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The Mother Of All Chin Ups. Must See.


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The famous 'Bar-Tenders'. The original guys from NYC are amazing, I have friends who have trained with them. The original Bartenders developed their resistence training system in Prison when the guards didn't let them out their cells and eliminated their access to the gyms.

The original guys and present hardcore Bartenders developed amazing strength and muscular defintion without supplements/steriods or any form of weight training!

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Lol no, I'm very normal. I don't have the inclination in my life to use precious time for the purpose of 'body sculpture'.

Although I respect the dedication these guys have, that is all (bar exercises) most of them have, on a good note they are at least taking people away from crime and giving them something positive to focus on. Plus they are now creating training DVDs, natural supplements and starting to get employed as trainers. Good luck to them. Most people can achieve an amazing body, but in order to do so, that needs to be singular focus and passion in your life. IMHO better to incorporate a little good form of resistance training in your daily routine, some of which can be got from training in a good martial art.

After drug/alchoholism, Body Building is probably the 2nd most popular pass time in Punjab. There are already many gyms (even in small pinds) and the numbers are growing daily. Sadly, steroids are also very popular. Many people from the Kabaddi scene go down this route to develop 'good looking' bodies, and in doing so, the time spent body building means less time is spent on the traditional kabbadi exercises and practice sessions, which is what would otherwise make them very good players. Same sad story for Pehlvani, more and more are ditching the thousands of years old traditional training methods and diets and going for high meat, steroid and body building route, again, they suffer in later years and the quality of the wrestling is much lower.

There are actually plenty of people in Indian and Punjab with muscular/sculpted physiques. I had a relative in Birmignham who was a professional Body Builder and won some small international competitions back in the late 80s. I recall his Pita Ji telling me his diet:

Roti, Daal, Roti, Daal, Chanai, Raajma, Milk, Badaam, Lassi. Specifically I remember him saying he cooked with no or extremely little oil! That was because as SD says, apne put on fat quite quickly!

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Nice stuff.

Chatangs, you will rarely find any asians with that type of body.

different type of dominant muscle fibres.

Interesting, tell me more about asians dominant muscle fibres please.

Also when you say asians are you saying indians/pakis/bengalis? or are chinese, korean, malayans filipino's included?

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I was so impressed by this guy I went and brought one of those chin up bars that you stick in a door frame (only a £20 Tesco job, nothing fancy). Then I tried doing a bunch and ...........hhmmmmm.........will keep at it.

I will say one thing, the exercise REALLY seem to tighten up the old 'tidh' - better than any sit ups I've done!

I wonder if there is some guide to the different types of pull ups and what muscles they work? i.e. The wider ones with hands over the bar, the ones with the hands together under the bar etc.?

This geezer is phenomenal!

PS - Certain brothers need to stop trying to get Shaheediyan to post greased up pictures of his body on the forum.....ahem...ahem...no names mentioned....heheehe

Edited by dalsingh101
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PS - Certain brothers need to stop trying to get Shaheediyan to post greased up pictures of his body on the forum.....ahem...ahem...no names mentioned....heheehe

The multitude of uses of desi ghee, eh?

Did you get the IRONGYM? A simple pullup device that you hook over the door frame and can take off, variety of holds on it and no damage or altering of the frame. Best piece of excercise kit ever.

To work the abs/core when doing pulls I lift my legs up infront of me so that they are an L-shape. keep it in that position when going up and coming down. It takes practice though.

Just mix all the variations and do them: wide ,narrow, underhand,overhand, commando pullups, towel grip, inwards facing hands, round-the-worlds etc etc. Hits all the major upper body muscles at different angles.

If you are starting off and cant do one then do 'reverse pullups'. Place a chair directly under the bar. Climb up and hold the bar so that you are in the up position. Take the weight onto your arms and off your legs. Lower yourself down. Initially you may just fall straight down, but with practice slow the downward phase as much as possible so that it takes you several seconds to get down to the straight arm position.

Leave the bar up on the frame, everytime you pass through the door bang one out! If you can do one relatively easily then get back up and do a second or even third one.

Do only this for the next two weeks on a daily basis.

Rest for a couple of days after that then try to do a standard pull up.

Repeat the whole process for that single standard pull up for the next 1-2 weeks.

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Did you get the IRONGYM? A simple pullup device that you hook over the door frame and can take off, variety of holds on it and no damage or altering of the frame. Best piece of excercise kit ever.

It wasn't the Irongym Trademark one, but a Chinese manufactured copy from a supermarket. You're right, for it's price it is one good investment in health gear!

To work the abs/core when doing pulls I lift my legs up infront of me so that they are an L-shape. keep it in that position when going up and coming down. It takes practice though.

Thanks for that. Here are more I found.

If you are starting off and cant do one then do 'reverse pullups'. Place a chair directly under the bar. Climb up and hold the bar so that you are in the up position. Take the weight onto your arms and off your legs. Lower yourself down. Initially you may just fall straight down, but with practice slow the downward phase as much as possible so that it takes you several seconds to get down to the straight arm position.

When I first got it I could barely do 2! 3 - 4 days later (i.e. now) I can get out 5 or 6. Give it a week or two I should be getting 10 - 15 out hopefully. One issue I'm trying to nail is not to swing though.

Leave the bar up on the frame, everytime you pass through the door bang one out! If you can do one relatively easily then get back up and do a second or even third one.

Do only this for the next two weeks on a daily basis.

I am doing this. Actually it is quite addictive like that. Sometimes I bang a couple out at midnight when I go passed it to go for a pi55.

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"I wonder if there is some guide to the different types of pull ups and what muscles they work? i.e. The wider ones with hands over the bar, the ones with the hands together under the bar etc.?"

I've been told they tell you all the science in their DVD, you can also get a hoodie and t-shirt for inspiration :-)


I personally think Mallakhamb is better, it is much more difficult and develops many wrestling/grappling muscles and movements. It also works the legs, something which these guys totally omit. Only problem is getting a cheap Tescos version of the Pole - and finding place to put it, lol.

The Tai Chi Chuan people in China also have a version where they use bars to hold certain combat postures.

All interesting stuff. The human mind pretty much works the same away all over the world!

Edited by shaheediyan
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If you are swinging to get yourself up then do two things:

1. slow down on the both up and down phases. I mean reeaally slow down. Take several seconds to do a rep.

2. Do some core stability work ie hold the plank position for 1min and repeat that a few times a day.

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If you are swinging to get yourself up then do two things:

1. slow down on the both up and down phases. I mean reeaally slow down. Take several seconds to do a rep.

2. Do some core stability work ie hold the plank position for 1min and repeat that a few times a day.

Nice one!

How many pull ups/chins up can you guys do anyways? Pray do tell!

BTW - I read about the difference.

Chin ups - with palms facing your face, involve the biceps a lot more (and are hence easier) than 'pull ups' where your palms face away from your face, which involve your back and shoulder more.

I love those diamond press ups as well, they really hit the shoulders and tris!

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  • 1 year later...


The white boy's good but he doesn't have the style, personality and charisma of Hannibal. lol

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