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The whole thing is excruciatingly male dominated.  Are women excluded from joining this path?


The whole thing is excruciatingly male dominated.  Are women excluded from joining this path?

Male dominated? Traditionally for most part yes due to war circumstances where singhs had to fight mughals, feed families and on top of it were outnumbered. But now things have changed, women are more part of nihang order than ever been and male nihangs have no problem doing so because they understand deep metaphysical concept of shiv(passive-eternal-masculine) and shakti (immanent, active, feminine) in gurbani and how both sexes are born with it just like shiv and shakti - yin (shakti) and yang (shiv).

Here is recent picture of harjasangat kaur khalsa in major nihang and panth event- holla mohalla:




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