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Sikh Girl That 'converted' To Islam And Involved In Anti Sikh Propaganda


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note: I do not believe this posting violates any laws, under the law your expectation of privacy is null and void once you put up a public profile and attach public comments to your name, the reason I post this, is because I believe it is important to draw attention to such individuals who promote false and insiduous hate against men of her own community (see below)

here is her face book https://www.facebook.com/karmanIzblit/ (Karman Deol ) and her youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/yodawwg420

on a yahoo video which shows an alleged sikh man converting to Islam she made offensive comments, some of which are suspiciously like propaganda radical islamists have been using to gain converts as reporting in the news

"im a jatt and i used to be sikh but i converted too, honestly learn how to have respect for other religions, it doesnt matter, god is one, why does it matter to you so much, and at least muslim men have their women under control and they dont run around in the streets naked or smoking or doing drugs or running around with guys, i see alot of sikh girls that do that, im not saying everyone is, you wouldnt say this if u r amritari and u were religious, people like you make the sikh kaum look bad."

"not like everyones the same. half of the sikhs boys i seen dont shower and they smell like baby oil all the time, and you have never read the quran so you cant say anything, most the things people do these days is a sin, and their only allowed to marry 4 wives only if the wives say its okay and if they other women needs financial support, if you havnt researched anything then dont say anything, arnt you afraid of god, there is only one god, doesnt matter what religion you are, life is a test"

"is this what the guru granth sahib teaches you? to disrespect other religions? and most sikhs arnt even sikhs, they eat meat, cut hair, swear day and night, they drink and do drugs, so no ones better then anyone, stop making yourself look better when were worse, humble yourself and be afraid of god. you should do good things, donate to poor people, do community service and dont be selfish, do things for people like their more important then you, like i do, i do more for others then myself."

"that dress half naked trying to act like white people and theor parents just let them, even if they dont, their kids still do it, kids disrespect their parents daily, but from what i have seen, muslims are so respectful and i think muslims dislike sikhs because sikhs dislike muslims first, and if you dont have any dislike for anyone why would they dislike you, theres no reason, liffe is a test and in the end you should be afraid of god."

"first of all, prophet means messenger of god and if you dont know anything about it, why dont u be smart and go search it up and find out for yourself, and sikh means to learn, and look at the golden temple it has 4 doors facing north south east and west, for what reason? to respect all religions from all sides of the world, and what teachings have you learned? and its a sin to make someone convert into islam by force or pressure, i used to be sikh and now im muslim because i want to be"

"...i know we are supposed to be proud of who we are, but theres a different religions for different kinds of people, its not supposed to be about religions, its about your beliefs, sikhs and muslim have the same beliefs, but islam tells you things that prevent you from kalyug, and sikhism is like a less detailed version of islam but no one is opened minded enough to understand, theres no need to ask things on youtube, go search it up, and no ones telling u to becomes muslim. follow your heart."

thats great, does the guru granth sahib teach you to say these things? or your parents, look at the comments and compare the so called sikhs to the muslims, i think the muslims look like more kinder people not the so called sikhs, dont bring shame to the sikh kaum make then proud and sikhs do convert into islam, so what? your acting like he killed your child. why dont you go read the guru granth sahib and become more educated and then come say something. have some shame saying things like these.

Edited by sandz
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Yup, sounds like a groomed girl alright. In Canada of all places. It's hard to tell if it's her posting or they've got her account details and are posting from it whilst they have her doing other stuff. That happens a lot. When we had girls like this running around the UK talking about how Kaurs should become Khans, a lot of Canadian Sikhs laughed and slagged the British Sikh community off. Now what are you Canucks going to do?

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  • 2 months later...

loads of muslims run around in gangs, do drugs (heavy narcotics which are more dangerous than alcohol) have extra marital affairs, are biased to the women, don't shower, smell use excessive oil, and ontop of that want to stone women who have sex outside of marriage to death aswell as wanting to kill anyone who leaves their religion. On top of her complaining she admits they aren't even tenants of Sikhi as if every muslim follows islam properly.

Edited by JatherdarSahib
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  • 1 month later...

hardial singh Dhaliwal 5 months ago
Brainwashing Pakis.so FAKE. Dirty inbreds
krunal patel 5 months ago
this is fake fake fake fake fake.sikh naver converted they prefer to beheaded but naver converted,sikhs are brave who fucked muslim many times.
I know of muslims who say Bangladesh and Pakistani s , Afghanistani shouldn't be allowed to be muslims, cos they are downcast, inbred perverts
Pakistanis/Indian musalmans arent true musalmans, they brag Islam inf ront of sikhs & Buddhist, Hindus but in Qatar, Dubai, Saudi arabia where Islam origins. The pakistani/Indian musalmans are humiliated like dogs and arab muslim who are the real quranic muslims even beat them badly if they do smallest error. Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists are liberated people while Indian/Pakistani musalmans are slaves.
FAKE, he's already an inbred, Islam pardophiles!!
Pedophile worshipped
look at this boy he is not Sikh and admin cut alla and admin cut your Janet
People hate Islam. As it is hell bent on converting
That kind of comment we believe in allah and we worship allah only
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You can tell the girl is dimwitted by the way she hasn't fathomed the intricacies of the the Caps Lock button....

Must have been an easy target to brainwash.

She's lucky she isn't in England, them Paks would have had turned her into a prostitute in no time!

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You can tell the girl is dimwitted by the way she hasn't fathomed the intricacies of the the Caps Lock button....

Must have been an easy target to brainwash.

She's lucky she isn't in England, them Paks would have had turned her into a prostitute in no time!

Yo is it a fuckin english class? is she preparing for an essay or something? When having caps locks makes her stupid? thats how i know you come from a stupid uneducated family.

Yo your lucky your not in front of me, i wanna fight you, send me your email or something please

Edited by Syed Ali Khan
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note: I do not believe this posting violates any laws, under the law your expectation of privacy is null and void once you put up a public profile and attach public comments to your name, the reason I post this, is because I believe it is important to draw attention to such individuals who promote false and insiduous hate against men of her own community (see below)

here is her face book https://www.facebook.com/karmanIzblit/ (Karman Deol ) and her youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/yodawwg420

on a yahoo video which shows an alleged sikh man converting to Islam she made offensive comments, some of which are suspiciously like propaganda radical islamists have been using to gain converts as reporting in the news

"im a jatt and i used to be sikh but i converted too, honestly learn how to have respect for other religions, it doesnt matter, god is one, why does it matter to you so much, and at least muslim men have their women under control and they dont run around in the streets naked or smoking or doing drugs or running around with guys, i see alot of sikh girls that do that, im not saying everyone is, you wouldnt say this if u r amritari and u were religious, people like you make the sikh kaum look bad."

"not like everyones the same. half of the sikhs boys i seen dont shower and they smell like baby oil all the time, and you have never read the quran so you cant say anything, most the things people do these days is a sin, and their only allowed to marry 4 wives only if the wives say its okay and if they other women needs financial support, if you havnt researched anything then dont say anything, arnt you afraid of god, there is only one god, doesnt matter what religion you are, life is a test"

"is this what the guru granth sahib teaches you? to disrespect other religions? and most sikhs arnt even sikhs, they eat meat, cut hair, swear day and night, they drink and do drugs, so no ones better then anyone, stop making yourself look better when were worse, humble yourself and be afraid of god. you should do good things, donate to poor people, do community service and dont be selfish, do things for people like their more important then you, like i do, i do more for others then myself."

"that dress half naked trying to act like white people and theor parents just let them, even if they dont, their kids still do it, kids disrespect their parents daily, but from what i have seen, muslims are so respectful and i think muslims dislike sikhs because sikhs dislike muslims first, and if you dont have any dislike for anyone why would they dislike you, theres no reason, liffe is a test and in the end you should be afraid of god."

"first of all, prophet means messenger of god and if you dont know anything about it, why dont u be smart and go search it up and find out for yourself, and sikh means to learn, and look at the golden temple it has 4 doors facing north south east and west, for what reason? to respect all religions from all sides of the world, and what teachings have you learned? and its a sin to make someone convert into islam by force or pressure, i used to be sikh and now im muslim because i want to be"

"...i know we are supposed to be proud of who we are, but theres a different religions for different kinds of people, its not supposed to be about religions, its about your beliefs, sikhs and muslim have the same beliefs, but islam tells you things that prevent you from kalyug, and sikhism is like a less detailed version of islam but no one is opened minded enough to understand, theres no need to ask things on youtube, go search it up, and no ones telling u to becomes muslim. follow your heart."

thats great, does the guru granth sahib teach you to say these things? or your parents, look at the comments and compare the so called sikhs to the muslims, i think the muslims look like more kinder people not the so called sikhs, dont bring shame to the sikh kaum make then proud and sikhs do convert into islam, so what? your acting like he killed your child. why dont you go read the guru granth sahib and become more educated and then come say something. have some shame saying things like these.

Leave the girl alone, And this is to whoever started this article, i'm gonna find you and when i find you im gonna make sure you dont have hands to write something like that again. Trust me im really good at finding people, i already got your ip address on lock, so you better start looking out the window.

dont judge other muslims upon my actions, im just fuckin crazy

P.S I think what the girl did was actually pretty brave and actually very intelligent so if you dont see that then stay ignorant your whole life..

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Look at what your new 'brothers' are up to in the UK......


Edited by dalsingh101
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I guess you're her brainwasher huh?


Keep the dumb admin cut.

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Abdul, I saw your mother's face and it horrified me..... that's why I got scared.....lol


You've probably been brainwashed. The people who do this thing are experts at it. They especially target Sikh girls because they have a grudge against Sikhs because of history, where some them tried to force Islam on Sikhs and failed miserably, your ancestor was one the people who fought them and won. These people very experienced and expert in converting girls who have issues with their own families or community.

If you've converted and are set on that path, so be it. But if some people have deviously manipulated you to convert, get out of it.

Don't be an embarrassment to yourself, your own people and family. Get away from the people who are brainwashing you.

No community is perfect, Sikhs included, but that is just another reason to strive to improve and reform aspects of our own society with view to improving it. That's what you (and all of us!) should be aiming for.

Watch that video I posted. It's really important that you do for your own sake, incase you end up in serious trouble like the girls in the video did. Notice how certain Muslims like to cover up the problems in their own society (like rape, pedophilia etc.) and focus on other communities problems. Don't fall for it.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Abdul, I saw your mother's face and it horrified me..... that's why I got scared.....lol


You've probably been brainwashed. The people who do this thing are experts at it. They especially target Sikh girls because they have a grudge against Sikhs because of history, where some them tried to force Islam on Sikhs and failed miserably, your ancestor was one the people who fought them and won. These people very experienced and expert in converting girls who have issues with their own families or community.

If you've converted and are set on that path, so be it. But if some people have deviously manipulated you to convert, get out of it.

Don't be an embarrassment to yourself, your own people and family. Get away from the people who are brainwashing you.

No community is perfect, Sikhs included, but that is just another reason to strive to improve and reform aspects of our own society with view to improving it. That's what you (and all of us!) should be aiming for.

Watch that video I posted. It's really important that you do for your own sake, incase you end up in serious trouble like the girls in the video did. Notice how certain Muslims like to cover up the problems in their own society (like rape, pedophilia etc.) and focus on other communities problems. Don't fall for it.

Listen bro first of all my name is not abdul... second of all look how u changed your tone after i said no ones gonna listen to you if you make ignorant remarks... thats good your learning but your dumb cause you say first,,,,, fight for what you believe in and find your own path..... then you say dont be an embarrsment to your people... your still talking ignorant... u didnt learn anything...

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Abdul, I saw your mother's face and it horrified me..... that's why I got scared.....lol


You've probably been brainwashed. The people who do this thing are experts at it. They especially target Sikh girls because they have a grudge against Sikhs because of history, where some them tried to force Islam on Sikhs and failed miserably, your ancestor was one the people who fought them and won. These people very experienced and expert in converting girls who have issues with their own families or community.

If you've converted and are set on that path, so be it. But if some people have deviously manipulated you to convert, get out of it.

Don't be an embarrassment to yourself, your own people and family. Get away from the people who are brainwashing you.

No community is perfect, Sikhs included, but that is just another reason to strive to improve and reform aspects of our own society with view to improving it. That's what you (and all of us!) should be aiming for.

Watch that video I posted. It's really important that you do for your own sake, incase you end up in serious trouble like the girls in the video did. Notice how certain Muslims like to cover up the problems in their own society (like rape, pedophilia etc.) and focus on other communities problems. Don't fall for it.

Then u say no community is perfect and we all should strive for improving our society.... BUT then u say "watch the video i posted, for your own sake, saying other people in the community which may be muslim, like to rape n whatever...." like bro i know you wanna be a good person but u have some personal issues that makes u hate us

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Yeah sure, I want to learn from you........ lol

You're a clown. Stick to girls with low self-esteem and IQs.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Abdul, I saw your mother's face and it horrified me..... that's why I got scared.....lol


You've probably been brainwashed. The people who do this thing are experts at it. They especially target Sikh girls because they have a grudge against Sikhs because of history, where some them tried to force Islam on Sikhs and failed miserably, your ancestor was one the people who fought them and won. These people very experienced and expert in converting girls who have issues with their own families or community.

If you've converted and are set on that path, so be it. But if some people have deviously manipulated you to convert, get out of it.

Don't be an embarrassment to yourself, your own people and family. Get away from the people who are brainwashing you.

No community is perfect, Sikhs included, but that is just another reason to strive to improve and reform aspects of our own society with view to improving it. That's what you (and all of us!) should be aiming for.

Watch that video I posted. It's really important that you do for your own sake, incase you end up in serious trouble like the girls in the video did. Notice how certain Muslims like to cover up the problems in their own society (like rape, pedophilia etc.) and focus on other communities problems. Don't fall for it.

Like think about it, if you actually cared about the sake and imporvment of your community, you wouldnt insult the people that live in there.... If thats what you care about. your breaking the community yourself

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Yeah sure, I want to learn from you........ lol

You're a clown. Stick to girls with low self-esteem and IQs.

YO if you met this girl that your talking about.... trust me... she can make you feel really stupid...and bro this girl can punk you and make you feel like the girl.... BRO i wish you met this girl....SHe could beat u up her self...

p.s shes in university

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