided to oppose the British and its allies in Asia during WW2 they were considered the bad guys. The allies also sold out eastern Europe and especially Poland to Stalin, so the whole story about the allies fighting for Polands freedom is also complete BS.

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Those Poles could be pukkay haram zadas too. I read that when WW2 was over and Polish Jews went home, many were killed by Poles who had grabbed their businesses and homes and didn't want to return them.

Imagine surviving Auswich only to come home and get killed after the war ended.....grim

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Those Poles could be pukkay haram zadas too. I read that when WW2 was over and Polish Jews went home, many were killed by Poles who had grabbed their businesses and homes and didn't want to return them.

What do you expect from a nation that is the bastard offspring of a land constantly ravaged by russian and germanic invasions for hundreds of years?

As for this child of the nazis thing, it's just an example of the constant need for british media/populace to go on about an european civil war in which they had the fortune of losing their empire yet being on the winning side. Going on about Nazi war crimes conveniently hides the notion inside many anglos yet hidden from the rest of us that britain could have won world war 2 - and if she had, she would have been far worse than any german empire. Operation Unthinkable, anyone?

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What do you expect from a nation that is the bastard offspring of a land constantly ravaged by russian and germanic invasions for hundreds of years?

You have to be careful with statements like that. I've heard the same thing said about Panjab.

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You have to be careful with statements like that. I've heard the same thing said about Panjab.

The punjabis are a mix of nations that has taken place over thousands of years. The Jatts are some kind of Hun-esque race where as everyone else is a mish mash of the original settlers in punjab. Since those Hun invasions of about 2000 years ago no one has come to the punjab and upset the ethnic balance. Sure we punjabis got invaded a few times but they never settled or raped/killed enough of the locals to change the make-up of the state. The poles on the other hand have been on the receiving end of russian/german agression non-stop for the last few hundred years. Poland itself lies on the remains of Prussia which just shows what happens when you get stuck between two warring superpowers. Mind you, the ethnic violence of poles is just as common among hindustanis so maybe it's a human thing.

Look at this story:


I felt quite sorry for him until he started going on about how the japanese youth should feel bad for what happened 60 years ago. How many british kids feel bad for Jallianwallah Bagh or the war crime at Sobraon?

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The punjabis are a mix of nations that has taken place over thousands of years. The Jatts are some kind of Hun-esque race where as everyone else is a mish mash of the original settlers in punjab. Since those Hun invasions of about 2000 years ago no one has come to the punjab and upset the ethnic balance. Sure we punjabis got invaded a few times but they never settled or raped/killed enough of the locals to change the make-up of the state. The poles on the other hand have been on the receiving end of russian/german agression non-stop for the last few hundred years. Poland itself lies on the remains of Prussia which just shows what happens when you get stuck between two warring superpowers. Mind you, the ethnic violence of poles is just as common among hindustanis so maybe it's a human thing.

I don't really agree. Most of the accounts of Panjab's ancient history (by whites such as Rose etc.) is pretty ropey from what I have read. A lot of this Aryan and Scythian invasion theories is based on the most tenuous of evidence.

Thing is within clans you have a lot of physical variation indicating a lot more mix than many would admit. We've all seen Jats who are fair and hazel eyed but we've all probably also met Jats who are dark like Tamils also. My nephews grnadpa came over from back home last year and the guy was WHITE ass with red (seriously!) hair!

Many Jats in Sikhism are likely to actually be Rajput anyway. Plus we do have a portion of Musla blood in the quom too.

This coupled with openly acknowledged bride purchasing from various 'lesser' clans (very common ask your grandparents if you don't believe), makes me a bit dubious of claims of any sort of racial purity.

Plus the last I read of genetic studies, it showed less difference between North Indians than previously thought. I think they found some links between Jats and Ukrainians or something? I don't know if Ukrainians could be considered Huns?

The worse thing about all these white introduced notions is how they have led to Jats being less likely to cooperate with other Panjabis on any grand scale due ti imagined or real differences? The whole hun/aryan/scythian nonsense added yet another dimension to fault lines in the panth?

Anyway I don't know much about Poles. On surface I would say they have some nazi tendencies, are very hardworking, love cold cuts of meat especially pork! They have some hefty blokes in their quom. I know a few Panjabis have married Poles so they do have an open streak. Years ago a Polish girl told me that they are taught about Panjabis (in the world wars) in history classes at school, I don't know how true this is?

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I don't really agree. Most of the accounts of Panjab's ancient history (by whites such as Rose etc.) is pretty ropey from what I have read. A lot of this Aryan and Scythian invasion theories is based on the most tenuous of evidence.

Thing is within clans you have a lot of physical variation indicating a lot more mix than many would admit. We've all seen Jats who are fair and hazel eyed but we've all probably also met Jats who are dark like Tamils also. My nephews grnadpa came over from back home last year and the guy was WHITE ass with red (seriously!) hair!

Many Jats in Sikhism are likely to actually be Rajput anyway. Plus we do have a portion of Musla blood in the quom too.

This coupled with openly acknowledged bride purchasing from various 'lesser' clans (very common ask your grandparents if you don't believe), makes me a bit dubious of claims of any sort of racial purity.

Plus the last I read of genetic studies, it showed less difference between North Indians than previously thought. I think they found some links between Jats and Ukrainians or something? I don't know if Ukrainians could be considered Huns?

The worse thing about all these white introduced notions is how they have led to Jats being less likely to cooperate with other Panjabis on any grand scale due ti imagined or real differences? The whole hun/aryan/scythian nonsense added yet another dimension to fault lines in the panth?

But these invasions took place thousands of years ago so of course the punjabi race is a blend. That blend is still unique. You refer to musla blood but if its a muslim punjabi, they are still punjabi. Now if a hundred million white or black folk came to the punjab and mixed in with the locals, the ethnic make up would change. But that hasnt happened. The last invasion which actually led to a major change was the scythian one. The fact that it took place so long ago, before Guru Nanak Dev Ji, should be enough to convince anyone who wants to call themselves sikh that the caste thing is a load of crap.

The poles on the other hand have had their homeland shifted backwards and forth non-stop in the last few hundred years, not thousand years. The constant tussle between german and russian has shaped them more than their own leaders and institutions could ever have.

Anyway I don't know much about Poles. On surface I would say they have some nazi tendencies, are very hardworking, love cold cuts of meat especially pork! They have some hefty blokes in their quom. I know a few Panjabis have married Poles so they do have an open streak. Years ago a Polish girl told me that they are taught about Panjabis (in the world wars) in history classes at school, I don't know how true this is?

I'll avoid going all Freudian, but is there a link between the role of sikhs in WW2 and the openess towards sikhs? Why dont hindus feel the same way to us?

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To the Hindu mind we are their belligerent children who need to be smacked down into place. We are getting above our station with our talk of independence and so they view us with hostility.

Plus they don't like us having any limelight.

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To the Hindu mind we are their belligerent children who need to be smacked down into place. We are getting above our station with our talk of independence and so they view us with hostility.

Plus they don't like us having any limelight.

What do you expect from a people whose top university students rate Adolf Hitler as their 3rd most admired person behind Gandhi and Nehru?

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At least Hitler had the balls (or is that ball?) to take on the enemies of Germany. The hindustanis are shit scared of their external enemies yet are full of dash and spirit when it comes to taking on weak internal enemies. But the problem is that these hindustanis you mentioned get educations and end up in top firms in a low/mid level. Our lot watch MTV and dream of rolling around in blinged out cars in the streets of Lemington Spa, acting all 'gangster'. If that trend continues we will end being seen as Untermensch who are only put on this earth to serve them or be exterminated. Oh wait, we're in that position already.

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Way is this topic put in Yudh Vidya Section?

It's about the after effects of the failed German yudh.

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