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I am looking for some advice, at my local Gurdwara they announce local commununity functions such as-

Mens partys (badgi,all mens party at a hall).

Ladies sunget (all ladies party at a hall).

Is this right?

Are we going to the Gurdwara to be close to GURU or is it place where we can find out what is happening localy?.

What do think?

What if anything, i should do?

Pls a hubble Benti only sensible help and advise pls as i need a starting point i can go foward with.

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Gurdwara is a dharam sala where you learn thing or two about dharam..all this social stuff one can engage in in their own leisure time outside out of gurdwara owned domain..not sure why people want to change maryada to suit their own needs.

Sri Akaal Takth Sahib should control both righty/lefty mindset in the panth- you give hippy liberal sikhs a small arm, they want the whole leg !!!!!!!!!

Panthic bodies need to draw a line in a sand- we must perserve sanctity of dharam sala, what's next? mojra/belly dancing organized by gurdwara commitee?

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Thankyou for the great advice.

I am looking to write a letter to the Gurdwara comminttee regarding this issues,but need to be diplomatic.

I need help.

Where would i start from?

I need the comminttee understand,what they are is wrong without sounding patronising.

I also what add a time scale to the letter,how would i do that?

Pls help.

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We know the Truth when the heart is True,And we cleanse our body of Falsehood and make it Pure.

We know the Truth, when we love the Truth.And, if hearing the Lord's Name our Mind is Pleased, we Attain to the

Door of Deliverance.We know the Truth, when our Soul knows the Way;And cultivating our bodies, we sow the seed of God.

We know the Truth, if we receive the true Instruction (of the Guru).

We know the Truth if we dwell on the Pilgrim-station of the Self.

And (if) as is the Guru's Will, so abide we.Truth is the Cure-all, it washes one clean of Sin.But Nanak's prayerful call is to those whose (only) possession is the Lord's Truth.

The matter is closed.

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