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How To Convince A Muslim About Sikhi?

Genie Singh

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Let us begin with the graceful saying of Ikonar satnaam - There is one god, truth is he.

By the grace of Guru Nanak dev ji, we strive to bring our hell destined brothers to the true graceful, merciful, salvation of the path of Sikhi.

Islam as we know by the creation of a man named Muhammad 26 April 570 born a pagan (somewhat similar to hindu) and died 8 June 632. Muhammad was born a poor illiterate man, who living amongst saudi arabia a time of conflict and trade. Muhammad's family where somewhat in charge of the temple of worship now known as the kabbah. Muhammad interacted with many Jews, pagans, Christians (early coptics and gnostics), buddhist travellers, babloyanians, zorostrains, hindu (travellers) and other non-existent religions today. It was time of conflict in which Muhammad had many ways to find solutions as such.

Later on in Muhammad's life he married a rich women, became one of the most powerfullest business men of his time with a keen interest in resolving disputed. He taught his followers to marry 4 women yet married 7 himself at 50 marrying a 6 year consumating his marriage when she was 9. He had loads of concubines, slaves and slave women who after killing those womens husbands he would sexual advance with and others he would give to his followers and encourage them to do as such which led later to female sex trafficking which lasted much after muhammad uptill India. One fond example is when asswad (shivling) came off the kabbah as such all elders consulted muhammad on how to politely re-establish it he placed it on a garment which all held and muhammad placed it back. From the quran it is made clear that muhammad was passionate about 3 dieties, daughters/sisters alike to the hindu trinity of goddesses. We find vedic literature present and muhammad's families devotion to Shiva and shiva's family.

Muhammad's philisophical and some times contradictory sayings were orally recorded as well as the quran it was later after muhammad death, his sayings and book who he claimed to be as divine revelation was written down. Many of the stanzas in his book begin with the famous saying of Jesus that was passed on to his gnostics followers (bismillah rahman rahim). Jesus teachings had been hidden from roman and jewish persecuters who had secretly practiced those teachings. Records today show Jesus had come to India as a jewish young boy learnt many secrets of buddhism and hinduism in india and had come back in his later days to kashmir.

Muhammad had come 600 years after jesus in which his teachings were written in poetic traditions in languages such as arabic, greek, hebrew and aramic. Jesus teachings were hidden alike to the sadhu/yogi tradition. Upon muhammad comming upon secret knowledge and vast libraries he learnt over the years he became fond of this spoken traditions. Muhammad so forth took to the path of a saint and recludded with his knowledge seeking the true answers of God and life. Muhammad medidated in a cave, even though muhammad had not fully mastered the true spirit of the vedas, vendantic and buddhist teachings hidden away through pagan, zorostrain, jewish and jesus teachings.

Muhammad throughout his years learnt multiple scientific revolutions that the glorious and noble vedas hid away for select elite. Through hard work and trading muhammad mastered many disciplines of business and had become one of the richest men in arabia through hard work and percieverce giving a model to some of the poorer folks of arabia to reach up to. Muhammad restricted his knowledge of the world and gave some secrets away to some of his employees, slaves later to be religion. Muhammad in his strive for power took the position as a prophet just like judo-christian prophet realising a cliffhanger prophet scenario he took himself to be next of jesus as some of the other gnostic saints did.

Muhammad after master gnostic christianity fell amongst rage, anger, lustful temptations having challenged the basics of his families belief capturing them, converting them in some cases taking women as rape victims led himself in religious and racial conflict which he and his followers and slaves led which is led till to this. Through blinded hatred for what he assigned kaffir or those who did not believe in him he led mass wars, by cleverly hidding the truths of his message and his goals of power pushing him he left a goal for global domination which listed in his haddiths even India.

Later on some of muhammad's followers took to some of his teachings differently rather then taking contradictory elements highlighting re-establishing his teachings and some maintained secretly there other religions through mysticism such as sufism. Muhammad's brutal shariah law from jewish halaqa law kept in tact his true intentions for global terrorism and world domination.

By the true grace of God, God sent Guru Nanak dev ji to re-establish true dharma and bring all back to righteous path. Due to the restrictive nature of muhammads teachings to bluntly and frankly challenge his teachings would lead to death or execution for blasphemy. Hence through preaching in moderation and starting at one point God led many to the true path of Sikhism away from the satanic messages of hatred and murder of innocents, rape and plunder that occured in muhammad's and god's name.

The quran today still holds passages clearly from the vedas. Muhammad in his time came the challenge to people to write a book like his own or bring 10 verses like his own which was impossible due to encyclopaedic and internet not existing but by the true grace of God we have much technology and science to disprove directly, indirectly and so forth muhammad's teachings were plagarised.

At best we learn

Muhammad was a reformer not the creationist of a fallacified new religion

Muhammad renewed jewish and christian prophet-hood teachings following on from abraham

Muhammad plundered, taught peadophilla,

Many of Muhammad's teachings still hold true to better higher values taken from other sources

As Sikhs we give humble welcomes to our muslim brothers to accept the blissful path of Sikhi and to enter salvation rather then hellfire. We welcome everyone to the path of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

The books of muhammad are not divine they are plagarised some newly written by other writters and having contradictions

You can find many disproofs of islam from other religious websites such as jewish, christian, hindu, atheist and other sikh websites which make clear of the jihaddis satanic verses and other plagarised lines and non-existence of prophecies. We can also tell you Muhammad followed in essence some of the teachings of vedic-aryan teachings when he died. So as such we plea to muslims to come to true ways of God. We only learn from the wisdom and greatness muhammad achieved from those teachings and we plea to all to enter the truth of Sikhi.


Whaeguru Ji ka Khalsa Whaeguru Ji Ke Fateh ji

Edited by JatherdarSahib
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Muslim Punjabis seem to be becoming more disengaged with Islamism as this War on Terror stuff tears their country up. Wouldnt hurt to tell them there was a Golden Age only 160 years ago where Sikh rule made Punjab prosperous, free and a force for good in the world. A lot more that Pakistan could ever do or will do.

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Muslims need to wake up smell the coffee, islamism and extremism has always controlled the politics of islamic nations, mosques, communities it will destroy the beautiful world we know and they control the social system, in which you can't walk away as an apostate or you die. You are free to make a choice as a human being and to live to it. Islam has brought global terrorism however the answer to global terrorism today lies inside of Islam and no where else.

Shariah laws are coming into place in society which frankly are old dated and do not work, people are scared to challenge it from the inside raising your voice to it is dangerous. It is people who need to freethink and walk out of it while they can even to edge out of it.

Sadly speaking, there is a unique form of intellectual ignorance with islamic scholarship, people read these jihadis verses and respond to them other then that there are some good cherrypicked things.

Sikhi brought much peace however those crazy islamists worked there asses off to destroy the empire with the british and it was there. You can try and dilute islam again as was done in the past with philosophy but there is a limit in that, some try to walk away but most the scholars know it there are some terrifying verses there, some need to wake up and just say this is not the word of God.

There might for those people be a god but that is not his words, if they are they are manipulated or bare some similarity to it or some degree of truth to it as it was originally plagiarised from great works of theology. Those punjabi muslims many of them are the same blood as we are from our own families from history converted so forth, they think like we do and we would react as they would, but it is time to walk out on something which is not right.

Edited by JatherdarSahib
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How to convince Muslims about Sikhi!!

How about trying to convince Panjabis born into SIkhi about Sikhi! lol

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Sikhs leaving sikhi has always been put down to ineffectiveness of sikh preachers, so we need to start there and est and start with baby steps to make the quantum leaps.

Don't you think we need to learn to keep our existing flock before we contemplate converting others?

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But you need to prioritise. You must stop the sand leaking from your sack before you pick up some more from the ground to fill from the top.

Exactly, I think seeing so many people from Sikh backgrounds being pretty much indifferent about their faith effects how outsiders see it anyway. If you read up on Moscovici's important work on minority influence, he says one of the key factors that swing the majority to a minority view is the commitment and confidence the minority have in their thing. If that is the case, we'd probably score quite low as a community in this area?

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The thing is, how do we know we've come far enough that we can encourage outsiders into the religion? Is there a certain percentage of Amritdharis in the nation that needs to be achieved? Count the proportion of turbans that enter a Gurudwara? There are 24 million Sikhs in the world. That's a lot of people. Our population is large enough to do what it wants. If some people want to convert others and some want to refocus on people within the faith, then both are achievable. It's not as if other religions dont do it.

When it comes to converting others, it makes sense to go for easier targets, like people from the same culture/lingual background. There are 25 million Punjabi Hindus and 100 million Punjabi Muslims. There's plenty of sand, so much so that it could make up for all that falls out of the sack.

As for minority influence, look on muslim forums. Some think Sikhs arent religous, others think we are far more religous compared to them or their youth. Neither seems to want to convert. It could be argued the other way that more deeply religous converts to Sikhi would encourage some Sikhs to reinforce their faith.

I'm not saying one option is better than the other but converting others or reinforcing faith amongst the believers arent mutually exclusive.

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Personally I think Hindus are natural for conversion to Sikhi myself. India should be a Sikh country but most Panjabis seem only interested in petty rural politics.

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The thing is India is a continent not a country. Land wise it is bigger than Europe (I think, I need to check), it has more nations, it has more languages and more faiths than most other continents. If Sikhs want to convert others they will need to do their homework to overcome language, cultural and old religous boundaries. The whole continent (India and Pakistan) is ripe for conversion. If people are stupid enough to convert to Islam and Christianity then there must be many who would convert to Sikhi.

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The thing is India is a continent not a country. Land wise it is bigger than Europe (I think, I need to check), it has more nations, it has more languages and more faiths than most other continents. If Sikhs want to convert others they will need to do their homework to overcome language, cultural and old religous boundaries. The whole continent (India and Pakistan) is ripe for conversion. If people are stupid enough to convert to Islam and Christianity then there must be many who would convert to Sikhi.

Problem is the peasants in the SGPC see Sikhi as some racialised, tribal thing, which they don't want to lose a grip of. So they aren't motivated for any change.

When I read the bit in Panth Prakash where Guru Gobind Singh asks what Singhs want, and they went 'Rule of Panjab' and he lamented their pettiness - it makes sense. We are still petty like that.

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Problem is the peasants in the SGPC see Sikhi as some racialised, tribal thing, which they don't want to lose a grip of. So they aren't motivated for any change.

When I read the bit in Panth Prakash where Guru Gobind Singh asks what Singhs want, and they went 'Rule of Panjab' and he lamented their pettiness - it makes sense. We are still petty like that.

If you divided England and forced large numbers of English people to move to Essex, give it a couple of generations and all English people would be reduced to 'Essex ways'. The english wouldnt be able to do half of what they do now if they were forced into a compressed geographical area. Partition screwed Sikhs massively. Before, Sikhs viewed East Punjab as being the worse half of Punjab. Now we all come from there due to being cleared out of West Punjab. After a few generations people growing up there are stupid enough to believe that what they experienced growing up is how Punjab has always been (ie rural and basic). When I tried to explain how complicated the Sikh army was in the 19th century on this site, many people didnt see how rural pindus could have been able to make good cannons or organise divisions etc but thats how we once were. Akalis running the Gurudwaras allowed Sikhs to concentrate on political/economic/military/scientific power as the religous institutions were run relatively well. Sikhs were able to cut people in, where as nowadays it's more about cutting people out.

Explain to people that it was better once. Explain to them that the way it is now is not how it has always been. Explain to them that change with hard work brings good change. Pettiness, laziness, empty hopes never achieve anyhting. Reading Panth Prakash has shown me that what most Sikhs think of their history isnt even true.

Edited by HSD1
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Reading Panth Prakash has shown me that what most Sikhs think of their history isnt even true.

It's true. Singh Sabha turned it all saccharine and unbelievably sterile. Just look at Bhai Vir Singh's take on Sikh ithiaas as embodied in his historical fiction novels. Anyone who actually spends time with your average Panjabi Sikh man knows we were never like this, and we aren't now either.

Those holier than thou phudhus of today are basing Sikh behavior on idealised historical fiction. People can't see reality.

As to why this happened, it's plainly obvious that Sikhs got viciously bashed about the head by typical orientalist/protestant Christian moralising after being defeated in the Sikh-Anglo wars and totally 'cleaned up' their history to reflect the new values.

Did some of them feel ashamed or inadequate?

Edited by dalsingh101
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I know what you mean. Reading how our ancestors really were gives me some piece of mind that SIkhs back then were real people. That doesnt mean I'm going to have a whole roast hog or start taking cannabis and justify it because that's what some did back then. I mean it makes the lives and actions of our ancestors so much more tangible. It was hard to reconcile one's inner thoughts and attitudes to the superholy images that we have of people back then. Some of Pranth Prakash portrays SIkhs as unruly school boys with our leaders trying to keep them in check lol. Knowing they were a lot like us back then helps calm the fiery Punjabi soul if you know what I mean!

If our holier than thou types were around back then they would be in deep trouble. If Massa rangar was about, one third of our lot would peacefully protest and get killed, one third would charge in screaming jakaaira and getting shot to pieces and the final third would just sit at home praying for help. Sikhs back then were clever, resourceful, thought outside the box and most of all they wanted to win. Dying gallantly and letting the enemy win wasnt part of the plan.

In regards to the abortion of our history, I think it's important to remember that Sikhs are human and sometimes what happens to others also applies to us. We werent the first race to think we are undefeatable, and we wont be the last who had that dream crushed and replaced with occupation. Germany and Japan have both undergone transformations that have left them wondering who they are. Even though Japan used propaganda to convince its people it was fighting a war to liberate Asia, after their defeat they produced equipment that would be used by the Americans in wars in Korea and Vietnam, two places that Japan had promised to protect from white aggression. Germany, who had fought so hard against Bolshevism, was split in two. East Germany was considered by the Soviet Union and many Nato countries as Russia's only strong ally in Eastern Europe. LIkewise, West Germany became a major friend of the Western allies who had bombed it so mercilessly years before. In Russia, there is the struggle between various forces who see their history after the cold war defeat in different lights. The Zulus became a bunch of teaboys after they lost to the British.

As you can see from the example above, this is how it pans out sometimes. The British, as the occupiers, were going to give rewards to whoever helped them stay in power. Whether it was culturally, militarily, religous or political they accepted any help and wrecked anything that could harm their interests.

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Good insight HSD. I too am glad that we finally get to read a history that isn't so blatantly out of line with our own experiences of our own people. I'm not saying everything Bhangu says its gospel, but the general tenor of the depictions of later Khalsa struggles reflects the temprements of Sikh men (old school ones to be more accurate) than any whitewashed Singh Sabha accounts.

Bhai Vir Singh was an intellectual, he came from a long line of Sikh intellectuals. He was very gentle and 'refined' - so maybe it should come as no surprise that he couldn't relate to hot head, riotous and marauding Singhs (especially ones from poor backgrounds) and expunged them in his editing?

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Well it seems from what everyone is saying the best scholar we had was bhai vir singh who could not appeal to the mentality of the majority. The only way to appeal to that mind set is as Guru nanak dev ji did, that is with simplicity. Giving simple examples, the issue is the people who did that became baba and started to enjoy the income rather then following through. It is still possible to relate basic simple stories even with the basic hothead vocabulary and language can be used.

As for those who can understand the complexity involved then go for that. I agree with the think out of the box thing, however we are always blaming other people for our own mistakes even with most hollacausts it was mainly due to sikhs attacking sikhs. As for the bores that was a test to convert muslims and we had to make that sacrifice ourselves for the trust of those who converted we were risking our own lives with those newly converts so we had to be sure.

With the bhang it was the only means to fight with injuries as for the pain killer and the endurance to fight for long periods. It also helps defeat the touch of a woman being in those jungles with no wife or wifes gone and then you have captured women who are perhaps dressed very beautifully it would have tempted some few low thinkers who didn't go through with the sister, mother, daughter maryada the bhang probably helped in the worst time and these were out of the box thoughts. We did attack each other sometimes, sometimes for the good and most the bad.

The thing is many muslims look at the disoganised state of sikhs with no country, with attacking each other, sometimes misunderstanding dharamyudh maryada filled with anger and don't think twice of conversion. They no stoning people to death is wrong but they are stuck.

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Well it seems from what everyone is saying the best scholar we had was bhai vir singh who could not appeal to the mentality of the majority. The only way to appeal to that mind set is as Guru nanak dev ji did, that is with simplicity. Giving simple examples, the issue is the people who did that became baba and started to enjoy the income rather then following through. It is still possible to relate basic simple stories even with the basic hothead vocabulary and language can be used.

I don't agree. I think the simplicity approach actually perpetuates the typical, small pendu mindedness that seem define the panth today. We need depth and independent mindedness not simplicity. The simple mindedness of apnay just ends up with them becoming someone or anothers chumcha, be this teh British or anyone else. Maybe the simple approach appeals to the unlettered ruralites back home, but keeping Sikhi dumbed down for the masses is what gives people the excuse for labels like 'peasant religion' which is a barely concealed insult to a sophisticated way of life like Sikhi.

As for those who can understand the complexity involved then go for that. I agree with the think out of the box thing, however we are always blaming other people for our own mistakes even with most hollacausts it was mainly due to sikhs attacking sikhs. As for the bores that was a test to convert muslims and we had to make that sacrifice ourselves for the trust of those who converted we were risking our own lives with those newly converts so we had to be sure.

Try and explain that simple and clear truth to some hardcore vegetarians in the panth and see what sort of dim and angry response you get to it.

With the bhang it was the only means to fight with injuries as for the pain killer and the endurance to fight for long periods. It also helps defeat the touch of a woman being in those jungles with no wife or wifes gone and then you have captured women who are perhaps dressed very beautifully it would have tempted some few low thinkers who didn't go through with the sister, mother, daughter maryada the bhang probably helped in the worst time and these were out of the box thoughts. We did attack each other sometimes, sometimes for the good and most the bad.

The point is why it is such a big deal for so many, that they just can't accept that SInghs took cannabis or opium. Whatever their reasons where for this. The point is about puritanism - to the point where we can't handle historical realisties as a result.

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well we can say only some people took bhang and eat bore not all and not majority as last resort moves for survival which worked out, we are perhaps still in the same position from certain people in hindu government against us. Some of them were sikhs who formed aryan samaj who had beards with the name singh who hated sikhi being athiest or agnostic to start the movement, we could use it's own elements against itself.

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Guru Nanak s visit to Mecca arid his debate with the

Katies and Mullas of that place.

EGCA the largest city in Arabia, is known

throughout the world, as it is the political capital

of the Arabs as well as the religious capital of all the

Muhamniadans in the world.

Mecca has a building, which is supposed to have

been built by the orders of God, hence the building ia

the "House of God."

This "&0 called "House of God" is considered such

a sacred place by the Muhamniadans that every

Muhammadan thinks it his chief duty to visit the house

at least once in his life.

Muhammadan theology


shows that the Muham

madan, who only sees the house from outside is

empowered to resist the fire of hell. He who enters the

sacred building obtains forgiveness for all his past

misdeeds. He who is so fortunate as to sleep for a

night in that" house can not be enticed to evil by the

Shaitan and morever has no punishment for his past

sins. If a man once reads Namaz in that house, the

reward would be one lac times more than that of read

ing, it outside its walls. Fire of hell will have no effect

on him and he will be allowed to enjoy the beautitudes

of heaven. Hundreds of the loveliest girls and handsomest

boys will serve him in the paradise, and the

sweetest wines and the best perfumes will be given to

him there for his use. If a man fasts for a day only in

the month of Ramzan there, he on the day of judgement

will have to give no account of his evil actions. Besides

,he will bo allowed to enter paradise, where brilliant

rills of milk and *harbat flew in abundance, and the

sweetest fruits and the choicest flowers are scattered

plentifully all around. If a man fasts there for the

whole month of Ramzan, he as well as his forefathers

and SODS are allowed to enjoy the pleasures of the

heavenly paradise for an unlimited time. In short, this

house of the Muhammadan worship in Mecca ie consi

dered to have the power of warding off the vilest sins of

its visitors and ensuring them of eternal happiness in

the other world.

Religious books of the Muharomadans go so far to

praise the mosque in Mecca that God thus spoke to

Adam. "I am that God, who laid the foundation stone

of the sacred building in Mecca. I will give the glory


of having it finished to Abrahim. I always reside in

that house, hence the inhabitants of Mecca are my

neighbours. Whoever seeks me and desires to see me

will find me in the precincts of this house. I will daily

send 70 thousand angels to make a round all around

this building and will never withdraw them from it.

Every year 80 thousand Hajies will corne to see my

house, and if ever deficiency takes place,- the number

will be made up by adding angles to them. 1

Allured by these promises, Muhammadans from all

parts of the world reach Mecca and spend a great part

of their lives there. Many of them after a few month s

so journ there return to their homes ; but those who are

so old as to serve their families no longer, stay there

until death overtakes them. For they believe that if a

Haji dies in that building his rewards are quite


"When Nanak had visited all the important places

in India as well as the temples of Hindus, Jains and

Budhists ; he resolved to see this place of the Moharrimadan

pilgrimage. Disguising himself as a Mohammadan

Darveish he sailed from the coast of Hindustan.

Journeying by sea and by land he at last reached his


The sun had already r,et, he therefore went direct

to the above-mentioned mosque. He took his lodginge

in its yard and lay down to slrep with his feet towards

the above-mentioned house.

Some of the Hajies, who were sleeping all arounc

the building saw Nanak lying in a position contrary to

their religious belief. They informed the Kazie o:

this extraordinary proceedings.

Kazie was much enraged to hear that a man waa

lying in the very yard of the mosque in a position

insulting the sacred place. He immediately followed

the informants and was much more enraged on

finding the information true to a word.

41 Who is this infidel ;" vociferated the Kazie, "that

is lying with his feet towards the "house of God."

"I know1

replied Nanak "that God exists every

where and in every direction. Let me know, please

where there is no God, so that I may turn my feet to

that side."

These words so touched the heart of the Kazie

that he gave no reply but run to his friends and

co-religionists and iufoimed them of the noble thoughts

of Nanak, whom the Kazie had taken for an infidel.


The Kazie told them that Nauak was undoubtedly

I a devotee, but he was ignoraut of the religion of their

prophet. The Kazie therefore insisted his friends to

come to Nanak to explain th^ir religion to him so that

he might be persuaded to embrace Muhammadanism.

Accordingly, Kazies, Mulas and Hajies assembled

together and came to Nanak. They sate by him fora

while in silence ; one of them, at last, spoke as follows.

"These learned men, who have learnt the holy

Quran by heart, these pious men, who have fasted for

months in these sacred buildings and I, who have the

honour of being in charge of this house of God, have

come here to teach you the religion of our prophet,

which is fully described in the holy Koran, which God

himself spoke through our prophet, Muhammad. This

religion, the only religion from God, points us out that

how far learned and wise a man may be how far

virtuous he may lead his life how strictly he may be

believer in one God, he after his death can not be

allowed to enjoy the pleasures of the heavenly paradise,

where numerous girls of moon-like faces and countless

boys of shining countenances, are ready to serve the

followers of our prophet where followers as well as

herbages give forth sweet fragrance, and beautiful birds

Bing pleasing songs to amuse its tenants and where in

numerable streams of milk and wine, glide smoothly for

luxury and enjoyment of the believers" in Koran, until

he becomes Musalman and reads the Kalma, which sig

nifies that "there is .one God and Muhammad is his


" Besides, on the day of judgement Muhamad

will sit by Go 1 and intercede for his followers. Tiiose,

who are unbelievers in the prophet and the Koran, will

be sent to hell, where flames 01 burning fire scorch their

bodies and venomous snakes coil round them as soon aa

they are ushered in that dreadful place.

"The holy Koran," continued the Kazie, "authorises

us, the followers of the prophet, to kill the infidels ruin

their temples and houses and invest their wealth in our

business. We, therefore, request that you who are wise

and prudent, will read the Raima and accept this

religion, which gives so much power in this world and

o much Ixury and power in teh world to come."

Nanak heard the discourse of the Kazie!attentively

when he had no more to say, Nanak replied bim as


"Let me first of all poiat you out that you your

selves are not true Musalmans. The word Musalman

can be applied to him, who has strong faith ia God alone.

But tiie Kalma, which makes you Musalmans, shows

that you are believer not only in God alono but likewise

in a man, called Mohamad ; as if the latter is partaker

in God s works or God is powerless to do any thing

without his aid."

" If Mohamad preached the word of God among

you ; this fact can not entitle him to add his name in a

Raima along with Him: for a herald who proclaims the

order of an emperor in a city or even in a country, has

no right to include his name in the emperor s seal or to

add his resemblance to the effigy of the emperor on the


"Besides, the religion which makes its adherents

furious and pitiless and destroys tiie peace and tran

quillity of the world and brings slaughter and blood

shed among the people can not b ) the religion from

all-merciful God ; while the object^ of a true religion

are to establish psace in the count iy aa well as on the

minds of the people and to make it^ followers so kind,

and merciful as the Father in heaven is. By the

nature of the dogmas, which your religion teaches to

the people, you yourselves can judge in what light the

religion of your prophet stand?."


Followers of the jrophet with a sword in one

hand and Koran in the other force the people to accept

Koran or its alternative. How can you therefore think

that the religion, which allows so much atrocities to be

perpetrated on the human being, is a true religion,

which spreads in the world neither by sword nor by

force but by the spirit of God."

" You. persecute other nations, chiefly the Hindus,

destroy their temples and houses and rob them of their

wealth under the plea that God has permitted you in

the Koran to kill the infidels and idolaters. You go to

take out mote from the eyes of others while there is a

beam in your own eye. You try to teach Monotheism

to the world ; while you yourselves are worse than idolworshippers.


"If the Hindus and ether rations, whom you call

infidels worship stones and statues, you worship this

building. If they limit the Almighty in an image, you

circumscribe Him in that hofise. If they take ablutions

in the Ganges for the purification of their souls, you

bathe in the well of Zamzam for the same purpose. If

they make offerings to their gods, you make sacrifices

before this house as on atonement for your sins. You

moreover, have belief in such incredulous fables, and

fictions that even those whom you call heathens discredit


"You have ccme to convert me .tp the religion of

your prophet by giving me the allurements of . the

earthly powers and the pleasures of the imaginary

paradise. Malediction ta- that religion, which insti

gates its followers to ^p&rsecuto -and plunder their

fellow creatures ! Malediction Ho that paradise, which

is filled with girls and boys "as well as with flowers,

fruits and wine for the ^tijoy merit of those who are the

adherents of that religion !"

"It is a pity if the blind goes to lead the blind .but

it is still more pity when rthe blitid trtes to leafl^him

who has eyes to fcad thb world I


" Let me, now, in conclusion, point you out that* if

you aspire to be free from you sins, worship Him who

has not only created this house but the world, heavens,

sun and stars. If you want to be a pious man, do not

waste time in cramming the Koran but try to subdue

your passions: such as fury, anger, avarice and adultry.

If you wish to be a true Musalman, remember Him

alone, who is omnipotent and ommiscent. If you

desire to obtain the eterna\ pleasures love your fellowcreatures

more than your own lives so that you may be

as perfect as the Father in heaven is."

Kazies, Mulas and Hajes were so struck to hear

these words that they gav^ no reply and went away,

praising him whom they had come to convert to their

religion. Naaak also left Mecca and resumed his


Guru Nanak The life and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji By Thakur Singh Ji page 84- 91


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