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Sikhaid Charity Event


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Piaree Sadh Sangat Ji


Waheguru has blessed us with a little bit of seva , which we would like to share with the sangat.

SIKHAID charity help out people in the poorest areas around the World

It is run 100% by volunteers form all back grounds , all funds raised are used 100% for the cause , some volunteers forsee the camps and spend their own money for flights and accommodation.

World health organisation say :-

there are approximately 39 million blind people in the World

This will increase to approx 79 million if not checked

90% of the problems are in developing countries

80% can be cured/prevented

SikhAID setup camps , recent venture was last November /December where a volunteer foresaw the camp , approx 500 people were screened , 119 referred for cateract operation.

Along side the eye camp , Dental camps are run ( started in 2010) again by volunteers who have shipped over the equipment , some young kids have not even seen a tooth brush.

Also mental health and well being workshops are being setup , last year a conference was held with NHS ( Nationla Health Service) explaining to them especially in the asian,punjabi,Sikh community theres no help availble , for example any domestic issues in the househeld our elders tell us to sweep under the carpet or tell us it will be ok ,overtime this builds up and eventually explodes and causes all sorts of mental & health problems. We are asking for help off the NHS , setup camps in Gurudawaras, visit homes etc... so that sangat and tell somebody and seek help/guidance

Much much more can be done ..

Piaree Sadh Sangat , lets make people aware , the more awareness the more help can be provided. Seva can be in many forms , some will donate, some will do physical seva , some inform others etc.. any which way we can please help

On new years eve , SikhAid volunteers setup a stall at GuruNanak Gurudawara smethwick high street ,and Dhesmesh Gurudawara Lozells ..... The main point was making the sangat aware so that could make others aware . Some much piare(love) was shown by the sangat it was unbeliveable , all wahegurus going.

SikhAid are holding a classical music charity event in Birmingham Adrian Boult hall on Saturday 16th Februray 2013 start 6pm . All money raised will go the the causes .. If you can come along please do so ( if you require tickets , please let me know cost of one eye operation is about £20 , ticket costs are £15 , £20 family of 4 £40 ( 6yrs-18yrs) , snack & drink is included)

If you want to help out, donate , please send your email address / contact details ,

Please see poster and website below :-




Thank you


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