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Even The Daily Mail Carries An Article On Sv!


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Daily mail along with other tabloids such as the Sun and the now closed down News of the World are garbage. These newspapers are full of hypocrisy and use kaam related images to increase sales.

I avoid reading these newspapers.

Papers like the Guardian and Times are better although the Times and Sun share the same parent company News Corp.

I feel sorry for people that get there daily news from tabloid newspapers.

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too right.... i agree with you.

i much prefer the balanced views of the Daily Sport.

though even the 'clever peoples' broadsheets and other media covered the akhara a while back. eg:


quite suprised but the favourable responses by the DM readers though.

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Of course anyone can do that. You just need to practice.....bloody hard and have a good guru.

If apne consider it 'besti' then just shows the subservience of apne lok (to Nidar Singh Nihang,) who consider everything 'besti'. No one can do your besti unless you permit them!

Is he a devta that he can single-handly do besti of a whole kaum? Or that he can bring more positive publicity to SIkhi from the mainstream media than all the events that the kaum does put together? (i'm begining to think so!!!)

I think the kaum needs to pull up their socks if they want to achieve anything comparable to what he has achieved over the decades. All the media praise he is getting is just recognition for what he has made of himself now.

When apne are in the media spotlight for vandalising sikh community centres in Dudley or breaking windows of theatres or being tried for blowing up innocents in aeroplanes would you consider that 'besti'?

IMO i think the 30 second morris dancing skits that sikhs do on the streets during Nagar Kirtans and pass it off as "a sikh martial art used to fight thousands of enemies" is 'maha-besti'.

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Who cares about praise from the sun or daily mail?

What do the 'mainstream media' know about dharam?

The most disappointing thing about Niddar Singh is the sarbloh.info site. The amount of nindya of respected Gurmukhs and Jathebandi is unforgivable.

The only support Niddar Singh gets is from his chela who inturn post on this forum.

Tell me which panthic jathebandi supports Niddar Singh? AKJ and Damdami Taksal are out of the question because they have been slandered on sarbloh site.

This recent media attention will fade away rapidly and he will be an unknown once again such is this fake celebrity fame.

Real respect is garnered amongst fellow Gursikhs and the panth. What do bhagats of Guru Nanak Dev ji care about worldy fame?

Satguru Mehar Karan

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In the same vein "who cares what AKJ or DDT think?" SInce when did they become the representatives of the Panth?

You talk of nindya. How about the views of the DDT, AKJ kiddies on ss.com. is that not nindiya? Or does it does it only matter where Nidar SIngh's views are concerned? Appears that the nindya was getting so out of hand by these 'sikhs' that all mention of Nidar SIngh AND everything associated with him are banned! Such lack of self control by nindaks. Where is the dharam gone amongst this 'sangat'?

You are right in that meadia attention will go away very soon, but by that time enough awareness will have been created that those who do recognise the Vidiya for what it is will come to Nidar Singh to learn. Its not about praise from the tabloids; its more about mutual respect from other real Martial Artists from around the world, and not these gatka-baaj 'martial artists' either. I'm talking of men such as Dr Maasaki Hatsumi et al.

With the amount of attacks against NNS from AKJ/DDT chele for his writings on sarbloh.info I'm beginning to think that there may be feeling threatened. No?

Why do they/you feel soooo threatened by this nobody from Wolvverhampton? His views must hold some validity in your hearts that you cannot tolerate him speaking and attack him.

Do you really believe that what with just the support of "his chela who.. post on this forum" NSN is able to publish books, partake in TV documentries, write articles, organise lectures, exhibitions etc, etc, etc? It takes backing from a lot more people, organisations to do this.

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Suryadev ji

"In the same vein "who cares what AKJ or DDT think?" SInce when did they become the representatives of the Panth?"

Bhai Randhir Singh ji was honoured by all the four Takhts with title bhai sahib. Since times of bhai sahib until present AKJ have organised countless kirtan smagams, rainbais (all night kirtan) and Amrit Sanchars. Bhai Randhir Singh spent 16 years in jail for the Panth. Bhai Fauja Singh ji gave his life for the panth along with 12 other Gursikhs.

Damdami Taksal have been teaching arths of Gurbani and pronunciation to countless Gursikhs and organised countless Amrit Sanchars. Sant Jarnail Singh ji, Bhai Amrik Singh ji, Bhai Thara Singh ji and many others from DDT gave their lives for the panth in 1984.

DDT and AKJ are respected organisations within the panth.

Here's one quote from sarbloh:

One may also state for certain that if Jarnail Singh had not caught the imagination of the historically ignorant and gullible Sikh populace with this falsified history of Samparda Chowk Mehta, then the movement he inspired would not have taken off. The violent, destructive, strategically and tactically short-sighted, politically naive and militant 'Khalistani' movement that remains Jarnail Singh’s legacy would not have gained such momentum. This episode in Sikh history has forever tainted Sikhs around the world as potential terrorists, fanatics, fundamentalists and religious zealots.

What nonsense! Then you wonder why Niddar Singh is banned or 'attacked' by other Sikhs.

In my opinion, any genuine Gursikh would never be able to support Niddar Singh after viewing Sarbloh.info.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Do you really believe that what with just the support of "his chela who.. post on this forum" NSN is able to publish books, partake in TV documentries, write articles, organise lectures, exhibitions etc, etc, etc? It takes backing from a lot more people, organisations to do this.

Yeah organsations like the indian government

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Tell me which panthic jathebandi supports Niddar Singh?

Why would they support Niddar Singh? Niddar Singh places more importance on sampradaiye from Guru jis times and endorsed by Guru than "jathebandi" of which many were influenced by gora from gora raaj times who egotistically preach against sampradaiye practises!

Edited by londondajatt
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