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Sikh Marriage According To Sikh Rahet Maryada

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The email below is Self explanatory and I've sent to the email addresses below on 1st of June 2012, but didn't get any reply. So, thought of starting a discussion about it in this forum.

Apologies, if I started to repeat the discussion that already exist in this forum, and if such discussion does exist, I'd very much appreciate if you could please link this one to that.




Dear Sirs,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

We are the Sikh Sangats of Burma (Myanmar) and with the blessings of our Gurus, Sikh Sangat here is doing very well.

We have this enquiry to make regarding the Sikh Marriages and hope you would be really kind to answer our questions.

First of all, we heard that there has been some amendments made to the Sikh Marriage Act and if possible we would like to have the full copy of the marriage act, which you could forward to this email.

Secondly, we have this disputes that has been going on since ages and we would like to clarify it!

According to the traditions here, if a young man (never married before) and a young woman (never married before) just ran away with their own will, and spend few days together, some Gurdwaraas here allow to do the Anand Karaj with 4 Pheras (circling around Sri Guru Granth Sahib), where some Gurdwaraas here don't allow to do the Pheras but allow to do the Anand Karaj where the Granthi will read one paragraph of Laava and the Ragi Jatha will sing that paragraph and both Bride

and Groom were to sit infront of Sri Guru Granth Sahib all the time (no Pheras). So, with your enlightenment, we could end this dispute and practice the same tradition all over the country. Therefore, could you please send us some complete evidence to support which ever one is the right thing to do?

Another thing is what if a previously married man in Sikhism way whose wife is no more (a widower) married to a woman (never married before) or a man (never married before) married to a previously married woman in Sikhism way whose husband is no more (a widow), or a widower to marry to a widow, are they allow to take the Pheras?

Or, what about divorces, which sadly does exist in modern society? A man or a woman who previously have married in Sikhism way, can actually have divorces? Because, legally they can and what actually does the Sikh Rahet Maryada suggest? After divorce, are they allow to marry to someone who is never married before or someone who is widow or widower or someone who also is divorced?

We would very much appreciate if you could answer to our this query to enlighten us to practice the Sikhism in right way according to the Sikh Rahet Maryada.

Thanking you in advance,


Rakhbir Singh

(on behalf of Burma Saadh Sangat)

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