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Kgpaul On Sikhism.


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Lol, like hundreds of our Scholars haven't done the same. Every average youth today is an expert on how inferior other religions are to Sikhi, whilst having no deep understanding or practice of Sikh themselves.

Luckily, most intelligent Kathakaar still do not need to belittle others faiths to promote their own, if anything, due to their confidence in Sikhi, they show all other faiths in a postive light also - Sant Singh Maskeen was a great example of this.

It would be better to respectfully refute his misconceptions on his website (which he has invited people to do) rather than insult him here. First half of his video was not actually too bad, he sees Sikhi and Sikhs in an extremely positive light, but of course he falls down on understanding key concepts i.e. Shabd Guru - the 'Gyaan' being the Guru. Of course he is still a typical Christian and will only promote Jesus as the only saviour.

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I agree :D Shaheediyan some good points and I have emailed him on his site. I believe its worth dicussing with people who are seeking to change , looking to learn , dont know which way to turn , hence want to discuss, but people like this who have chosen Christianity no matter what we discuss with them , they have already chosen their path , hence why waste our time and his time , why dont he practice / live his religion or unless the funny thing would be he is practicing his religion this way

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