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Answer Back To Kalyug Singh

Guest zulu

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Just to comment on one section of the response to Kalyug Singh, the nidar crew are very confused. They state the following:

Note - at this point a traditional Sikh interpretation of Supreme Being and that of the revisionist will diverge. The revisionist will declare Supreme Being as but Vaehguru even though Vaeh Guru is a construct of the first four letters taken from the four traditional designations of Vishnu as Bhai Gurdas elaborated:

“In Sat Yuga, the Sat guru (True Guru) was Vasudeva; he made contemplate the letter “V” derived from Vishnu [which was then the mantra of meditation].

In Dwapur, the True Guru was Hari Krishan; he made contemplate the letter “H” derived from Har Har Har Har[which was then the mantra of meditation].

In Treta, the True Guru was Ram [Chandar]; contemplate the letter “R” derived from Ram, [then the mantra of meditation], and attain peace.

In Kal Yuga, Nanak Gobind is Guru; contemplate “G” derived from Gobind."

The four avatars of the four yugas merge in the fifth [mantra]. Combining the four letters to make the one mantra of contemplation, Vahe Guru Vaehguru[the fifth mantra] was contemplated. This mantra will [at end of Kal Yuga] merge again into where it had emerged [the Nirguna state].” [iii].In contrast in a traditional interpretation the Supreme Being apart from being referred to as Vaehguru is also known as Maha Vishnu. Baba Sham Singh wrote regard the fourth Sikh Guru without any qualm:

“Narayan Maha Vishnu that is Guru Ramdas.”[iv]

There understanding of Bhai Gurdas ji vaar is wrong. IF we were to accept their interpretation of the vaar, then Bhai Gurdas ji would have contradicted himself because he says the following in a different vaars:

vwihgurU gurU mMqR hY jp haumYN KoeI]

vaahiguroo guroo ma(n)thr hai jap houmai(n) khoee||

His Guru-manta is Vahiguru, whose recitation erases egotism.

siqgur purK dieAwl hoie vwihgurU scu mMqR suxwXw]

sathigur purakh dhaeiaal hoe vaahiguroo sach ma(n)thr sunaayaa||

Becoming kind, the Guru recites true mantra Vaheguru for him.

Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj gave the Gurmantar to the Sikhs of Vaheguru. And here is more from a different source from Sri Sarbloh Granth that states against nidar's thinking and doesn't make Bhai Gurdas ji Vaar fall backwards on itself, which nidar does.

Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji states in the ‘Sarab Loh Granth’ that this mantar ‘Waheguru’ is given to the Khalsa by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, so that the Sikhs of the Guru can contemplate upon this true mantar and merge into the Timeless Being. The text of this instruction is as follows:-

swr mMqR cwroN kw cwr ]

vwihgurU mMqR inrDwr ]

klp klp pRB AKCr khI ]

sRI gur nwnk jwpXo shI ]

inj Awqm pRmwqm drsXo ]

cwr klp mih mMqR srsXo ]

sw mMqR pRB Kwlsh dInw ]

vwihgurU pd pwvn kInw ]

Saar Mantar Chaaro ka Chaar

Waheguru Mantar nirdhaar

Kalp kalp prabh akchar kehee

Sri gur nanak japeoo sehee

Nijh atam prmatam dhrseeo

Char kalp meh mantar sarsheoo

Saa mantar prabh khalse dheena

Waheguru padh pavan keena

The four fold divisions (within the Hindu Dharma) have four separate mantaras.

(Of them all the) mantar Waheguru is supreme.

With great thought and imagination the Primal Being uttered word.

Sri Guru Nanak (got people to) contemplated upon this true (mantar).

(With it) one can experience the presence of the Primal Being within the soul.

It is the summation of the four separate mantar.

This mantar, the Primal Being bestowed upon the Khalsa.

The word ‘Waheguru’ was thus sanctified.

Sri Sarbloh Granth Sahib is telling us that Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji Maharaj contemplated on Vaheguru and Bhai Gurdas ji Vaars are saying the same. The vaar the nidar crew present is much deeper, but for his own selfish reason's, he refuses to recognize this and his cronies...well I'll won't comment on them....lol

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Fateh Only Five,

Please give up on the constant use of 'lol' in every bit of writing.

It undermines any seriousness of any arguments you put forward - however feeble it may be.

Now that you have mentioned 'nidar crew' , please elaborate and make some comments...... any comments!!!

Lol...... ;)

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Fateh Only Five,

Please give up on the constant use of 'lol' in every bit of writing.

It undermines any seriousness of any arguments you put forward - however feeble it may be.

Now that you have mentioned 'nidar crew' , please elaborate and make some comments...... any comments!!!

Lol...... ;)

Yawn....boring someboyd was not taught reasoning in elementary school.

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Wow you biting your tongue for once? or you just being a.....

I think the act of not saying anything shows more than saying something on how much anyone respects nidar's cronies. Nidar tried to make a fool of Kalyug with his weak and not well thought out response. Not to add the feeble minded insults he included, shows he had no merit in the first place.

Also the Jathedar of Sri Hazur Sahib can be seen in a video, directly telling Nidar that he has made a fatal mistake and nidar in a weak voice, saying hun ji. Only an ugly and no merit person would deny what happened to him on video tape.

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It's obvious that videos can be edited in order to give an impression of something that did no in fact happen but Niddar's side of the story doesn't ring true even if you believe the video has been heavily edited. Calling the Sangat 'drugged up' as he does, shows a level of disrespect which no real Sikh would show. Niddar's claim that he didn't want to spoil the 300 sala events otherwise he would have decapitated some of the Singhs made me laugh. This is a standard answer when accused of treachery or cowardice. Santa Singh's cronies have used the same excuse for why he didn't fight in 1984 and why he went from being a Nihang of Guru Gobind Singh be being Indira's Nihang. I don't think we will know 100% of what happened in 2008 but you have to laugh at the way two Singhs treat Niddar at the end of the video. One grabs his hand and makes him stop pointing and the other grabs the apology letter. No 'last master of the long lost Sikh martial art of Shastarvidya' would have allowed himself to be treated like that! Since when has a true Nihang thought about what the legal implications of his actions might be when he is clearly being, in his view railroaded into writing an apology? I wonder if the Nihangs that Niddar and Parmjit write about would have considered the law as an factor in how they chose to act. I mean there are instances of violence being used at Hazur Sahib previously and the Niddar cronies have been known to brag about how the Hazoori Singhs would deal with some 'neo-Sikhs' if they attempted to stop the Jhatka at Hazur Sahib.

If Niddar is using Chanakya Niti in order to justify the meek way he handled the situation, it looks like Parmjit is chewing the cud when the apology is being read out in the hope that the Hazooris won't attack a Gau Mata!

Edited by tonyhp32
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