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I know there is already the thread of various techniques....

But could Somebody please tell me very specifically how to do swas gras simran, or swas swas simran....

Baisically how to do simran when going about daily lives.....

How to breath for simran..... Wahe in Guru Out etc.... Explanation.. 



Essentialy Swas Swas (breath - breath) simran means to do simran with ever breath, continuously, without stopping.
Swas Gras (breath - swallowing food) simran means to do simran with every breath and everytime you ingest food.

The idea of both is to do simran all the time. 24/7 - Atth Peher

How to breath for simran..... Wahe in Guru Out etc....

Some people have techniques such as this one. Try such techniques and find out what works best for you.

Baisically how to do simran when going about daily lives.....

I find that the biggest stumbling block is forgetting that you have to do simran 24/7, going about daily lives. So you have to constantly remind yourself, throughout the day to get back into bhagti.

Posted (edited)

Essentialy Swas Swas (breath - breath) simran means to do simran with ever breath, continuously, without stopping.
Swas Gras (breath - swallowing food) simran means to do simran with every breath and everytime you ingest food.


Here I'm not pin-pointing but I've heard many people referring Gras as swallowing food. Even almost all the online English translations have that mentioned in that way. But I've heard the following being the correct translation.

Swas is Inhale breath (incoming breath)
Gras is Exhale breath (outgoing breath)

Edited by das
Posted (edited)

Das, I agree with you however Gyani Maskeen ji gave and excellent explanation in his book, Shabad Guru Surat Dhun Chela.


If once a person listens, countless precious gems of Divine virtues will manifest, and the dirt of sins from the inner self, will be washed away and all the suffering will vanish. All the suffering is

due to the sins and these are the dirt of the mind. To hear evil, desire to hear evil, to think bad, to strike at some one’s wealth, to hurt some one, to hurt some one’s respect, such a thinking is the dirt of the mind. This dirt causes countless sufferings and sins. If the sins go away and evil thinking stops, then all these sufferings can cease to exist. This thinking of hurting others gives birth to numerous misfortunes and sufferings in life.


Guru's Word (Shabad) should enter the mind and this word will enter by listening only. It can not enter through eyes, nose, thinking, skin, tongue since tongue can manifest word but can not cause entering of word as it does not have hearing power. Speaking of word is like preparing food. Hearing the word is like eating the food. Therefore first one has to speak the Word: Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru. While speaking one has to hear it. We first prepare food, then put in the plate and then eat. In the world of meditation we have to speak and listen. Preparing and eating is done simultaneously. The tongue is speaking and the ears are listening. The tongue is preparing food and the ears are eating it:-


tripat bhee sach bhojan khaaeiaa

man tan rasanaa naam dhiaaeiaa

I am satisfied and satiated,eating the food of Truth.

With my mind, body and tongue,I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


One has got satiated as the tongue speaks and the ears listen. All the development in the religious world and all the links of the world are due to word and its listening. Tongue should sing and mind should listen. Mind has got one habit. It speaks but does not listen. Tongue can speak, but can not listen. Mind can speak as well as listen. But according to its habit it always goes on speaking. It has to be made listener so that it may listen. As and when it will listen to the Divine voice, to the Gur-Mantra, its sleeping powers will start waking. The more we awake, the more we will enjoy the flavour and presence of God. Thus God is not visible due to the consciousness being in sleep. Therefore we consider Bhagats as awakened beings, even in sleep they are awake whereas common people though awake, are in sleep.

Therefore as much we meditate and listen the Shabad, so much the Shabad awakes us, places our veil away, and opens our eyes. And as much the eyes open, so much is the splendour and manifestation of God. In order to open the eyes and waking the consciousness, there is only one method: to hear the Shabad. As the Shabad is manifested outside by speaking (in Baikhari), Waheguru, Waheguru, so are those words meditated:-

jap man maerae govind kee baanee I

o my mind, chant the Bani,

the Hymns of the Lord of the Universe.

In which Bani Govind (God) is mentioned and which Bani has manifested from God, we should meditate on that. Then we should repeat one Gur-Mantra: Waheguru, Waheguru, and listen that too. If after hearing one word, it reaches upto the throat, then it becomes Madhma and the tongue will relish. When such a person utters 'Waheguru', the tongue will be full of flavour. Consciousness has awakened from inside and it has influenced the tongue and by uttering 'Waheguru' with the tongue, one begins to get gustation.

Regarding this state it is said that God has dwelt on the tongue:-

prabh jee basehi saadh kee rasanaa

Nanak jan kaa daasan dasanaa

God abides upon the tongues ofHis Saints.

Nanak is the servant of the slave ofHis slaves.


When God's name dwells on the tongue ofthe meditator, he gets gustation. When the morsel of bread is placed on the tongue, one gets relishment. By uttering 'Waheguru', one gets great bliss. Up till now God's name has dwelt on the tongue; as yet awareness has come that the tongue has started getting great bliss. The repetition of saying God's name should continue and the Shabad will go still deeper. The sound of Waheguru, Waheguru, that has come up from the navel, and is manifesting through Praa, Basanati, Madhma and Baikharee, ifthe same sound of Waheguru, Waheguru goes down from the throat (Basanti); such a person starts hearing Anahad Naad and he has reached up to the centre where the instrument is ringing, but the sound of the instrument is coming from afar. At this state the glimpse of Shabad starts appearing.

Sometimes the flavour comes, sometimes not. Sometimes the sound is heard, sometimes not. This is the state when the meditator reaches near the door of God or near the Anahad Naad and Guru.

At present only sound or shabad is being heard but His glimpse has not been seen. Tongue has got relishment and the ears have begun to hear but the glimpse and splendour of God has not appeared. One has reached up to the Guru but not up to God. One has reached near the door but entry into His Abode has not taken place. The repetition of Waheguru, Waheguru should continue and this sound Basanti should go down and reach praa , that is , it should collide with navel. Then navel will completely open. This opening is just like the opening at the time of death and navel opens completely with the last breath and the body dies. But when navel opens completely with the strike of sound of Waheguru, body remains alive but the mind dies. Then the Supreme splendour spreads and the tongue becomes quite and does not repeat Waheguru, Waheguru. When Waheguru, Waheguru dwells in the breaths, Satguru ji explains that state as under:-


Eaek sabad mere pran basat hai bahur janam na avan.

The One Word of the Shabad abides within my mind;

I shall not come to be bom again. /11/1


dam dam sadaa samaaladaa damm na birathaa jaae I

With each and every breath, he constantly remembers the Lord in meditation; not a single breath asses in vain.


At this stage His sound is being heard in every breath and there is Supreme splendour. The supreme sound has produced supreme splendour (param parkash). The door has caused us to reach the Abode. In this way benefit of the life has been received. Supreme consciousness has been received. Universe and God has manifested in the body. This all has happened due to the Shabad and the act of spiritual quest. Divine Sound is pervasive in the universe and those, who have grasped it and conveyed to the world, are the only supermen in the world.




Edited by Sat1176

Here I'm not pin-pointing but I've heard many people referring Gras as swallowing food. Even almost all the online English translations have that mentioned in that way. But I've heard the following being the correct translation.

Swas is Inhale breath (incoming breath)
Gras is Exhale breath (outgoing breath)

​Das, the word Giras ਗਿਰਾਸ is related to the word Girahi ਗਿਰਾਹੀ
Thus Swas Giras becomes synonymous with the phrase "24/7" or "Atthe Peher". It means to do something all the time, since you are breathing all the time or if you are not breathing you are probably swallowing (since when you swallow you don't breath).

Swas can mean incoming breath but is not necessarily incoming breath. Swas Swas is referring to both incoming and outgoing breath.

Sat, that's a long post. Let me read it tomorrow and see if I can add anything or learn something.


​Das, the word Giras ਗਿਰਾਸ is related to the word Girahi ਗਿਰਾਹੀThus Swas Giras becomes synonymous with the phrase "24/7" or "Atthe Peher". It means to do something all the time, since you are breathing all the time or if you are not breathing you are probably swallowing (since when you swallow you don't breath).

Swas can mean incoming breath but is not necessarily incoming breath. Swas Swas is referring to both incoming and outgoing breath.

​I beg to differ and here is some explanation:

First of all, couple of things are important to keep in mind prior to discussion:

This whole world is just Parpanch i.e just the 5 things: Naam (Name), Roop (Form), Sat (Truth/God), Chit (Pure Consciouness), Anand (Supreme Bliss). Out of these, Naam and Roop are destructible and bound to go through transformations. Sat-Chitt-Anand is a sweetness, it neither dies nor transforms. This rass is called by names like Waheguru or Parmatma or Khuda or God. Sat-Chit-Ananda is not 3 different things. It is different dimensions of 1 thing. Immortal, eternal and unchanging.

So, now we're left with only 2 things: Name and Form. Both of these things are composed of five basic elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Then there are 3 principles: Sato, Rajo and Tamo. Basically, these 3 principles interact with 5 elements for everything. On ALL the levels/layers/planes, it is the play of Sato, Rajo, and Tamo gunas. In other words, if you want to understand this whole Universe, think in the terms of 3 (Three). These 3 principles could also be presented as: Neutral/Creative, Positive/Protective, and Negative/Destructive. e.g even the biggest Scientists have tried to graps this 3 fold idea as: "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe" - Nikola Tesla

Bottom line is: In order to understand the working of this universe/body (macro/micro) one needs to see the things as the set of three (Neutral, Positive, Negative). Positve is Expansive/Centrifugal phase of energy; Negative is Contractive/Centripetal phase of energy; Neutral is the Essence, Stillness, Neutral Ground. Some examples: Creation, Preservation, Destruction.

Breathing in this Context

Now, keeping the above points in mind; it would make sense to identify the breath as: Inhalation/Positive, Pause/Holding/Not-breathing/Neutral, and Exhalation/Negative. So, in breathing one could say that there are 2 parts: Inhalation, and Exhalation as Pause/Stillness is always there. I remember a Sakhi when Guru Nanak Dev Ji asked Bhai Bala and Mardana: "How much do you trust that you'll survive?"; to which Bhai Bala replied that "I don't know if I'll see the light of next day or not.". Guru Nanak Dev Ji said "That's a bold statement". Then Bhai Mardana was asked the same question and he replied that "I don't know if I'll breath the next breath". Guru Nanak Dev Ji again replied "That's also a bold statement". Then both Bhai Bala and Mardana asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji the same question to which Guru Ji replied that "I don't know if the breath that I've taken will come out or not.". From this Sakhi, it is also clear that breathing process has more than one phase which is independent as well as dependent on each other.

So, whenever we want to say 24x7 at more deeper level, then we got to mention the subphases of Breath: Inhalation, Exhalation, and Pause. Secondly, Pause is considered as the death; Mind cannot think (no thoughts) during the Pause phase as Mind and Prana are interdependent.

So, in this particular context, Saas Grass DOES mean: Inhalation and Exhalation and NOT Breath and Morsel of food. i.e One is remembering HIM during the inhalation and then preserving it naturally and then during Exhalation one again remembers HIM. Going with the morsel of food means that one is missing the 3rd exhalation phase. Pause/Stillness/Neutral is always present.

At last, there is no point in arguing if we (me included) just debate this vs that as it won't bring us any close to HIM but Practice will.

Posted (edited)

Bhagat - Hey Das how was your day?
Das - First of all, couple of things are important to keep in mind prior to discussion......This rass is called by names.... Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Then there are 3 principles: Sato, Rajo and Tamo.... In order to understand the working of this universe/body (macro/micro) one needs to see the things as the set of three ....Now, keeping the above points in mind  ...From this Sakhi, it is also clear that .... So, my day was three things - good, bad and somewhere in between.


I'm just pulling your leg. So onto the reply.

So, whenever we want to say 24x7 at more deeper level, then we got to mention the subphases of Breath: Inhalation, Exhalation, and Pause.

No we don't have to and Gurbani doesn't either. They juts say "do meditation Atthe Peher/ do meditation 24/7". That's it.

So, in this particular context, Saas Grass DOES mean: Inhalation and Exhalation and NOT Breath and Morsel of food. i.e One is remembering HIM during the inhalation and then preserving it naturally and then during Exhalation one again remembers HIM.

Why not use the term "Swas Swas" for that.
And reserve that term "Swas Giras" to include the moments when you are swallowing. Since when you are swallowing you are not breathing. You didn't account for this in your thoughts.

Going with the morsel of food means that one is missing the 3rd exhalation phase.

What do you mean?

Edited by BhagatSingh
Posted (edited)

Good pointer in your question: "How was my day ...."....... There are 8 prahars; each of 3 hours each. One day/night (24 hours/8 prahar) is equal to 1 Nakshatra which is equivalent to 12 (3*4) zodiac signs. It is basically the play of 5 elements (4 physical - Air, Fire, Water, Earth in the domain of 5th element Ether) and 3 Gunas. The following diagram gives a clue. The following images are from





When I said "Going with the morsel of food means that one is missing the 3rd exhalation phase......", I meant that if we think that 'Grass' is morsel of food, then it means that we're agreeing with 2 phases of breathing process (Inhale and Pause [during the swallow]) but missing the 3 process which is Exhale. But if one takes takes 'Grass' as Exhale, then we're taking all the 3 phases (Inhale - Saas, Grass - Exhale, and Pause/Source - which is always present).

Saas-Saas means by each FULL cycle of breath (which is collection of 3 - Inhale, Exhale, Pause);
Saas-Grass means Inhale-Exhale (and Pause indrectly as Source is always present)
Also even Saas and/or Grass could further be sub-divided into 3 and those three could further be subdivided into 3 and so on..... after-all, the Laws of Yin/Yang states that: Opposition, Inter-dependence, Mutual consumption and support, Inter-transformation, and Infinite sub-divisibility.

So, again, everything changes form: From one to another. What we call inhaling would eventually become exhaling or vice-versa. That's the play.

At last as I said in the last post and you've echoed the same thinking that there is no point of debating for nothing and ALL that matters is: do meditation Atthe Peher/ do meditation 24/7. If someone is understanding that during breathing and having food means 24*7, then it's fine as the person is getting the core message. On the other hand if someone's understanding is that Saas Grass is Inhale-Exhale, i.e remember HIM even after inhaling that HE is going to sustain us; then its fine too.

So, the bottom line is: Go with what you feel good about. I've just stated what I learnt from Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib wale and also what I felt personally after reading the works of Rudolf Steiner, Randolph Stone, Nikola Tesla and so on. There are numerous references about the three qualities/polarities/gunas in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji:we're instructed to beyond the 3 qualities.

ਤ੍ਰਿਬਿਧਿ ਕਰਮ ਕਮਾਈਅਹਿ ਆਸ ਅੰਦੇਸਾ ਹੋਇ

By actions committed under the influence of the three qualities, hope and anxiety are produced.


ਕਿਉ ਗੁਰ ਬਿਨੁ ਤ੍ਰਿਕੁਟੀ ਛੁਟਸੀ ਸਹਜਿ ਮਿਲਿਐ ਸੁਖੁ ਹੋਇ

Without the Guru, how can anyone be released from these three qualities? Through intuitive wisdom, we meet with Him and find peace.


ਤ੍ਰਿਹੁ ਗੁਣ ਬੰਧੀ ਦੇਹੁਰੀ ਜੋ ਆਇਆ ਜਗਿ ਸੋ ਖੇਲੁ

The three qualities hold the body in bondage; whoever comes into the world is subject to their play.


ਤ੍ਰੈ ਗੁਣ ਮਾਇਆ ਮੋਹੁ ਹੈ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਚਉਥਾ ਪਦੁ ਪਾਇ

The three qualities hold people in attachment to Maya. The Gurmukh attains the fourth state of higher consciousness.


ਸਾਖਾ ਤੀਨਿ ਨਿਵਾਰੀਆ ਏਕ ਸਬਦਿ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਇ

He cuts off the three branches of the three qualities, and embraces love for the One Word of the Shabad.


Edited by das
Posted (edited)

​Saas-Saas means by each FULL cycle of breath (which is collection of 3 - Inhale, Exhale, Pause);

Saas-Grass means Inhale-Exhale (and Pause indrectly as Source is always present)

​Swas Swas means two breaths and it can mean inhale and exhale.
Firstly the pause is questionable, and If the pause was mentioned, it would be mentioned as a third word.
Swas swas is the term you want to use.

Here the word Giras is a noun for (swallowing of) food.
ਸਾਸ ਗ੍ਰਾਸ ਕੋ ਦਾਤੋ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਸੋ ਕਿਉ ਮਨਹੁ ਬਿਸਾਰਿਓ ਰੇ ॥
The One Thakur who gives sustenance through Swas Giras, through air and food, I have enshrined Him in my heart.

Giras means to ingest, to take in. So it can never mean exhale at least in Guru Granth Sahib.

In this tuk for example, the word Giras is a verb for ingesting. Sus keeno soor girasa. Sus has swallowed the Surya.
Sant Kabir ji says -
ਚੂਕੀਅਲੇ ਮੋਹ ਮਇਆਸਾ ॥ ਸਸਿ ਕੀਨੋ ਸੂਰ ਗਿਰਾਸਾ ॥
The yogi (cools off and) loses his attachment and hope for maya. In him, the moon energy (cool, peaceful) ingests the sun energy (hot, bothered).

In a different tuk, Guru Nanak Dev ji says -
 ਤ੍ਰੈ ਵਰਤਾਇ ਚਉਥੈ ਘਰਿ ਵਾਸਾ ॥ ਕਾਲ ਬਿਕਾਲ ਕੀਏ ਇਕ ਗ੍ਰਾਸਾ ॥
He has expanded the Three Qualities (sato, rajo, tamo) and taken home in the Fourth state (Turiya avastha). He has combined Kal bikal - Death and rebirth - and ate them (thereby destroying them).

So Swas Giras is referring to breathing and swallowing.
And I should change my previous statement and flip it the other way - the word Girahi ਗਿਰਾਹੀ (a newer word) is related to the word Giras ਗਿਰਾਸ (an older word).
ਗਿਰਾਹੀ Girahi is that which you  ਗਿਰਾਸ Giras (eat).

I agree that to meditate is of utmost importance and all this discussion of meaning is mere playing around in the park, so to speak. It's not as important as meditating in the spiritual quest.

However in that playing around, if our aim is to understand Guru Granth Sahib then when we are talking about Guru Granth Sahib, we need to understand the meanings of words. If our goal is to understand Guru Granth Sahib then we need to understand Gurmukhi and the language that is used in the text.

Ps nice charts and diagrams, where'd you get em?

Edited by BhagatSingh

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