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Is there anyone who do the meditation. I just want to know if anyone does. It will help me and other to do the same thing. Please also tell how u do that and what time and how long. Everything From A to Z. How do u feel about it and how did u start doing it . What keeps u doing it . How close u feel the God. Or anything u want to tell us. Please no debate on this. Only personal experience needed. Thanks.


Learn any one of these hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, bhakti yoga to get bettter results in meditation.


Aman Singh,

combination of what i said and ms514 said would be supersonic energy flowing in you if you do it right :D

Guest Javanmard

I practice meditation from an early age and have looked into different Traditional and authentic techniques (in clear language NO 3HO New Age made up stuff). You'll experience SIkhi at a much deeper level. If yoy want paath is like reading the map and meditation is walking the path. Most Sikhs just keep on reading the map and think they'll reach the goal. :LOL:


I practice meditation from an early age and have looked into different Traditional and authentic techniques (in clear language NO 3HO New Age made up stuff). You'll experience SIkhi at a much deeper level. If yoy want paath is like reading the map and meditation is walking the path. Most Sikhs just keep on reading the map and think they'll reach the goal. :LOL:

wasnt it our guroo who did bhakti yoga and hatha yoga??

If kundalini yoga is an another form of an yoga to reach god. Then i dont see any problem.


lalleshvari - what specific forms of meditation are recommended in the guru granth sahib ?

your reasoning suggests that since reading and reflecting on gurbani isnt sufficient to constitute 'meditation' (in your opinion) then surely the guru's would have realised that they need to let people know that they were only 'reading a map', and would hence need to let people know what the 'path' was ... ?

neo singh : there's a line from guru granth sahib that states the 'kundalini' can be aroused merely by sitting in sadh-sangat, and as such, there is no need whatsoever to sit in any postures or make any physical exertions (which is what kundalini yoga ppl like yogi bhajan do)

Guest Javanmard

Dear N3o SIngh there is a difference between traditional kundalini yoga and 3ho kundalini yoga, there are some major differences basically.

Hatha yoga etc.. is really good I don't deny it but 3ho have kind of invented their own stuff and gave it the name kundalini yoga. I think they should be honest and say "this is 3ho new age meditation" instead of inventing lineages that don't exist. :D

meditation is fantastic!


neo singh : there's a line from guru granth sahib that states the 'kundalini' can be aroused merely by sitting in sadh-sangat, and as such, there is no need whatsoever to sit in any postures or make any physical exertions (which is what kundalini yoga ppl like yogi bhajan do)

Can you post that full verse from sggs sahib ji?

Also here is the picture of sant teja singh maharaj rara sahib:


I dont know what you make outta of this? But you need some sort of yoga(naam abyaas/mediation) to open your dsama dwaar to gurooo sahiban's.


Neo Singh, that shabad was by Bhatt Gayandh in Svaiyay Mehl 5 on Pannaa 1402

(just type in 'kundalini' in the search option on www.sikhitothemax.com, and it comes up with a few more shabads...make your own mind up)


Aren't Nirmale just fantastic!!! :D:D:D

I m still bloody waitin for someone to gimme more information on nirmaalie samparadama alinged with rara sahib sampardama..i can hardly wait. :LOL::LOL:

Guest Javanmard

Oh soory N3O, well as far as I remember Rara Sahib is part of the Naurangabad sup sampradaya of the Nirmale. The lineage starts with Guru Gobind Singh the, Bhai Daya SIngh and Baba sahib SIngh Bedi.

here is a link for the parampara http://www.jargsahib.com/Sanprdie.htm

more to follow...



This is something I'm really interested in. Lalleshvari is correct about the kundalini credentials of 3HO. In fact there is an issue about the validity of Yogi Bhajan's length of study of yoga. Very much like that Goodness Gracious Me sketch where the bloke is making it up on the spot, it would seem. There does seem to have been an Udasi influence through Baba Virsa Singh (plus I'm told they have a murti of Baba Sri Chand in one of their centres).

I find that when doing simran, it calms and occupies the mind, allowing for deeper meditation, i.e. realisations on the nature of God and self-introspection during this contemplation. I was speaking to a Nirmala Baba about this a couple of weeks ago who clarified this, explaining that in sustained simran, you get to a state of meditation.

The need to read Gurbani and other religious texts was beautifully explained to me by a spiritual friend of few weeks back. He explained that it is very hard to swim against the tide of an ocean. Reading the writings of saints you flow with the ideas inherent within...bhaav sagar.

As for the hatha yoga, Udasis were the main proponents. I've tried to find out where this vidya came from. It has been passed down from Baba Sri Chand, who I presume learnt it in Kashmir. I was wondering if they have since studied with Gorakhnathis but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Guest Javanmard

The links between Udasis, Gorakhpanthis and Kashmiri Shaivas in general is very obvious. The matran of Baba Shri Chand and other Udasi saints are a very good example. Let's say that Udasis emphacise the Tantrik/ Kundalini aspect of SIkhi.


I really don't understand what u are talking about . Well, may be u are talking on a high level. I just wanna only one thing. How would a normal person do the simran. Can't we just sit at home and do simran??? We can't do this on high level, cuz there are lot of others things to do also. I know it won't get us close to god but it will clean our mind and heart. does any one really do the simran.??? I don't need example of others or about the past. I Just want to know if any one of u have an experience of doing simran. Or anyone still doing it. Just wanna know how u do it. Thanks.

Guest Javanmard

Sorry but if you want to learn meditation go to the Udasis, Nirmale or read Bandginama (available on boss-uk.org under the spiritual section? the only good thing about the boss site really :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ) or just ask for a few techniques. There is a difference between listening to music attentively and meditation :D

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