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The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)

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The ringing in the ears which is called Tinnitus is not Anhad Shabad. Radhasoamis focus on the tinnitus and think it is Anhad Shabad they are hearing. Anhad Shabad or the unstuck sound is something that is very divine and out of this world and this avastha is realized only in the higher stages in the spiritual ladder.

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So how does one know which one they are hearing?

Do you see much difference with what was said above to this:

Discourse given by Sant Baba Isher Singh (Rare Wale) where his instructions were as follows with regards to the Anhad Shabad:

Sit in a secluded place and for 2.5 hours, closing eyes and keeping back straight at 90 degrees.

Keep on listening to the sound ringing in both ears and be intoxicated with it. One should hear this sound for 8-10 days.

After that one should direct one's consciousness to on the right ear. An extremely fine and sweet sound sound will begin to be heard from the right ear.

After about 10 days one should withdraw one's consciousness and cease to hear the sounds, ringing in the two ears.

After some effort one would be able to hear a sound from the Agya-chakkar (at the root of the two eyes and the nose). It is the same sound that one used to hear from the right ear.

After concentrating on the Agya chakkar, one should keep on hearing this music for 1 month or 2 and recognize it as the symbol of the Formless God.

Then one should uplift ones consciousness and listen to the music from the point where the ey-brows begin. After practicing for 2-3

months with full concentration one should raise the consciousness to up to the head, to the point where 4 parts of the oranium join which is called the palate. This point is also called the tenth gate.

After practicing this for 3 months one should hear the music from the back of the head, at the point where the backbone (spine) touches the Sukhmana Nadi. One should practice here for 5-6 months.

After this when the seeker becomes full adept, he should concentrate his consciousness on the tip of the nose. At his point he would see strange supra-worldy sights and one acquires carious kinds of power. This practice will take some two years. But there is a supreme need to keep watch on the instructions ordained here. Eager enthusiasm is required beyond limit. Under these activities, one would see different kinds of lights, strange sights of secret worlds and hear strange musical strains.

Would one be doing simran while listening to the sounds?Or would they just be listening to the sound?
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You start with simran of Gurmantar with your dhyan on the sound of the jaap. When your mind sits and listens and quietens in its flights of thought then with gurus grace you will slowly begin to hear the internal sounds.

Then you stop your jaap and concentrate on the sound coming from within.


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Then you stop your jaap and concentrate on the sound coming from within.

I'm still working on this, by trying to do 'ajapa jap'.

Previously, i never quite understood how ajapa jap or rom rom would work in practice, but i seem to have a much better idea I think !

I found that it was much easier to go into a deeper meditative state since the sounds started.

My aim is usually to try and get into ajapa jap whereby the jap becomes like auto pilot with heart beat and breath, and then try and focus on sound.

-I'm not actually too sure if this is the right thing to do, but at the moment it seems the most comfortable and effortless approach.

Sometimes it will be for just 5 minutes and sometimes it may go for much longer.- my idea is too try and prolong it whilst trying to get deeper and deeper.

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The ringing in the ears which is called Tinnitus is not Anhad Shabad. Radhasoamis focus on the tinnitus and think it is Anhad Shabad they are hearing. Anhad Shabad or the unstuck sound is something that is very divine and out of this world and this avastha is realized only in the higher stages in the spiritual ladder.

I do still have these doubts at time of whether it is just some kind of tinnitus and i am under false illusion !

I don't know but how would i really know ?

Somehow, I always get some kind of personal message or reassurance from waheguru that it's the correct path.

There are other things (mystical) that you notice, that I don't think you would with medical condition of tinnitus !

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Good to do experiment or enjoy sights seeing/tasting bliss of divine while on the highway of divine beauty but do always remember final destination in the back of head so one does not get caught up in these experiences..i won't say these things itself are trap itself as its simply reference points beauty of divine on the way...one should be cautious of their perception surronding them as attachement towards them can turn them into road block or hindrance...final destination goal in gurmat is beyond dasam dwara 3rd eye opening, anhad shabad ultimate goal of gurmat is get rid of five vices/pan chors, super imposed latent tendencies and egoic mind-thought/ego perception and realize our real self /shabad gyan that we have forgotten in avidya/ignorance as gurbani gives updesh-
Aapna mul pashaano (recognize your true nature/know thyself, the source substance/substratum of your very existence).
Man Tu Jot Saroop hai apna Mool Painchain ||
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The actual sound will vary depending on many factors such as one's health, time of day, amount of exercise, location of meditation -- and of course one's level of heart and spiritual development. Each one can find what detracts or enhances it.

It can easily happen that a vague or far-away sound can become sweet and powerful just by patience, focus and relaxation.

It is best to focus attention on the upper right of the head while listening. It is easy to become captivated by one's mental pictures and memories, but bring the attention up to the top-right of the head as often as possible.

Performing this meditation before sleep, and/or in the middle of the sleep cycle, can have a dramatic and very positive effect on one's dreams and comfort in sleep.

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It's 12:45am here and I'm lying down in bed with my left side on the pillow. The sound is in full swing and audible from my right ear. It's like someone is playing random notes on a flute type instrument but the notes are longer, it's quite faint but I can hear it vividly. I turn over so my right ear is on my pillow and I can still hear it. It's like the pipes of my heating system are playing musical notes, if I hadn't heard the same sound in other houses at night I would be convinced it was something in my house or room. Anyway will try and listen to it and try and enter if I can before I dose off.

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The old practice is to put the thumbs in the ears, or close the flap over the ear opening. Holding the arms up like this can get tiring.

Some will rest the elbows on a surface. But earplugs are better.

Even better are the earmuff-type hearing protectors typically worn to protect the ears from noise. Nothing need be inserted in the ear.

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So how does one know which one they are hearing?

Do you see much difference with what was said above to this:

Discourse given by Sant Baba Isher Singh (Rare Wale) where his instructions were as follows with regards to the Anhad Shabad:

Sit in a secluded place and for 2.5 hours, closing eyes and keeping back straight at 90 degrees.

Keep on listening to the sound ringing in both ears and be intoxicated with it. One should hear this sound for 8-10 days.

After that one should direct one's consciousness to on the right ear. An extremely fine and sweet sound sound will begin to be heard from the right ear.

After about 10 days one should withdraw one's consciousness and cease to hear the sounds, ringing in the two ears.

After some effort one would be able to hear a sound from the Agya-chakkar (at the root of the two eyes and the nose). It is the same sound that one used to hear from the right ear.

After concentrating on the Agya chakkar, one should keep on hearing this music for 1 month or 2 and recognize it as the symbol of the Formless God.

Then one should uplift ones consciousness and listen to the music from the point where the ey-brows begin. After practicing for 2-3

months with full concentration one should raise the consciousness to up to the head, to the point where 4 parts of the oranium join which is called the palate. This point is also called the tenth gate.

After practicing this for 3 months one should hear the music from the back of the head, at the point where the backbone (spine) touches the Sukhmana Nadi. One should practice here for 5-6 months.

After this when the seeker becomes full adept, he should concentrate his consciousness on the tip of the nose. At his point he would see strange supra-worldy sights and one acquires carious kinds of power. This practice will take some two years. But there is a supreme need to keep watch on the instructions ordained here. Eager enthusiasm is required beyond limit. Under these activities, one would see different kinds of lights, strange sights of secret worlds and hear strange musical strains.

All I'm saying is tinnitus is not Anhad Shabad. Only Radhasoamnis call the tinnitus as Anhad Shabad. Anhad Shabad sound is something that is directly from Sachkhand and can only be heard by those who have a lot of Naam Kamaee. In the starting stages it is best to focus on the Naam Dhuni. Train the mind at Amritvela hours to focus on the Dhuni of Naam Simran. The more Balvaan the mind becomes in focusing one will experience a number of extra ordinary signs. Bandgi Nama by Raghbir Singh Bir is a must read for ones who want to walk on the path of Gurmat Naam Simran.

Edited by Jonny101
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Good to do experiment or enjoy sights seeing/tasting bliss of divine while on the highway of divine beauty but do always remember final destination in the back of head so one does not get caught up in these experiences..i won't say these things itself are trap itself as its simply reference points beauty of divine on the way...one should be cautious of their perception surronding them as attachement towards them can turn them into road block or hindrance...final destination goal in gurmat is beyond dasam dwara 3rd eye opening, anhad shabad ultimate goal of gurmat is get rid of five vices/pan chors, super imposed latent tendencies and egoic mind-thought/ego perception and realize our real self /shabad gyan that we have forgotten in avidya/ignorance as gurbani gives updesh-

Aapna mul pashaano (recognize your true nature/know thyself, the source substance/substratum of your very existence).

Man Tu Jot Saroop hai apna Mool Painchain ||

Fair point N30 but the focus of the discussion is let's say one is doing simran of Gurmantar and you hear the sounds. Obviously a transition point comes when you make the switch to the other one. The meditative practice becomes dhyan avasta I believe, when rather than doing mental jaap you focus on just listening to these sounds. The next question arises how to navigate the sounds. Is it by listening to the one sound at different positions or attaching oneself to different sounds in sequence, in essence climbing the ladder, or a combination of the two.

Maybe these are advanced questions and we can't get these answers on forums or books.

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I do still have these doubts at time of whether it is just some kind of tinnitus and i am under false illusion !

I don't know but how would i really know ?

Somehow, I always get some kind of personal message or reassurance from waheguru that it's the correct path.

There are other things (mystical) that you notice, that I don't think you would with medical condition of tinnitus !

Maybe you are hearing Anhad Shabad or maybe it could be another divine experience. There are a lot of Avasthas in between in which the Abhyasee may hear, see or experience many different things. I have heard that one should not focus on what they experience at the time of their meditation because then they will come to a stand still(Khardikala). While you are meditating keep focusing on the Dhuni of Naam because it will keep taking you to higher spiritual levels. Strike while the iron is still hot, don't let it cool down with distractions.

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Another interesting bit.. which might not be everyone's cup of tea.

Hidden Wisdom

If the sound current is so ubiquitous (seeming to be everywhere), why have I never heard of it? The first and most obvious reason we have already touched upon. People are reluctant to discuss private conceptions which they do not consider part of everyone else's normal reality.

The sound current is one of those personal events that many experience but few people speak of it. Other reasons why information about the sound current is so well hidden may surprise you.

Even seasoned teachers of mystic practices are often not familiar with sound current techniques. Most, even if they are aware of the sound currents presence, are not aware of its significance.

Hidden from Plain Sight

I once worked with a revered yoga teacher. Various ringing and buzzing noises plagued one of her students while practising breathing meditations. The yoga teacher herself had experienced the same phenomenon. Eventually, she was referred to me. She was amazed that she was not familiar with nada yoga even after decades of in-depth yoga studies.

I showed her a book Fundamentals of Yoga, which was already familiar to her. She was fascinated when I pointed to a discussion of the sound current. The true nature of the topic had not been previously apparent to her. She was even more impressed when she read through the passages with new awareness of the sound current. The author cited the sound current, or nada, as the source of all manifestation and the undisputed pathway to enlightenment. Although this yoga teacher had read the book numerous times before, she had not realised the significance of the passages, or they referred to internally audible sounds.

This is a classic example of how information about the sound current is hidden from plain sight. References in the literature are usually brief and obscure by design. An uninitiated reader can pass over these profound statements without realising what is being discussed.

For someone who is not experienced the sound current, it is a most abstract topic. Even for those with personal experience, the literature usually hovers nearer to the realm of mystic poetry and rarely makes definitive statements. Often a passage seeks emotional or intuitive response rather than rational clarity, so the language can be highly symbolic.

Knowledge Lives

Modern students of esoteric practices realise that a great deal of guarded knowledge is now being widely disseminated. Even so, information about the sound current is still cloistered (separated from and communicating with the outside world). It has been such a deeply held secret for so long that it is having trouble find its way into the public consciousness.

There are people who know a great deal about the sound current. Many individuals and spiritual schools are committed to its study, but this information is still not part of the public domain.

Bear in mind those communities of spiritual seekers that have guarded their practices involving the sound current consider the sound current to be our most direct and intimate connection with the Source of Creation. It is considered the structuring force of the Cosmos, the most sacred of all issues. For some, its profound nature is reason enough to maintain privacy. For others, including myself, that is the very reason why the information should become public at this pivotal time in our evolution.

Both arguments aside, secrecy has been consciously practiced. I see three motives why groups and individuals have done so.

Power The sound current is considered by many to be the most potent force available to human beings.

Greed Power corrupts, and many have sought to harness the sound current for personal power over others.

Karma Acquiring Karma during ones life IS an important issue in many eastern philosophies. Personal liability for ones actions regarding the omnipotent sound current has played a key role in the history of the sound current schools. If the idea of your religion is to eradicate personal energy ties with the manifest world, then interacting with other peoples direct link to the Source of Creation is definitely not to be taken lightly.

Because of the perceived serious nature of the sound current by those who have studied it in the past, it has remained largely and occult activity. It has traditionally been taught in a devotional setting, through a student and master relationship, where it has been wrongly perceived that the guru bestowed the sound current on the student.

Unconscious Secrecy

The sound current has been guarded throughout human history just as all objects of power have been similarly guarded and coveted. There are, however other reasons why the information available is so inadequate. Some are unintentional. One reason for the deficiency of practical information lies in the methods and philosophies of eastern teaching, which until recently was the main source of information about the sound current.

In many eastern esoteric (very unusual and understood or liked by a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge) practices, there is a tremendous emphasis on emulating the teacher. Students learn through a kind of osmosis (the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.), by emulating their instructors. Lessons are often transferred in a devotional setting, meaning the students devote themselves to the teacher. This ensures the absolute attention and dedication of the pupils.

Devotional teaching formats forge a tremendous bond between student and master, allowing for very intense interactions. These methods also tend to circumvent sceptical review by the student so the student becomes dependent on the teacher. This can lead to stagnation in personal evolution and can be highly unsatisfying to the rational side of the students nature.

I tell my students that they should only give total devotion their inner Self and highest Source. Their highest available guidance on a conscious level may come from a physical teacher, but that will not last long on a good spiritual path. Eventually, students become their own teachers. They establish a clear link between themselves and Source. Inner Silent Knowledge becomes their guide. This has certainly been my experience in my own practice of the sound current techniques.


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..i won't say these things itself are trap itself as its simply reference points beauty of divine on the way...one should be cautious of their perception surronding them as attachement towards them can turn them into road block or hindrance...final destination goal in gurmat is beyond dasam dwara 3rd eye opening, anhad shabad ultimate goal of gurmat is get rid of five vices/pan chors, super imposed latent tendencies and egoic mind-thought/ego perception and realize our real self /shabad gyan that we have forgotten in avidya/ignorance as gurbani gives updesh-

In all honesty, I personally feel it has had the opposite effect to a road block !

It has made me realise that i have a very long way to still go and there is so much more. As an idea, I feel it is ONLY a fraction (1/10th) of the complete journey to sachkhand.

The only thing that can worry me at times is that I may feel that everyone thinks I'm becoming introverted and detached. But I am far from that because I feel much more in touch and attached with REALITY.

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