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What Is The Guru Chakkar?

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I was reading Discourses on the Beyond, and the author mentioned the Guru Chakra as being distinct from the Dasam Dwar. Could somebody please tell me what this chakkar is supposed to do ?

Where is it located?

Guru chakra is another name for ajna chakra in Laya (Kundalini) Yoga, though I've heard some people refer to guru chakra as a higher form of ajna.


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Chakra is a term used generally to describe a level of consciousness, just as in yoga, there are five chakras below the Anjana chakra.

it may also refer to spiritual planes. In that sense, Guru chakra, refers to the plane where the Guru abides in His True form.

So, Guru Chakra is the Parbraham region, the region beyond mind , maya and kal .... It is also, where Guru is in His True form,

the Shabad Guru.

Below that Parbraham region or Guru Chakra, are the causal, the astral and the material planes, in which the True Guru may adopt, the forms according to the nature of those planes, so that the sikh, the disciple, may catch hold of His glimpse and reach Parbraham.

After that, there is pure consciousness, the soul having discarded all its coverings, and the True Guru, in His Shabad swaroop or Shabad form, guides from there on the soul, to the lap of Wahiguru Akal Purukh in Sach Khand, and then once reached there, the soul drop, the Shabad Guru, and Satnam Nirankar, all become one in Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Just a s a drop, a wave, merge in the Ocean, becoming the Ocean

Sat Sree Akal.

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