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Bujarat Bujo


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I was listening to a Katha and the preacher put the following bujarts and it's really good......so, try it.

  1. Name a thing in the world which always decrease?
  2. Name a thing in the world which always increase?
  3. Name a thing in the world which increases as well as decreases?
  4. Name a thing in the world which neither increase nor decrease?

I'll post the answers that I heard from the preacher but after hearing from you guys. This is not a competition to check your IQ, the basic purpose of bujarat is to engage the other person in thinking because Mind is everything. "Mann Jite Jag Jeet".

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  • Name a thing in the world which always decrease? UMAR (Age)
  • Name a thing in the world which always increase? TRISHNA (Internal Craving / Intense Longing)
  • Name a thing in the world which increases as well as decreases? MIND (It always goes ups and downs; it is always in sankalp and vikalp.)
  • Name a thing in the world which neither increase nor decrease? RAAB DA VIDHAN (Rules of Nature which are same for everyone.)

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