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Do We Need Nagar Kirtans ?


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Yes because they create an event which brings about awareness and unity in the community. The problem nowadays is that Nagar Kirtans have become all about just going for a walk and having a chat and having a cup of tea etc. There is a lack of seva and simran and new ideas

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Nagar kirtans are not essential, but as a device to foster unity and a sense of community they can be invaluable, especially in the diaspora. They can also be sleazy. The west London one was a booze up and opportunity to pick up girls which got seedy after dark. East London one hasn't gone down that path....yet anyway.

I had young mixed race Sikh kids of the family going to one and it did a lot to foster a sense of community in them.

Properly done, they are invaluable, shabbily done they are an embarrassment.

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Thing is, we know Panjabis Sikhs have this parallel thing of getting pissed and doing bhangra and generally acting like unsophisticated pindus. That's what we need to combat.

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re the wolverhampton vaisakhi mela, there is a nagar kirtan followed by celebrations in west park.

Most of the younger sikhs i suspect have no attachment to the nagar kirtan, but turn up in droves for the park activities. This is where a strong program of community-related issues needs to be discussed alongside the usual "happy vaisakhi and the sikh community is a special community to us..." etc by the guests.

Its these arenas that need someone to talk about some of the more delicate issues in amongst sikh youths.

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Wolves lot seem to be clueless?

I hear there are loads of apnay there but you never really get any vibe coming from the guys over there? They seem docile? I have heard it is very segregated over there.

I remember going to B'ham years ago and they had an event in the park. I saw some apnay go on stage and make speeches about grooming and this was the late 90s.

Afterwards top SP guys were cleaning up the streets of drunk pendus, telling them to go home. Bush himself was doing this.

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You know what, banging on about grooming openly from a stage these days will backfire in that it will used by the right wing and it will also be used by others to make us look like sullay hating numbskulls.

So be careful with what you do.

Ultimately, most of our problems stem from the fact we have our heads up our arses and can't see each other as family - especially due to that shitty pendu caste system we have. Work on that maybe- that's if you're not a closet penduist yourself.

It's now all about protecting our weak, vulnerable and dumb whilst building up our cohesion and strength.

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Chatanga, it appears as if you are posting EDL friendly posts on SS.

If you're going down that low IQ jat -anglo bumlicking route, don't message me about working on any projects with you please.

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dally, i didnt post a edl friendly anything, i observed that the guy, i cant remember his name now, making a valid point that the countries which were "invaded" by western forces were happy to see their intervention, for their own ends, as they wish to see in syria now. why you would see this as anglo-bumlicking i dont know.

if it does seem low IQ to you, then maybe its better that we dont work on anything. i wouldnt want to hold you back. I would feel terrible about it.

i had a re-read of my messages to you re working on any projects, it doesnt seem like i was forcing you into anything, so i can rest easy.

the mind perplexes why you would have wanted to post your high IQ non-anglo-bumlicking thoughts on the forum, rather than message me, especially when they have nothing to do with the topic.

Edited by chatanga1
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