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Indira Gandhi's Son Makes Hate Speech

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Spreading hatred.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Varun Gandhi is nothing but a media creation for congress victory .It was just a plot for media so that real issues were not raised and attention will given to this guy's speeches.So many Mps in India give hate speeches do anyone care about them? TV channels don't even show them.After 2009 elections all the coverage about this guy vanished from televisions

Anyway He was raised by his mother Maneka who is widow and Sikh.Indira Gandhi disowned her so if anyone is at fault then it is Maneka a Sikh woman ,why to blame anyone else? Just blame the sikhs

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Varun Gandhi is nothing but a media creation for congress victory .It was just a plot for media so that real issues were not raised and attention will given to this guy's speeches.So many Mps in India give hate speeches do anyone care about them? TV channels don't even show them.After 2009 elections all the coverage about this guy vanished from televisions

Anyway He was raised by his mother Maneka who is widow and Sikh.Indira Gandhi disowned her so if anyone is at fault then it is Maneka a Sikh woman ,why to blame anyone else? Just blame the sikhs

Maybe such things have no consequence in Pindia, but western leaders will be under a dilemma over associating with such characters, which could be quite harmful in terms of India making links with foreign nations.

Then again, the way the west is vehemently stamping their feet at certain Arab dictators whilst willfully ignoring the abuse of others probably gives un an idea of what policy they would take towards Rahul i.e. if he serves their purpose they will ignore whatever he does.

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Maybe such things have no consequence in Pindia, but western leaders will be under a dilemma over associating with such characters, which could be quite harmful in terms of India making links with foreign nations.

Then again, the way the west is vehemently stamping their feet at certain Arab dictators whilst willfully ignoring the abuse of others probably gives un an idea of what policy they would take towards Rahul i.e. if he serves their purpose they will ignore whatever he does.

Don't joke about western countries.Rajiv Gandhi openly justified anti Sikh riots what western countries did?

He was given red carpet treatment in 1985 in USA ,I never heard that western countries did not allow visa to killer of Sikhs in their countries in 80s or early 90s

.Please remember that was time when India was enemy of most of pro USA countries so they could had easily defamed Rajiv and his killer brigade.

Now why the hell they will give importance to this small leader who has influence in his area and at that too at time when leader of most countries are coming to India as salesman for their product

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