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Cameron Forced To Hold Down His Gung-Ho Approach To Syria

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What a complete English fudu! Still hasn't learned from that Blair bastard and his shenanigans!! <rolls eyes>


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Look at politics and learn Raaj Neetee. First USA and UK and the bullies said they wanted to arm the rebels. This was clearly dubious and dangerous as those weapons would have gone to many terrorists who hate the " axis of evil" ( Usa Uk France India etc).

So then they made a cheap youtube video of some guys high on hemp and said "look they have been gassed". Now they are pulling the wool over peoples eyes andm making the punitive strikes themselves to serve their own capitalist interests.

Personally i admire Russia. People say Britain won the war. WALOB it was Russia who laid the red flag in berlin and ruled it. Russia saved the world, USA were wonder struck as to how the Red Army kicked ass. Germany is aslo another country that is very smart and one i admire. UK is now nothing but a USA poodle. The yankees will screw the UK as they already are ie. Google, Apple and other businesses massive money making businesses and no tax to the Uk all money going back to Usa.

Edited by PAL 07
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if cameron does this, he will be the biggest arsehole in the world. and the most stupidest.

Nah, he's just being a typically opportunist English maachod.

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British companies sold chemicals to Syria that could have been used to produce the deadly nerve agent that killed 1,400 people, The Mail on Sunday can reveal today.

Between July 2004 and May 2010 the Government issued five export licences to two companies, allowing them to sell Syria sodium fluoride, which is used to make sarin.

The Government last night admitted for the first time that the chemical was delivered to Syria – a clear breach of international protocol on the trade of dangerous substances that has been condemned as ‘grossly irresponsible’.

Read more @


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