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Jado Bhi Asi Mool Mantar Da Path Karde Aa T Man Nhi Lagda Man Bhatkda Rehnda Ae,, Kida Tikaya Jawe Man Nu Ja Ki Kar Sakde Aa? Somebdy Plz Help Me...

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abhyaas abhyaas te hor abhyaas...kari jaao ..maala you should keep for concentration otherwise numbers are not of importance...what i try to do is ..every word we utter try to visualize ..

ek oankaar - visualize the Onkaar..shining ..glowing..
satnaam..- concentrate on the feeling of faith you have for sikhi
karta purakh - visualize this srishti the way it is ..there is a Creator who has made it
nirbhau - try to feel ..you dont have anger , hatred ..for no one
nirvair - no enemies all are One ..try to make your mind accept it
akal moorat - that Parmatma is Power..i visualize a huge open sky
ajooni - that the creator is not born
saibang - this i connect to the sanskrit word swayabhu..self made
gurparsaad - grace of the Guru
jap - pause here for a couple of seconds
aad sach - jugaad sach - hai bhi sach - nanak, hosee bhi sach
concentrate on the word 'sach' the truth and the eternal truth

go over each word visualizing ..in your own way ..and go slow ..i am trying this ..and i feel it is getting better

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jaikara veer ji bahut vadiya tarika dasae hai, ik hor tarika ae bhi hai-
Swas gras simran- breath/swas is everything to attune your mind. Breath is totally connected with your mind, try holding the breath for couple for 30 secs, you will notice your mind does not wander away anywhere, its in the breath totally, so sit straight inhale in(swas andar lehna) mind say vahi (wonderful) for 3 secs- 3 times vahi in mind and exhale out (swas bahar khadna) in mind say (guru- light/consciousness) for 3 sec- 3 times guru , in this way infuse your vahi and guru in your breath you can also feel its omnipresence/sarabvypak paratma all around everywhere during the meditation to be totally attuned in the meditation.
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jaikara veer ji bahut vadiya tarika dasae hai, ik hor tarika ae bhi hai-
Swas gras simran- breath/swas is everything to attune your mind. Breath is totally connected with your mind, try holding the breath for couple for 30 secs, you will notice your mind does not wander away anywhere, its in the breath totally, so sit straight inhale in(swas andar lehna) mind say vahi (wonderful) for 3 secs- 3 times vahi in mind and exhale out (swas bahar khadna) in mind say (guru- light/consciousness) for 3 sec- 3 times guru , in this way infuse your vahi and guru in your breath you can also feel its omnipresence/sarabvypak paratma all around everywhere during the meditation to be totally attuned in the meditation.

Dhanvaad Bhaaji ..Baot Vadhiya treeka hai ji .N30 Singh bhaa ji ..i have tried this for waheguru jaap..in my case it hasnt been regular .and the best time i feel is like around early morning ..empty stomach ..although can be done anytime as long as you have the bhaav..

My request and opinion is ... concentrate on the bhaav ..the feeling for Akaal Purakh ..rest all will come to you ..you will feel from inside ..andar hukmae sabko..and this is practical.if you have bhaav..

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  • 1 month later...

Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib Wale and Sant Waryam Singh Ji have also provided some other techniques which are very easy and do not involve anything to visualize. Visualization is best if you can do it; otherwise do the following.

1. While receiting the mantar, listen to it with your ears. As you're listening, your mind will not wander. If you forget to listen, start from the point where you left listening. Do this again and again; eventually your ears will always listen to what you're receiting.

2. While reading any path, notice all the matras (kana, aukar, lava etc.) in the line that you're reading. This will also bind your mind to the path.

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Kamal,

it is but natural that the mind does not get the taste of bhakti when performed. And that is because, it is used to run outwards from times inmemorial, after sensual pleasures(bhogs) like a wild horse.... so naturally it does not like to sit quite....

Gurmukhs tell us, that as we know the mind is fond of pleasures, of tastes....so in order to win it, we have to give it such a taste, that after tasting it, it will feel satiated and stop jumping or running, it will become motionless....

And according to Gurmat, Nam is the only taste which can do so...

At first it will not like to sit and do Simran...it will be like chewing iron, or licking a stone...but neverthless, we should insist.

Here lies the secret in Parmarath, to insist continously.... no matter if one´s life goes away, that is not time wasted, but time gained.

By His grace, one will then get better conditions, better envoirements, to perform His bhakti...

He sees, that His child is trying the best to meet Him .....

He knows we are weak, and we are not capable of anything by ourselves, but He values our sincere intentions and efforts... The baby child wants to walk...he takes a few steps and if he is about to fall, the father extends out his hand, and gets hold of the child...this is how the child learns to walk.

We too, have to tread the path of ruhaniyat by ourselves, there is no other choice for us, if we want to meet Him

The thing is we are donkeys, we are moorakhs, we do not even know the a b c d of Gurmat ..... so if there is only choice left for us, it is, we have to put into practice, what the Bani says.

Because it is only by practical efforts, that we can meet Him. No matter how much love we think we have for Him, no matter how much rituals we perform, no matter if we remember by heart all spiritual texts, potheeas, etc.... but if we have not done the sacred job of Nam Simran... we have done nothing.

The Bani says, that if you do any other outer practices, but you have not done Nam Simran...it is all a waste, like decorating a dead body.

How much more clear do we want the Bani to be?

It is a pity, we have the best "spiritual marg" :sikhi, the best spiritual teachers: "Gurmukhs", but our behaving, out attitude... is like of those mortals of any other dharam, means wandering outside .... looking and searching outside, when our Gurus have told us:

Atam meh Ram, Ram meh Atam.

Means, the Lord is there within You, and when you find or realize Him there, you shall become one with Him.

They have also told us, that the method to realize Him, is by meditating on Him, by His Simran .....

Then too we say we are sikhs.

Lets us put our hand on our hearts, and ask ourselves, how many of us do we follow these instructions of our Guru Sahibans with faith?

Leave faith apart, but actually follow them implicitly...

The answer will be, some in millions...

But then who is to be blamed?


No. Not at all.

He did His job perfectly, by giving us the right path, the right method, through His Gurmukhs ... it is our fault totally, that we are wandering aimlessly like donkeys, putting our mouths here and there in the dust bins...looking into garbage ....when the pool of Amrit is within ourselves.

All gyan, all dhyan, all shub karams ...will come to us effortlessly, if only we follow Gurmat. We do not need anything else.

His bani is all powerful, is the giver of all bliss, all knowledge, all love, just as Wahiguru Himself is.

Because the real purpose of Gurmat is not to entangle us in this world, but to free ourselves from it, by giving us the opportunity, to serve Him, with love, devotion and faith, in terms of Nam Simran.So that, we can become pure paviter, and merge in Him, that´s it.


Edited by harsharan000
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