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Use Of Allah

Genie Singh

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There are also claims that the diety Allah is found written in one of the most ancient religious texts known to man the vedas (within Rigveda and Atharvaveda) written in sanskrit whose reading knowledge was limited to the priest class of the brahmins some say it is Ala also a term used for dieties such as Indra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra), soma(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soma), dugra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durga), agni (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agni) and Shiva (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva).

verse (2/1/11) of Ṛgveda says,

Tvamagne aditirdeva dâúuṣe tvaṃ hotrâ bhâratî

bardhase girâz

Tvamiḷâ úatahimasi dakṣase tvaṃ bṛtrahâ vasupate

sarasvatî zz

“Thou, God (Agni), art Aditi to him who offers gifts: thou Hotrâ, Bhâratî, art strengthed by the song. Tthou art the hundred-wintered Iḷâ to give strength, O Lord of wealth! Vṛtra-slayer and sarasvatî” [tr: ibid]. According to Sâyana, the most celebrated commentator on the Vedas, iḷâ is the other name of Agni (the deity of fire). Furthermore, the entire Hymn (2/1) has been dedicated to God Agni and hence there is no doubt that the word iḷâ in the verse stands for Agni.

The word iḷâ also occurs in the verse (1/13/9) of the Ṛgveda, that reads,

Iḷâ, sarasvatî mahî tisro devîrmayobhuvaḥ z

Varhiḥ sîdantasridhaḥ zz

“Iḷâ, Sarasvatî and Mahî, three godesses who bring delight, be seated, peaceful, on the grass”. In this verse, Iḷâ is a godess and, according to Sâyana, Iḷâ in this verse may stand for earth, or cow, or vâc (speech).

In a similar manner, there is another word Alâ in the Ṛgveda that refers to various deities. The verse (3/30/10) contains the word and says,

Alâtṛṇo vala Indra vrajo goḥ pura hantorbhayamano byâra z

Sugatpatho akṛṇonniraje gaḥ prâvanvâṇîḥ purahûtaṃ

dhamantîḥ zz

“He who withheld the kine, in silence yielded in fear before thy blow, O Indra. He made paths easy to drive forth the cattle. Loud-breathing praises helped the much-invoked One” [tr: ibid]. Here, Alâ is the other name of Indra. The entire Hymn (3/30) has been dedicated to Indra and this confirms that the word Alâ in the verse refers to Indra. But, as the word Alâ sounds like Allah.

The word Alâ also occurs in the verse (9/67/30) of the Ṛgveda that says,

Alâyasya paraúurṇâúa tamâ pavasva deva soma z

Âkhuṃ cideva deva soma zz

– “O, deva Soma, we pray to you so that the battle-axe of our enemy gets broken- Alâ, you descend and kill our irretating enemy”. Though the Hymn (9/67) has been dedicated to both Soma and Agni, scholars believe that the word Alâ in this verse refers to Soma or the Moon (or Soma) .



Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature on Lord Shiva and Hinduism

Sair-ul-Okul is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry available in the Turkish library Makhtab-e-Sultania in Istanbul . In this anthology is included a poem by Prophet Mohammed’s uncle Omar-bin-e-Hassham. The poem is in praise of Mahadev (Shiva), and uses ‘Hind’ for India and ‘Hindu’ for Indians. Some verses are quoted below:

Wa Abaloha ajabu armeeman Mahadevo Manojail ilamuddin minhum wa sayattaru

If but once one worships Mahadev with devotion, One will attain the ultimate salvation.

Wa sahabi Kay yam feema Kamil Hinda e Yauman , Wa Yakulam na latabahan foeennak Tawajjaru. (Oh Lord grant me but one day’s sojourn in Hind, Where one can attain spiritual bliss.)

(source: Antiquity and Origin of the Term ‘Hindu’ - By Dr. Murlidhar H. Pahoja).



A man who has spent all his life in sin and immorality and has wasted away his life in passion and fury,


If he repents in the end and wants to return to morality, is there a way for his redemption?


Even if only once he sincerely worships Mahadeva, he can attain the highest position in the path of righteousness.


Oh Lord! Take away all my life and in return pray grant me even a single day's stay in Hind (India) asa man becomes spiritually free on reaching that holy land.


By dint of a pilgrimage of Hind a man attains the merit of noble deeds and gets the privilege of pious touch with ideal Hindu teachers. "

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this is an stupid attempt made by the hindu to claim islam coming out of them, the muslims too have done the same, time and again they have wanted to show that the hindu was part of islam and islam is the ultimate religion of this millenium.

one foolish book i had read claimed that jsut as the muslim would start his prayer with 'ya allah..." similiarly the hindu had prayers like ya kundentu tushar haar dhawala..." ...this is pure garbage !

if the hindu says that muhmad dint live a life worthy of a man why the f**k do they want him to be a hindu ?? !!! on one side everything is bad about islam and on another side there is a claim that islam drew its ideas from hindu !!!

so i should conclude that islamic shit is all part of hindu !!! i have stopped reading such baseless 'proofs'

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There is a claim that inside the kabbah has the inscription of the name of a hindu king called Vikramaditya http://en.wikipedia....kram%C4%81ditya

from this empire: http://en.wikipedia....Chandragupta_II


And another claim that the khatris of India went and sentled in saudi saying that Mohammad was from quereshi tribe who were originally linked to kshatriyas of india or something like that who were dedicated to shiva sounds almost like saying extended family of rajputs who lived in deserts of rajistan india comparing there cultures.


As well as cross comparison to saying kabbah was a shiv mandir who many hindus of india would go far to give piligramage as with other shiv mandirs which they go around many times the practice is still continued. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar wrote it into his book about kabbah being a shiv mandir.

Edited by JatherdarSahib
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Many of the stories in the Quran come from the Jewish Talmud, the Midrash, and many apocryphal works. This was pointed out by Abraham Geiger in 1833, and further documented by another Jewish scholar, Dr. Abraham Katsh, of New York University, in 1954 (The Concise Dictionary of Islam, p. 229; Jomier, The Bible and the Quran -- Henry Regency Co., Chicago, 1959, 59ff; Sell, Studies, pp. 163ff.; Guillaume, Islam, p. 13).

One of the most documented and damaging facts about the Quran is that Muhammad used heretical "Christian" Gnostic gospels and their fables for material in the Quran. Encyclopedia Britannica comments: "The gospel was known to him chiefly through apocryphal and heretical sources" (15:648). This has been demonstrated many times by various scholars (Richard Bell, Introduction to the Quran, pp. 163ff. See also: Bell, The Origin of Islam in Its Christian Environment, pp. 110ff, 139ff; Sell, Studies, pp. 216ff. See also Tisdall and Pfander).

Muhammad derived some of his ideas from Eastern religions such as Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. All of these things were in existence long before Muhammad was born. The Quran records the following things that are ascribed to Muhammad but in reality were previously known stories now attributed to him for the first time (Sell, Studies, pp. 219ff.). For example:
  • The story of a flying trip through seven heavens.
  • The Houries of paradise.
  • Azazil and other spirits coming up from Hades.
  • The "light" of Muhammad.
  • The bridge of Sirat.
  • Paradise with its wine, women, and song (from the Persians).
  • The king of death.
  • The peacock story.

Furthermore, many of the so-called “revealed” practices such as fasting, hajj and even the name “Allah” had existed long before Mohammad was born and were common among the pagans.
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