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here at the uni we have a course which is eastern religion sutudies

and in their they talk a bit bout sikhi, i have'nt taken the course but they say that sikhi is a combination of both hinduisim and muslismism..not that really pisses me off cause it aint true,, the message was devine and straigh from the one parmathama...no i'm gonna take the course my self... and if i find the above to be true shoudl i or could i take action against it??

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If you want to prove them that Sikhism is distinct religion then you have to make sure that you have enough evidences to prove them wrong and have them change their description.

Here are the evidences just print them and make one folder so whenever you talk to them you have something to back up your claims.

Here is a discussion which will help you just print all the articles.


Few more links im posting here and use them a evidences as well.

Sikhism and other religions.


This is the ultimate guide for Sikhism's distinctive identity.


Note: Print all the articles and then present them to your university and hopefully they will understand your point. Let us know what they have to say and we will discuss it further.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the end of the day, most religions have a lot in common, but that doesn't mean they are the same. I believe Sikhi borrows the good teachings of hinduism and islam, while avoiding a lot of the less good/unneccessary teachings, while God has given us a lot of other things to create a totally new religion, one with unique teachings, and a distinct identity

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  • 8 months later...

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