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G.o.d Is Merely An Enemy Created Thoughtform!


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Jewish Ritual Murder Explained (MUST READ) : http://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/gbltthulesociety/the-christian-mass-and-how-it-ties-into-jewish-ritual-murder.html

The humanity is under a Powerful jewish spell that kept it enslaved for centuries and made into cursing its own True Creator God Satan !

The jews who are behind this agenda are descended from reptilian aliens/E.Ts who are the cosmic sworn enemy of Satan. Jews are NOT humans genitically! In no way,therefore!

So-called g.o.d is not any real being but merely an enemy created jewish thoughtform that feds off believers psychic energy for i.e; via their prayers/their faith which they reinforce into the thoughtform.

There have been reports the Vatican made a deal with the greys aliens- wealth and power in exchange for souls. This explains why the Catholic Church and all other right-hand path religions work relentlessly to suppress human spiritual advancement and is nothing but dead materialism devoid of any spirituality (this is the most encountered extra-terrestrial slave race on earth as they reside both on astral and physical plane) .

We hear horror stories of how people turn to the nazarene. There is nearly always fear, near death, desperation or some other negative factor involved.

Their prophets and angels always bring ill omens and messages of misfortune. Angels are notorious for preying upon children, then the children wind up dead. The Fatima incident is just as bad with the alien virgin admin cut predicting the destruction of humanity and an early death of one of the three children there.

Who's responsible for the ignorance of humanity? Who is responsible for depriving mankind of knowledge when Satan wanted us to have knowledge?? In the end, who is really responsible for all the suffering and crimes and misery? Not humanity. When we have regrets about the past and how we should have done some things differently, the main reason is because we didn't have the knowledge at the time. If we did, none of this would have happened and things would have worked out all right for everyone concerned. The reason for endless suffering,illness and so forth negative things is "the systematically removal of occult knowledge from the gentile populace" and kept in the hands of chosen few jews who do magick behind the doors of vatican to keep the lie going.

The aliens who are behind the program of xianity and all other right-hand path religions are part of a movement called “The Intergalactic Federation.” The IGF’s agenda is one of “non-interference.” They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to smithereens with nuclear weapons.
The visit from the virgin admin cut is typical of the IGF. There is a theme of negative prophesy while the sadistic aliens stand by and watch, not lifting a finger to help. In most cases, children are involved and preyed upon. The alien greys and enemy Nordics (angels) who have an insatiable hatred of humanity work with the IGF.

Satan and the Original Gods are from Orion. The IGF is at war with Orion. The IGF works through many of the “New Age” people and mystics. The IGF aliens do not bother to help their human lackeys when they are having problems and in addition, they are sadistic and tell them of their misfortunes before they occur. Gifted humans such as Franz Bardon who worked for the IGF are prohibited from using their powers freely, even if this means saving their own lives or the life of a loved one. Upon their death, they are absorbed into “the light.” The light is also called “The One” and is a mass of harvested human souls used by the alien greys.

Satan and his Demons do not give negative prophesy. If you ever experience an entity telling you something bad is going to happen, you can be sure this is not Satan or any of the Demons.

Satan does not stand by and watch us suffer needlessly. He saved my life literally more than once. He, himself stepped in for me. Whenever I experienced severe attacks from angels, Azazel appeared immediately and chased them away. All of us experience setbacks as this is life, but when things get serious, HE is right there for his disciples.


Edited by moon1
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I understand some of the points you have made, however we as sikhs do not believe in the Abrahamic faiths notion of "god". What you stated about the "IGF" being at war with satan and his minions from Orion, I agree there is a war. Both creations claiming that they are "god" however into religion which I neither left wing or right wing, it is based on truth. If you are searching for the truth you need to understand that the angels, satan, demons, greys, reptilians and humans have to have a creator. This creator is not satan or the Hindu gods and goddesses. The creator is unborn and undead. An entity, which all matter on all planets and realms and the other dimensions should be remembered and worshipped. All enemies and allies are alike and related. The difference is that as us humans, the other creations struggle to remember the creators name and understand we are all linked. I urge you to read the Shii Guru Granth Sahib, this is my teacher and it will lead you to the true name you are searching for, not a god or goddess or angel or another creation, however the true name of the one creator, who is apart of all creation as everything starts and finishes with the creator who is the destroyer and the watcher of all this play.

If the worlds established organised religions hide the truth of which satan and his minions wish to disclose, it makes no difference. As our purpose here is to solely merge back with creator.

My Jewish brethren and all the Abrahamic faiths are interlinked, as are all the ancient world religions. The Hindu Devtas/ devi's (gods/goddesses) have been labeled "Hindu gods" however these extraterrestrials have to took on many names from many of this worlds languages throughout time. I agree human has also bred and reproduced with these extraterrestrials however, it still does not in no way take away your purpose here. Also blood which runs through the Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh or basically from whatever religion or race is all the same. It is not the human anatomy which is important, it is your soul. Who do you think created your soul or satans? Do you agree satan has to have had some form of start and at some point a finish? The ultimate creator as I said is unborn and undead.

If I knew the truth, or if I didn't know the truth, to me as a sikh of Shiri guru nanak dev ji, it makes no difference as I do not want to go to any particular place after death, if I abide by the law given by the creator of all to my teacher, I will not have to go through the normal system

after death, governed my these extraterrestrials, even the angel of death will have no jurisdiction over my soul.

I hope you understood my staggered reply lol


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I understand some of the points you have made, however we as sikhs do not believe in the Abrahamic faiths notion of "god". What you stated about the "IGF" being at war with satan and his minions from Orion, I agree there is a war. Both creations claiming that they are "god" however into religion which I neither left wing or right wing, it is based on truth. If you are searching for the truth you need to understand that the angels, satan, demons, greys, reptilians and humans have to have a creator. This creator is not satan or the Hindu gods and goddesses. The creator is unborn and undead. An entity, which all matter on all planets and realms and the other dimensions should be remembered and worshipped. All enemies and allies are alike and related. The difference is that as us humans, the other creations struggle to remember the creators name and understand we are all linked. I urge you to read the Shii Guru Granth Sahib, this is my teacher and it will lead you to the true name you are searching for, not a god or goddess or angel or another creation, however the true name of the one creator, who is apart of all creation as everything starts and finishes with the creator who is the destroyer and the watcher of all this play.


If the worlds established organised religions hide the truth of which satan and his minions wish to disclose, it makes no difference. As our purpose here is to solely merge back with creator.


My Jewish brethren and all the Abrahamic faiths are interlinked, as are all the ancient world religions. The Hindu Devtas/ devi's (gods/goddesses) have been labeled "Hindu gods" however these extraterrestrials have to took on many names from many of this worlds languages throughout time. I agree human has also bred and reproduced with these extraterrestrials however, it still does not in no way take away your purpose here. Also blood which runs through the Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh or basically from whatever religion or race is all the same. It is not the human anatomy which is important, it is your soul. Who do you think created your soul or satans? Do you agree satan has to have had some form of start and at some point a finish? The ultimate creator as I said is unborn and undead.


If I knew the truth, or if I didn't know the truth, to me as a sikh of Shiri guru nanak dev ji, it makes no difference as I do not want to go to any particular place after death, if I abide by the law given by the creator of all to my teacher, I will not have to go through the normal system

after death, governed my these extraterrestrials, even the angel of death will have no jurisdiction over my soul.


I hope you understood my staggered reply lol



I was banned so I had to create a new account.

You'r right in mentioning that every creation or creature has to has a creator and that is "Quintessence/Aether/Ether" which all that exists is *emerged* from. You cannot worship an element and an element cannot grant you help or anything. It cannot hear you or anything else whatsoever. There is no omnipotent god that created universe and earth out of nowhere in just seven days which is laughable and illogical to even give a slightest consideration to.

Sikhism, well it's an another form of xianity which is nothing but a sugarcoated communism that preaches death like teachings and asks you to refrain from everything natural like healthy ego,lust,sex,anger which are necessary things or say emotions for one's well-being. Sikhism might be a newer version/restoration of Pagan religions (which was corrupted by the jews to keep the masses blind and ignorant to the occult powers) that taught nothing except the transformation of Human soul into Godhead.

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Also, in Sikhism like all other modern religions created by jews or it were either corrupted by jews  contains nothing of its own but stolen material of Islam and Hinduism built on Stolen material of Ancient Pagal Religions. But Hinduism was the original religion in India which was called "Sanata Dharma" later it was corrupted too by jews and they mass murdered those who knew the Truth.  This is their Tactic they use. 1.Steal things. 2. Murder the one who you stole things from. 3. Corrupt it.

All the legends of the Gods are a spiritual allegories that carry a hidden spiritual message related to Transformation of the Soul into Godhead.

All the spiritual knowledge that could guide humanity to the path of Godhead was systematically removed by jews via christianity,islam and other abhrahamic plagues and they destroyed ancient libraries,ancient artifacts like they are now doing via ISIL terrorist group in Iraq,Syria to destroy the libraries and ancient temples. Iraq has the much proof of Satan being the True Creator God of Humanity. They (Jews) removed all the occult knowledge systematically from the mass gentile populace and they kept it in their hands so they could use it for themselves,against gentile masses to enslave the gentiles masses.

Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of Ancient Pagan Religions and the ministry is directly guided by & given knowledge from Satan himself and The Original Gods.


Edited by satanama
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