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Sikh Lawyers World?

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Hey everyone. So I am a Hispanic Sikh (I know...odd lol) and I have some pressing troubles. I am studying law and I am moving into my second year. I work at several law firms currently, I am trying to get a feel for what kind of law I would like to practice in the future. My dilemma is this: Is the lawyer's world accepting of Sikhs? What I mean is, I am taking the steps to move towards Khalsa but as I approach it closer and closer fears are starting to pop up in my head.

I am convinced that I want this path, however, I also have loans and bills to pay. I am wondering, since I have yet to see one, if there are some Sikh American lawyers out there? Could you tell me about the acceptance of others in this field? Also are there areas, or cities, of the country you would recommend over others? I don't know how my current employers would react. In addition my parents have invested a lot into me, time, money, etc. and so a lot is riding on me to do well. They have been so far accepting of my change in faiths (raised Catholic), however, they have shown concern about my employment in the near future as well. So I guess I am trying to find answers that will put them at ease as well. Thanks in advance for taking the time for even reading this.



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I worked in big corporate law firm for a while in London. There was a young keshdhari Sikh lawyer there.

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Nyc, philly, cali esp. Bay/fresno anywhere there sikh population. Canada is really just calgary, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver esp last two less so others. Canada is not heaven, I won't say anymore. Ask people in gurudawara where they have many relatives and explain your situation. Also get your parents on dastaar too. :P

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