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Bhangra & Gidda stuff is not for someone who wishes to become closer to the Great Wehaguru. People can say whatever comes to their minds BS is still BS. This garbage does not exist in the great Lord. This is for people who are unable to sit and listen to Gurbani. What brings you closer to the Wehaguru the Bhangra which is fun or Gurbani which is boring. Just like medication which medication makes your feel better a sweet or an gross tasting one.

Posted (edited)

Das jee's point is spiritual and is completely true.

There is no doubt that a person does dance to the tunes of Maya, but this cannot be used as a justification to indulge in physical dancing.

Maya has been refereed to as an intoxicant, in Gurbani. 


ਕਮਲਾ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਭੀਤਿ ਕਮਲਾ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਭੀਤਿ ਹੇ ਤੀਖਣ ਮਦ ਬਿਪਰੀਤਿ ਹੇ ਅਵਧ ਅਕਾਰਥ ਜਾਤ ॥

Maya is the wall of doubt - Maya is the wall of doubt. It is such a powerful and destructive intoxicant; it corrupts and wastes away one's life.


According to this, most people on this planet, including Sikhs, consume this intoxicant. But, can we justify consuming other worldly intoxicants (alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, etc), by using this example? - No, we cannot.


Bhul chuk maaf




Edited by paapiman
Posted (edited)

Paapiman, please show me where I've mentioned that this is the excuse to dance?

Bro, please show me where Daas has mentioned that you said so.


Stop seeing everything in black and white.

Here my point is NOT to prove or disapprove that bhangra and/or giddha is good or not. My point is don't put soo much pressure on do this vs that; this is allowed vs not-allowed.

Code of conduct is needed to keep this wandering mind on track. The over tendency to look at many issues in the grey region can also be detrimental to the youth/new spiritual seekers.


Walking on your interpretation, one would ban dancing, singing, music etc just like the Mughals did. Stop seeing everything in black and white.


Quote (Das jee)

Understand the realy point, as long as your mind is dancing but you're sitting (betraying yourself) in meditation, then what's the use? On the other had if someone is dancing by remembering HIM, then it is good.


Music and singing, which reminds a person about God, are permitted in Gurmat. We cannot compare dancing in remembrance of God, to dancing with women on dirty songs. The content of the song is the key.




On a serious note, you and Satkirin seems to have so much time to post and repeat your limited point of view without ever bothering other's point of view.

Paaji, a Saint's point of view is mentioned (video clip) in the initial post.


Bhul chuk maaf


Edited by paapiman
Posted (edited)

There's nothing wrong with dancing

Dancing can be a form of worship......... It's about what your mind is focused on.

The few of you that may understand true bhangra, will actually know what the moves represent.

You can dance whilst you are doing sift salah of Waheguru, but again it's about your mind-atma connection.

Try it!

Edited by Lucky

Dancing can be a form of worship......... It's about what your mind is focused on.


Bro, Nrit (dance) is a form of Bhagti, but it has not been accepted in Gurmat.

There are two occasions in history, where Satguru jee rejected Raasdharis's request to perform in sangat. One is mentioned in the "Dance" topic.


Bhul chuk maaf


Don't get mixed up............You have to realise that it is ''displays'' of worship that are not gurmat. ..and this means any kind of display, not just dancing.

Check my post again,, it's about your Mind-atma connection and what you have it focused on.

You have to realise what 'worship' really means.

A gurmukh is meant to get to stage of 24/7 saas saas and rom rom..........If you get there, then that means that any thing you do during that 24/7 can become acts of worship..because your mind will be tied like a knot with satguru.




A gurmukh is meant to get to stage of 24/7 saas saas and rom rom..........If you get there, then that means that any thing you do during that 24/7 can become acts of worship..because your mind will be tied like a knot with satguru.

Paaji, the above is the stage of a Brahamgyani. A Brahamgyani is not bound to any maryada - "Brahamgyani bandan tay mukta"

For ordinary people, who have not reached that level, maryada is a must.

Bhul chuk maaf

Posted (edited)

Paaji, the above is the stage of a Brahamgyani. A Brahamgyani is not bound to any maryada - "Brahamgyani bandan tay mukta"

For ordinary people, who have not reached that level, maryada is a must.

Bhul chuk maaf

that's a poor excuse again.

You are saying that gurbani is only for brahmgyanee, ... a limited view is not going to help anyone get to that level.

and NO, the above is not a stage for brahmgyanee because if we make the effort then we can all get there. Brahmgyan comes when the person completely merges in with Brahm., when yoa and brahm become completely ik-mikh.... he becomes you and you become him....................You need to understand this..  as person doing 24./ saas saas doesn't have to be brahmgyaan.. that step comes after.......the complete merging of the mann......

Bro, you have to stop thinking inside the box and stop using only a brahmgyan can do this or do that. You are talking inside the box of your own panj chor and not seeing the truth of gurbani. Gurbani is not about translating it correctly to understand it...it's about ''feeling'' it and getting underneath the surface towards the SACH that it comes from. ......If you have no idea what I am talking about, then you haven't even attempted to see it's Truth

I see gurbani being played about too much on this forum as a tool for battling egos....I urge you all to please not do this and stop using it from it's surface levels. This makes you no better than the missionaries, who do exactly the same.

Edited by Lucky

that's a poor excuse again.

You are saying that gurbani is only for brahmgyanee, ... a limited view is not going to help anyone get to that level.

Bro, Gurbani is meant for all humans, but certain verses don't apply to everyone. The Brahamgyani Asatpadi in Sri Sukhmani Sahib jee does not apply to me for sure. Having said that we can recite those verses and learn from them.


and NO, the above is not a stage for brahmgyanee because if we make the effort then we can all get there. Brahmgyan comes when the person completely merges in with Brahm., when yoa and brahm become completely ik-mikh.... he becomes you and you become him....................You need to understand this..  as person doing 24./ saas saas doesn't have to be brahmgyaan.. that step comes after.......the complete merging of the mann......

Are you sure that 24/7 saas saas simran starts before Brahamgyan? There are multiple stages (more than 7) in Brahamgyan, so we need to take that into account too.

Anyways, saas saas simran is a very high spiritual stage. It does not apply to many spiritual people.


Bhul chuk maaf


What the f**k happened to this forum, two persons jacked the whole forum, don't know why I bother to checked this forum. BS.

We take quality of this forum very seriously.What you think we should do? put them on quality control temp to ensure quality?


I have thought about this for few minutes/moments, i think instead of putting users on quality control. We need to start lock repetitive threads based on similar topic or same back and forth criteria that way we discourage the users to open up similar threads and back and forth arguing and hopefully we can encourage users to sway their interest more and more towards deep profound gurbani vichar/ commentary and deep experiential -direct experience topics/ threads.

What you guys think?


I think locking repetitive and redudant threads is a good idea.

And before locking the thread, you should allow each member to put down their final thoughts in a concise manner, allow them only one post, so that a nice summary is present at the end of each thread. And if in future similar issues arise, refer them back to previous summary and prevent them from posting redundant issues.


Posted (edited)

Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Kaleran wale prohibited people from going to Cinema.

But these days cinema is in our handheld devices.

Even I am guilty of watching TV, shows & movies. Fortunately, I do not feel the need to listen to songs.

But Sant Ji is right, how can a family watch a sexy scene together without getting the feelings of lust. It is sad but these days it has become a normal thing. I do not have a TV in house, but available internet and torrents make it so easy to watch movies. This is my weakness, and I need to work on it.




Edited by Ragmaala
Posted (edited)

Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Kaleran wale prohibited people from going to Cinema.


It is amazing that some Saints, even after reaching pinnacles of spirituality, stay firm on maryada.

Dhan Dhan Srimaan Sant Baba Ishar Singh jee Maharaaj

Dhan Dhan Dhan Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj


Bhul chuk maaf

Edited by paapiman
Posted (edited)

You are making it sound one dances on only dirty sounds, you surely you have one dimensional view of this world. Udasis/sevapanthis-adhan shah which taksali considers sikhs dance on spiritual qwalis.

Have you read bhai nand lal ji dedication poems for satguru gobind singh ji?.. It's very clear some of poems are done in intoxication in love pretty much not in sehaj avastha but rather expressed in dynamic consciousness just like mira bhai love towrads sri krishan ji..you really think bhai nand lal ji didn't fully express those poem in form of physical movement..i very much doubt it.

So time for you to rise above shariat. If you don't, don't go spreading shariatvad all over this place without looking at the essence.

Edited by N30 S!NGH

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